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Everything posted by busbus

  1. So true but Keep it their just in case!
  2. Do in the yard where the truck well trailers are parked their drain running on the ground I tend to get out the truck hand have a pee, their aways a bottle in the door if needed but much rather just get out and pee outside when needed. No i don't feel that i have stretched bladder
  3. Though i would explain my pee’s for the day as a female truck driving in the uk 🙂 i appolgies for a similar theme for some of these I started the day at the yard and have my normal pee in the drain down the side of the truck at the yard it a bit of a tradition now, get in get everything sorted do check on the truck and then pop a sqaut and have a piss it quite often the first of the day but not today as i started later. Made my coffee and went on the way first drive was about 2hr 30 mins so about 1hr 30 in that coffee was taking it told so pull in to a lay-by and watered the wee whi
  4. As a Lorry driver myself (although female) we don't have time to be fussy about having a wee, you get to a point where you don't care !
  5. If i am using a real toilet their i like to shut and lock the door and have privacy let face it that rare, however if im having an out of toilet pee their i don't care whom see me and if they don't like it don't look!
  6. having used this turn in myself those hedges made a perfect toilet 🙂
  7. That looks like the perfect place for a quick piss stop and bets stopping at the services anyday shame the wife decided she did not need to go though
  8. That looked like a very must need pee stop 🙂 love a good roadside pee
  9. As a female lorry driver (well sometime) i can assure you that most of us will pee in public too but their not many off us, some days i will make 6-8 layby stops
  10. Most day , prob easier to count the pee’s in toilet ! last one was between the cab and truck at the yard before leaving for the night
  11. Is that not what the corner of the car park miles away from the attachly build for ? lost track the no of times I have done that 🙂
  12. I always take the dog for a pee first and have one myself while Im their kills two birds with one stone then 🙂 and avoids going into the service too
  13. Thank you so much for sharing looking forward to more from the trip
  14. Sounds like a great idea and one i def would be up to using
  15. I never do a just in case wee before leaving the house however will always do a just in case wee at the last layby before leaving the motorway
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