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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. 1 hour ago, steve25805 said:

    Well if nothing else this does go to showcase the utter incompetence of our government.

    Do any of these people come from a computer/ networking back ground? 

    Several hair brained schemes were dreamed up here, none of them worked, and although there is one in place, it relies on the general population to report 'offensive' sites. Nobody ever does , lol. There is now an ad campaign on Australian tv, targeting parents to educate their kids Internet / social media activities. (Primary school age, teenagers already know everything)

    This is how it should have done ages ago, instead of all the weird ideas that cropped up. At one point, they were talking about cutting the entire country off the internet, and making it a copy of the Chinese internal Internet. That one caused riots and was quickly dropped.

    The people in power are so clueless with the advances in technology. What would happen if the EU said 'no, you can't do that'?

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  2. Both of us play video games (we have a PS4 each, lol) and we have no intention of running rampart all over the scenery. People did this way before video games were blamed, just think of the few prominent ones is the 80's.

    Maigh does cause me some concern when she's online, her Scot background kicks in, and you hear "die fuckers, die" in her sweet voice. She was known as Miss_Murder once, and someone politely asked her to change her name.

    Both of us are hanging out for Cyberpunk 2077, been following that for a while now. Looks impressive (if it makes it passed our nanny state censorship)

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  3. Excuse me for living under a rock (or 25,000km away) but where does the Monachy stand in all this? There was a time where Kings and Queens led armies to fight for the country, are they just standing by bickering who is going to be next in line for a pretend throne?

    Your news has dried up here, nothing on tv since Teresa was ridden out of town on a rail, nothing on Brexit, bugger all about what's happening. Mrs gets online trying to read news (Gaurdian and what ever) but she leaves in disgust, bloody sites are infested with adds, according to her, lol.

    Whats the industry like, do you export anything? Is everything imported from the EU? Could you live independently from the EU like you did previously?



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  4. I just used Google Earth Pro and quartered the area in question. Not a lot to see, quite a few cars on the grounds tho, people are still working there. No obvious spacecraft construction going on, lol. 

    You would think that if this is so secret, it wouldn't be available to Google Earth, right?

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  5. Girls (and a couple of guys) who obviously hate it, the looks of disgust so blatant on their faces. Geez, you're making a pee video, at least try to make it look good.

    The fake desperation, it's never like that, lol. Usually, if I hear Maigh muttering that she needs to go potty, it's too late and it's already happening, I'm the same, think about it and it's coming out, ready or not.

    The fake or 'set up' clothed peeing videos. C'mon, who removes all their clothes, gets all underwear off, then puts clothes back on again? I like to see everything wet, knickers and bras included. (I know, it is sometimes uncomfortable, but looks so good)


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  6. How many other of the old theorists are wrong? The sound barrier was said to be unbreakable, yet it was done in 1947, and it was done buy building new technology engines, which got bigger and faster until about Mach 7 where it became physically impossible to move through the air. Could the speed of light be exceeded in the same way through the the progress of time? 

    The Haldron Collider can accelerate particles to insane speeds, not sure what their current limit is, but some of the reported results indicate that some bits exceed light speed.

    There is also a camera that can do 1 trillion frames per second, it was supposed to have filmed a photon in real time. The advances that are being made in science and physics are getting pretty intense, we will solve the mystery of the universe, or be engulfed by an accidentally created black hole.

    If we do break light speed, there is still the issue of relativity. Let's say you attain 99.9% and take a 4 year trip to Alpha Centuri, putz about for a while, find out that it's not a happy place to live, and return home. 100 years would have passed here on our home world, nah ..... FTL is not the answer.

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  7. My interpretation of time travel is a little different. 

    I would endeavour to send a camera back in time, but keep the camera in our time, as if the camera is looking back at a set period, with no interaction to local inhabitants. Could you imagine the uproar if you tried to find The Crucifiction, and nothing was ever found, or the sacking of Constantinople (if you could find the right time) 

    If there was time travel available in the future, would there be references in history somewhere? Or were all the heretics in history that were tortured to death were just unfortunate time travellers that got caught.

    Another thing, say you went back to London at the time of The Black Death, would you revisit the pubonic plague on the current population? 

    As @steve25805 has said, it's a head fuck, just gives me a migraine.


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  8. G'day all. Have you seen the latest pics of Mount Everest?


    Tourism is getting out of hand, even here, we have so many Chinese and Japanese tourists, the clueless authorities want to reduce the speed of the coast road to 20kph, so foreign nationals can take pics without getting out of their rented cars.


    Has anyone else been affected by tourism?

    10 people have died on Mount Everest so far this year, mainly because they never carried enough oxygen, and ran out of air waiting in a line to get to the summit. The place has also become a tip, so much rubbish is left up there, people crap on the snow, it's sickening.

    Has tourism degenerated so far that money earned is worth more than lives?

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  9. Ok, I'm in.....


