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Everything posted by Sophie

  1. Voting closes Wed 30th December (10pm UK time). Good luck! All names have been randomised before entered into the list, and all votes are anonymous.
  2. Voting closes Wed 30th December (10pm UK time). Good luck! All names have been randomised before entered into the list, and all votes are anonymous.
  3. Voting closes Wed 30th December (10pm UK time). Good luck! All names have been randomised before entered into the list, and all votes are anonymous.
  4. Oh my I am lost for words... My knickers are soaking and it's not because I needed a wee! That was hotter than the sun, mind blowingly hot.
  5. Nominations are nearly over so I thought I would throw some extra names that haven't been mentioned into the hat! (I haven''t picked any yet, so I am not cheating by having an extra nomination) Category One : Best forum contributor The first category is for the best forum contributor. Who do you think has contributed the most this year? Who has made the best post? @oliver2 Category Two : Best picture contributor We have members who spend a lot of their free time collecting and sharing pictures for us to all enjoy. Who do you think is the best contributor this year?
  6. Yes I was. Katherine is very beautiful, she looks a lot like Danielle Maye. We have used the toilet together many times. Nothing sexual, just friends needing a wee together.
  7. That's a huge compliment. Thank you so much!
  8. It might be possible but I don't think it's the case here. I've known Katherine for around 6 years now and we're really good friends. It's not the first time she's told me she needs to pee out of the blue.
  9. I've leaked a few times but that has always been right at the limit of what I can hold. Usually the flood isn't far away. I've also given birth twice so that plays a part but I like to joke my pelvic floor muscles are so strong I could shoot a pinball through plywood.
  10. I have just got off the phone with my friend Katherine a few minutes ago and I just have to tell you guys about this. She had phoned me to say thank you for her Christmas card and that her present arrived. The conversation was pretty normal so I won’t share it here and we had been talking for about half an hour when my ears pricked up - “Ooh Soph, I don’t half need a wee” “Then go to the toilet!” I laughed, expecting her to end the phone call, put it on hold, mute, anything. No! I could hear her moving about then I heard a door close and the sound changed, it was more… echoey. Katherin
  11. I was out and about yesterday and I had to stop at the post office to get a stamp to post a letter. Because of the current pandemic there is a restriction on how many people are allowed in at any one time, only two people at once and everyone else has to wait outside. It was because of this queue I was able to catch a lovely little desperation sighting. Stood in front of me was a young, slim woman. Average height, blonde hair wearing a coat and some black leggings. I immediately knew she needed a wee from how she was standing, legs slightly crossed and squeezed together, unable to stand s
  12. Sophie


    I've probably posted this before but I think it's worth a second look!
  13. I wait until I get home and no I haven't.
  14. That has happened a few times yes, once one says they need to go the others join in. There has been a couple of times where there's 5 of us peeing together. and yes, I get very turned on by it.
  15. I have, I think this counts?
  16. Where did that sock go?!
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