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Posts posted by Scot_Lover

  1. You would hate to live with us, lol. Table beside the couch is littered with tv, stereo and PlayStation controllers, same with my bedside table (although I did build a stand to hold things while they are being recharged, phones and ipads). My computer room looks frightful, but I know where everything is, same as the disorganised chaos in the garage, M doesn't go into either of these. Locking up at night is best termed as haphazard, we have left doors open on several occasions, same with windows.

    Neither of us have any little “picky” things that are noticeable, we are just comfortable living with each other.

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  2. As has been mentioned, bathroom or outside. We do have a massage slide (look it up) that has it's fair share of fun. We use towels to clean up there, although some fully clothed sessions soak up everything nicely.

    We have to be careful due to our shared house, so all sessions get cleaned as they happen (try explaining the washing machine running at 11.00pm, lol).


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  3. M bought me an Oculus Quest 2 for Christmas, not knowing that my main pc was barely adequate to run it, I had to buy a couple of things (link cable and a new graphics card) to get it to work correctly.

    The quality of free video is pretty duff, if you had to buy one of these just based on free video examples, you wouldn’t do it. Signing up for a dedicated VR site makes all the difference. One site is called VirtualPee and it’s excellent, girls are gorgeous, and play with pee very nicely.

    The difference VR makes is pretty impressive, pee is seen dripping from hair, from nipples, from elbows, it just puts you in the room with them, and this is done up to 4K video. I’ve actually ducked to avoid a stream that was aimed at the camera, lol. I’m not sure I’ll be renewing membership though, living at the bottom of the planet means that this site is slow, 6 hours to download 10gb slow. I’ll be looking for something a little better. 

    If you’re thinking of trying porn on VR, give it a go, there are lots of dedicated sites available now, some have free trials, some have relatively low rates, others have higher rates but bundle 20 or so sites with the single account. 

    And yes, M uses it, she has found something she likes too.

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  4. Ooh, i’ll play too. Some outstanding projects here, mine is a little more tame, but just as nerdy.

    Raspberry Pi4 8gb running on a 250gb M.2 SSD. This no longer uses an sd card to boot from, runs at less than 30c and functions as a desktop PC. Not bad for something palm-sized.





    And to add to the nerdiness, this is my current computer ”man cave”



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  5. Cars that are scared of corners, you can be bopping along, following someone doing the legal limit, then, at the smallest kink in a road, hit the brakes, and drop 30kph. After the kink, they speed up to legal limit again. In most cases, these kinks are in a double line section, no overtaking permitted.

    The other pet peeve is overtaking lanes, people drive at 80kph (50mph) then on an overtaking lane, speed up to 100kph (60mph) then slow back down to 80kph on the open road.

    65 tonne lawn mowers (silage equipment) also hog the country roads, these have a max speed of about 30mph, 65kmh, and happily putt along with no regard to the 2km long traffic jam behind them.


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  6. Not exactly someone peeing on someone else, but Mrs And Mary did their own thing while walking about the public gallery during a visit to The Melbourne Cup. 

    Long flowing dresses, spider web knickers, holding thighs together and letting it go.
    They kind of got hot and bothered, lol. Just the thought of casually peeing in a crowd of 100000 people turned them into a hot wet mess. I don’t know how, but they managed to find a private place to ..... err ‘sort themselves out’

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  7. Please read the forum rules, and the chat rules while you're at it.

    This is not a hook up site, it is a community of like minded people. Look around, get to know people, share your info, join in.

    Barging in, asking for ’trades’ in your first post is not a good way to start.

  8. There was a time in my shady past, when I rebuilt manual transmissions, big tough Aussie V8 ones. It gradually disappeared though when automatics became more common (and the were able to handle it). Automatics are almost bullet proof now, practically all cars sold here are auto, you get odd looks when you ask about a manual, or you get talked into the dual clutch "automatic manual" option like my old A45. It worked well, paddle shifting in manual mode was fun, but the car did it for you.

    My current drive has a CVT, and at 100,000km, still doesn't need a service, its due at 150,000km and I'm not looking forward to it, lol.

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