    1. Your favourite hobbies? - Computers, Internet, alternative operating systems, drone photography, electronics

    2. Favourite song, band/artist? - Pink Floyd

    3. Favourite series/movie/cartoon (or all of the three)? Altered Carbon (Netflix) / Lord of the Rings / Danger Mouse (way ahead of its time)

     4. Who are you a fan of? -Err, no one really

    5. Your strongest quality, personality wise? - Dedication

    6. How do your friends describe you? - Solidy dependable

    7. How are you really? (how do you describe yourself?) - Casual, unfazed by anything

    8. A country that you would like to visit? - Scotland, Antarctica, Canada and Alaska

    9. Favourite food? - Well done Chinese food, and chicken, lots of chicken.

    10. Any guilty (non sexual) pleasures? - Not really, I like a beer every now and then. Spending money on myself, lol.


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  10. The whole farming thing is different in our community, machinery, for instance, is rented. One company has all of the required machinery, and when a farmer wants a field turned and planted, he rings them up, books them in and a convoy of machinery arrives. Same with the silage / hay baling service, ring the company, arrange a booking. A 60 tonne lawn mower will arrive, followed by the tractor / bailer combination.

    There is not a lot of broad acre in our local area, it starts getting large 40 km to the north of us where things are done differently.


    A lot of sheep and dairy here, with a cattle sale yard every Tuesday, which can be heard from our place. One guy we know raises beefers for Mc Donald's, gets him $12 million AUD yearly, so he says,  he calls it money for nothing. 

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  11. Yeah, the sprayer did the same, it overlapped the previous pass by 1 meter, and when you done the boundary limit, it would shut down some of the nozzles so it didn't go over the fence line. This wasn't a tractor trailer thing, it's a self contained, purpose built sprayer, weird looking thing, but it worked well.

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  12. 45 minutes ago, speedy3471 said:

    The screen to the left controls every function on the seeder, including mapping. It's a $30,000 monitor lol.

    The screen to the right controls everything on the tractor. My tractor has GPS auto steer. It drives strait down the field by itself and turns around on the end of the field by its self 

    Technology is so cool now, I remember when tractors had buttons with a hare and a tortoise and pretty much nothing else. I done some broad acre spraying a while back, it was GPS controlled too. It even took the 45 meter boom into its calculation, and turned you around accordingly. Felt kind of embarrassed to be sitting in an air conditioned cab, doing nothing.

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  13. Just say you're wearing thongs here, people from other places immediately think you're wearing women's underwear, you point to the things on your feet "nah, thongs are shoes, mate" rofl.



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  14. I really don't have a lot of stress in my life, the biggest thing I have to worry about, is what to do with the day.

    When sad things happen to those I care about, I offer support and friendship to help them through their tough times.


    F: I'm a programmer, and love to write and debug programs, wierd I know, but it serves the purpose. I also make music on the PC.

    G: I'm a male, it's carved in granite that males look at porn. It's soothing, lol.

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  15. Maigh has a plastic box in the car, it's mainly used for deliberate pee fun, but it has come in handy for several pee accidents. Yes, she carries spare clothing, said she can't trust her body anymore.

    Sometimes, she forgets she has used it, and the smell that hits you when you pop the lid off makes your eyes water. Some items have never recovered from this, no matter how many times they were washed, always had a faint ammonia type odour about them.

    • Haha 2
  16. 2 hours ago, peeingone said:

    I might have said something like this before not sure but will say what I believe. You should respect everyone's beliefs realize that everyone believes in something for a lot of reasons. Whether someone is A Theist of any religion, Agnostic, Atheist, Anti-Theist, Misotheist, Theist with mixed views on Gods, etc. respect everyone's beliefs. 

    I'm not saying that, or anyway implying that either, the topic is 'Do you believe in God'. Maigh and I don't, we think we are just living out our time on our pale blue dot in a nondescript part of the galaxy. People can believe what they want, people can do what they want, we respect, although we don't get, what you believe, just don't force views onto to people who don't want them. 

    On one of our trips to the USA, Kansas I think, we stayed in a small community, and they were outraged that we didn't attend church on Sunday. This went on for the entire day, the small town was deserted, everyone was in the church, which happened to be the biggest building in town. People were horrified, kept asking us why we weren't there, it was supposed to enable us to meet the locals, blah blah, blah. We moved on soon after, it just never let up. 

    I use Facebook as a kind of a PenPal thing, talk to people all over the planet, Sweden, Russia, India, America, Antarctica and South Africa and many others, learning about cultures, local news in their parts of the world, family life and whatever. Religion however, only appears to come from the USA, none of the other 30 or so people have ever mentioned their religion, and I've never asked. I've been blocked on FB because of it. Petty, I know, but this how some people are, if you don't fit in with the grand scheme of things, you're blocked. If religion can do this to people, then you can believe that religion has caused more death and destruction than all the natural disasters that ever befell our planet.

    Do you believe? 



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