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Everything posted by Chrissy89

  1. Oooh wonderful suggestions! The office chair sounds like it might be up there. I could make is so discreet as well….
  2. Ok so as some of you know, I have a new job in a completely new sector which I start a week on Monday and I’m really looking forward to it. on Friday, my boss told me at 3:30pm that I’d have to be in head office in London all next week to make sure my current projects were all handed over prior to my departure on Friday afternoon. I have no childcare arranged, no travel arrangements made, no accommodation booked, no nothing. It simply wasn’t enough notice and I personally think he’s done it out of pure spite as I heard a rumour that my job position isn’t yet filled. Some of my bes
  3. I watch a lot of pee porn when I wanna get off. It’s never stopped me having any sort of normal relationship. men peeing 👍🏻 women peeing 👍🏻 men and women peeing together 👍🏻 Watch what you wanna watch and enjoy yourself 😘
  4. Ohhh what a wonderful treat this morning after having such a bad day yesterday. Thank you! 🥰
  5. Girl…. This. Is. The. Dream! excellent find. I’ve added it to my secret bookmark list 😉🫠
  6. Omg. 🥹 It wasn’t instantaneous, but it sure was pretty damn fast. I’ve met some truly amazing people here, and I’m thankful for that but not one has given me such a surreal experience as the one I got when I stared talking to Bacardi. Since then it’s grown and I dunno what it is. My DNA test should be arriving today to see if we actually are related as my dad is from America so that’s a positive start 🤣
  7. Awww girl! You’re gonna make me cry. My life is so much better for meeting you! I don’t care that we met of a fetish site like as you have said, things have extended so much beyond what here brings and I’m eternally thankful for that! I love you @Bacardi ❤️
  8. I feel sick @Bacardi And no, it’s not the abdominal pain that’s causing this it’s the forces between us! 🤣🙈
  9. Definitely! Girl’ I’ll always love you… even if your pinky toe grew to be as big as your big toe! 🤣 We done a hard room with a 1 in 5 escape rate. Got out with only 5 mins to spare. An escape is an escape though!
  10. Saturday night saw myself, N, his brother and girlfriend out for the night in Yorkshire, yes it was a child free evening and a night of bowling, cocktails, an escape room and food awaited us. For those of you who remembered my brother-in-law’s girlfriend, L from Christmas she was present, for those of you who don’t then please feel free to acquaint yourself with the wonders of her peeing: Now, we had been out earlier in the day with the kids jumping around trampolines and inflatable obstacle courses and this was about 6 hours later and she hadn’t been to the toilet, not once. I
  11. You won’t need to let me know as we will both be grouchy and sore… 🤣
  12. Ohhh I really wanna pee with a girl, then make love to her right before wiping. It’s something I’ve dreamt about for a long long long time 🙈
  13. Aww @Bacardi my twinnie! Let’s just face it right, your cycle is syncing to mine it’s all gonna be fine in a few days we can be grouchy to our men and virtual hug each other to get us through it. ❤️ love your story though, if that was me I’d totally want someone there with me. It’s such an emotional thing to do is pee on a stick. Guys, you just don’t get it. 😅 soooo hard to not make a mess though! That little stick is what’s gonna tell you (if you don’t already know) that there’s a mini-me inside. N came in with me when I done it years ago.
  14. That would have been the end of my gaming session if I had heard that 🫠🤣
  15. It’s a genuine thought that goes through my head in that moment - along with 100 others…. 🤣
  16. Nah, I prefer to keep things the way they are. I don’t wanna be judged
  17. Definitely privacy. If I squat…. 1) I want to see who’s around and 2) I don’t want my bum to be seen 🤣
  18. I’ve never alluded to anything with them so probably not.
  19. My normal everyday wear is briefs or hipsters. I do have a few short knickers which are just super comfy and I love them. The colours range. No personal preference.
  20. I’m now planning when we can next go back 😉 She said she didn’t need, plus she had to stay with the kids
  21. The story within this song bursts my heart every single time! ❤️
  22. Today I went horse riding for the first time in my adult life, proper horse riding at some stables owned by my friends’ dad. I’ve known this girl (S) for about 6 years. We used to be neighbours and have stayed friends ever since. The stables were a bit of a drive out into the hills. I took N’s truck for the day and picked the girls (L and M) and E’s little friend up. We stopped off at a little cafe and had some lunch, few large coffees and plenty of juice. As we arrived and had a little tour of the horses that we were in my friends family, we got the kids ready and set off into t
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