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Everything posted by likesToLick

  1. Wow! +38C here today. That's 73 degrees difference, and we're forecast for +40 on Friday & Saturday. Just took the cover off the pool and I'm going for a swim in a few minutes.
  2. Both women are beautiful and sexy. I would be delighted to share pleasures with either of them. I have been with women as young as 19, and up to age 51. Both were delightful.
  3. This part is important with me. It matters that she wants to do it, and it feels good to me if it excites her that she can pee in my mouth. For me it is nothing to do with dominance or submission, just a warm, friendly intimate thing to do. I love to feel that little shiver of forbidden delight that goes through her body when she realizes that I am asking her to put her pussy in my mouth and piss, and that I really want her to do it. I like it when she is thrilled by the sheer dirty naughtiness of it. Her own pleasure joins with mine and each pleasure multiplies the other.
  4. Wow. I'm surprised at two things. First, that I never noticed this thread before, and second that no-one has replied. Yes, I have had a lady pee in my mouth, multiple times. Sometimes I have swallowed it, but not every time. It depends a lot on how strong it tastes. When it is very bitter and salty I prefer not to swallow. When she is well hydrated, the taste is mild and I like it. My most enjoyable experiences have been with an escort who had a pee fetish herself. The first time I visited her (for a "vanilla" sex session) she made it known that she had the fetish and wo
  5. This is close to my favorite position, but I like to move my hands closer together so her thighs are in the crook of my elbows and my fingertips rest on her belly. Gently pressing my fingertips in time with my sucking action can increase her pleasure, and my grip on her thighs means she can thrust against my face as she comes close to orgasm, without shaking my mouth loose from her pussy.
  6. likesToLick

    ROOM 101

    I always go out of my way to be polite and friendly when talking to staff in stores. I'm very much aware that they work hard, often standing up all day long, and receive very little pay for their efforts. In my student days, I worked in a hardware store and a fast food restaurant, so I can remember how difficult some customers can be. (I also have to admit that the sixteen year old me made some pretty dumb mistakes when selling hardware.) Most of all I am careful to do this if I have a problem with the store like faulty goods. I know that the front-line person who speaks to me is not i
  7. Charade The Third Man (Harry Lime theme) The Big Country Exodus Moonraker Skyfall Back to the Future Silent Running (Rejoice in the Sun, sung by Joan Baez)
  8. Wings Skyhooks Status Quo Little River Band (The real one) ELO (twice, decades apart) Dire Straits Ritchie Blackmore Deep Purple
  9. So much the better for me. Lots more ladies to appreciate my attention.
  10. Interesting. I guess we are all wired differently.
  11. Very good idea. I hope that many of them find a new home here.
  12. This could indeed be a major root of the discontent that people feel. British people have been suffering. Badly treated in the workplace, wage cuts, many forced into poverty, health services gutted, bedroom tax, zero hours contracts, universal credit, the list goes on and on. The cause of these problems is not immigrants or "Brussels". The problem is only one thing. Tories. Neocon economic fundamentalists. Not just in the Conservative party, but also in the Blair faction of the Labour party. The British working class has been robbed of its birthright. Unfortunately,
  13. I am also quite stricken by the similarity between the modern racist propaganda that led to Brexit, and the old Nazi propaganda of Hitler and Goebbels. It seems that people can still be taken in by such simplistic stuff, blaming other races or cultures for problems that have simply been caused by their own bad government. Reading what the "leave" voters write, they sound much more like Hitler's Nazis than modern day Germans do.
  14. Thank you Steve. Your clear and thoughtful post expressed the issue much better than I could.
  15. If you really believed that, you wouldn't be so scared to let the people have a say. The only reason you want to deny them a vote now is because you know you would lose. Put your money where your mouth is. People's vote now! No change without an absolute majority.
  16. 37% voted leave 63% did not. It's quite clear what the majority wanted - no change. Did you know that only a minority of Germans ever voted for Hitler's Nazis? I wonder if it was more than 37% or not? That turned out well didn't it? Perhaps the will of the people would have been better.
  17. Rupert Murdoch is an American, and he controls a lot of the UK media.
  18. Actually, 37% is a minority. You can't get around that. Only 37% ever wanted to leave, and the number is much less now. What are you afraid of? Democracy? Why shouldn't the people be allowed to choose? You conned them with a lot of contemptible lies, and now they know better. Is that why you don't want them to have a say? Many, many of you will not be able to travel abroad, not because other countries don't want them, but because they will be unable to get health insurance. Maybe that won't matter to you, but the older folks who can't visit their grandchildren will
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