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Everything posted by glad1

  1. glad1


    By no means. I'd say the ratio is close to 1:4, but the men seem to make their presence more noticeable. On the other hand, I find that the women tend to write the best stories.
  2. How many of you know that your pee doesn't come out in a continuous stream, but as droplets like this?
  3. glad1


    I'm all for making it fun. I sometimes think the more naughty aspects of it keep a lot of the women away.
  4. Some of the women here have thought that WGP really stands for this. Who am I to disappoint them?
  5. I thought wee was more a UK thing. Of course, I love it when women say they have to urinate, drawing out every syllable of the word.
  6. It's good to know that there's still some paper money backed up by gold. :thumbsup:
  7. I thought I'd offer a new service here, one where you can ask questions about any aspect of this topic, from how-to advice to relationships to how you put more fun into our favorite sport. While I'm not a doctor (though I played one in high school drama class), I have a good science background and will do my best to answer. Occasionally, I'll even throw in a pee fact that you might not know. It's also been said that I have a good bedside manner and this is one doctor who is willing to make house calls. The doctor will see you now.
  8. My kind of woman. :) I'm sure she'd be great to have along on hikes.
  9. Okay, she beat me fair and square. And look, some nice spills on her tile floor!
  10. One night on a deserted beach, I peed in a woman's bikini bottoms. While she was wearing them. :biggrin: I think they were already wet.
  11. Sephora, I'll gladly offer you assistance, as I'm rather experienced in teaching women this most valuable skill. Perhaps, though, I'm not as good a teacher as I should be, since, despite my many efforts, my students have yet to better me. Not that I would complain greatly should there be a first time.
  12. I don't think you're doing anything wrong. In fact, I'd strongly encourage you to keep doing what you're doing. :)
  13. Do you have the GPS co-ordinates? I want to add it to my directory.
  14. If you would like more color, you can always take Vitamin B. Too much of it, though, can make your pee a neon yellow, almost lime-green. I once freaked out a hiking partner :eek: , after I tried out a new protein drink that must have contained a lot of it.
  15. I suppose so! But, what a way to go. :drowning:
  16. Or, you can always enjoy the outdoors. :thumbsup:
  17. Congratulations, another first for you! And I'll bet it won't be the last time you stand to pee. Perhaps, though, you should practice more in the shower and aim for the drain. :)
  18. You should be. After all, isn't it liquid gold? :)
  19. I think you're going to need a good-sized bucket. I can't wait to see you full-fill it! :wink:
  20. Glad :wink: I could be of help. I would suggest you drink plenty of water to keep your pee from being too strong. Maybe a little wine to sweeten the taste, or you might try pineapple juice. I'd avoid salty foods in general, as urine usually has a great deal of salt in it anyway. Finally, I'd also avoid asparagus. It makes pee especially stinky. Great to know you can apply yourself enough to keep from getting wet. I suppose I have an advantage you don't :wink: , but if I really apply myself, I'm good for at least a dozen feet. :woot:Sometimes more, but that would make one awfully crowded ro
  21. Sara, you are such a naughty girl. I'll always think of you when I'm in the pool having a close conversation with an attractive younger woman. Why, if you hadn't told your secret, I would have thought she must like me.
  22. The first time can be a challenge for many. Good it didn't feel weird for you. As how far as you wanted this to go, I guess it depends on how far you can pee. :wink: By the way, beer, rather than wine works better for me. :) Seriously, you seemed to take a great first step. I suppose it doesn't hurt to have friends on here. I think a lot of us are cheering for you. Looks like you had a wonderful day one at WGP.
  23. I haven't found any women watch me lately. At least, I haven't caught them watching me. I can only hope someone does. Even better would be if they would show me their appreciation, as well as any other parts they'd like me to see.
  24. I don't think we'd find the latter in unisex (i.e., one-person) bathroom.
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