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Everything posted by LovesToWet

  1. As you started this topic, it's only fair if you show 1st
  2. I've never done this as it's too dangerous. It doesn't matter how safe you think you are, it's still not a good idea in my opinion. That said, I do have a fantasy of going on a non-stop drive somewhere while wearing some tight trousers and just pissing myself while driving. I would cover my seat in puppy pads and towels and put some in the footwell too.
  3. Another indoor session tonight. Taking it 1 session at a time to help build myself back up. Physio next week too so hopefully I'll get my fitness back soon. Gonna try and get outdoor for a little bit at the weekend too
  4. If I get hard out in public, I usually try to hide it incase there's kids about. If I'm in a pub, on my bike or out for a run and get hard after a piss, I tend not to shy away from it..especially on my bike. I rather enjoy cycling when hard and if anyone notices it, I'm usually gone by the time they figure out what they saw
  5. I would feel embarrassed if I was somewhat hard at the time otherwise no. Like @Kupar I have been for a run in tight lycra and plenty of bike rides in lycra as well as going the the pub in tight jeans and it's never bothered me, but then again I don't have a lot too show. And I think you're right, women braless or showing camel toe seems less throwned upto. Maybe that's because it doesn't show arousal like a boner does!
  6. I suppose it's down to how you feel. If you're happy to show off a bulge then do it.
  7. I managed to get on my indoor trainer on Sunday, just a steady 25 minutes to see how my knee would cope. It ached a bit as expected but it wasn't too bad. Hopefully I will be able to try outdoors again soon
  8. It's not a deal breaker for me. My wife has many health issue which have drastically effected our sex life. I've kinda got used to it now and have turned to self pleasure.
  9. @SophieThat is actually what I've done in the past when I've fallen off and it's what I did the last time I was knocked off too but this time I just couldn't do it. @KuparI did manage to sit on it in my garden but that's as far as I got. I'll have a look at your link later.
  10. It's been a few weeks since I got knocked off my bike and I finally felt I could manage a ride. So Friday night I got my MTB out of storage (my road bike got trashed in the accident) and got it ready for a ride..... Complete mental block. My heart says go for it, you'll be fine but my head just won't let me get on it. I've tried all weekend but all I do is stare at it. Never ever thought I'd be too nervous to get on a bike but here I am and don't know what to do about it
  11. That's great. Keep up the good work.
  12. @wetting_lee welcome, hope you have fun here
  13. Hope you're treatment goes well and congrats on your marriage
  14. I'd love someone to sit on my lap while we're making out and let themselves go like it's the normal thing to do.
  15. Wow, beautiful and hot. Thank you
  16. Dam AI, it's got me wondering what's fake and what's not now
  17. This lady hits all the rights spots for me
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