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Everything posted by glad1

  1. How long do you think it would take to split, if I did this a few times a day?
  2. If I'd been there long enough, do you suppose I could have filled this lake? In any case, it definitely was fun trying.
  3. Another road, another stop. Don't you just love nature?
  4. I was driving down some back roads on spring afternoon when I was overcome by this strong urge... to step out and enjoy nature.
  5. I think I did a pretty good job here of melting the snow..
  6. Seeing how I haven't done any traveling lately, I thought I'd recycle some of my favorite pics. I'll be adding them as I keep going through my files. Hope you enjoy them, too. This one is from a few summers back. Long ago, I was told I'd go far. At least on this evening I did.
  7. Ground looks a little dry. I guess you haven't been by these fields recently. 😆
  8. That doesn't mean they're going to stay dry! 😝
  9. Kinda essential is this day of social distancing. BTW, I haven't lost a contest yet. 😆 I don't suppose any women would want to challenge me?
  10. Then, I'm not planning on wearing a mask. 😛 What are you going to do to me? 😆
  11. With all that's been going on recently, I haven't done much traveling lately. I'll have to post some oldies from times when I was suddenly called to the side of the road.. Guess I could call them "Blasts from the Past", like this one from a couple years ago.
  12. After you seed, I guess you do need to water.
  13. I find I have less interest in almost everything (well, except for this place and the friends I've made here). Of course, it didn't help that I caught the cousin to this virus just before we all got quarantined. And, since much of my work and nearly all my fun involves travel, you could say life has gotten pretty boring. But, these days, I try to get out as often as I can. I'm still believing that fresh air and sunshine offer a cure, if not medical, at least psychological. Often the best part of my day is a brief moment or three out on the trails.
  14. While I love seeing female genitalia, often just a view of the stream or even the puddle is all I need. Of course, so much depends on the situation. Some women can show off everything and it does little for me, while with others just the mere flash of a stream will send me over the edge.
  15. Just let it flow or, like some I know, maybe push it out with reckless abandon? 😱
  16. That's because you're always so ladylike. 🥰 I know some women who, after a few beers, have been known to blast holes through porcelain. 😲
  17. I store them on portable hard drives (at least two, so I have a backup in case one fails) which I can plug into my computers. I'm less trusting of a cloud site. It's not very likely someone will get a look at what's there, but I'd rather keep everything with me and only share with those I wish to. I put a good deal of effort into seeing everything is organized and labeled by content and date. That way I can recall it very quickly, whenever the need arises.
  18. Nothing wrong with being ahead of our time, is there? 😎
  19. I must be ahead of my time, as I think it's a pretty normal activity. Apparently, most all my friends here think the same, too. 😆
  20. It was fun. I, too, hope many others decide to join in. 😁
  21. This was from this morning. I'd gotten caught up on a call and forgot to post it earlier. Almost as much as you did. I suppose I might have to try again. 😝
  22. Not sure whether I'm qualified, either, because my urethra extends beyond my clothes. Well, maybe not always! 😱 But, on a few occasions, I've helped women who've tried standing to pee. Perhaps they enjoyed the challenge of it or found it more practical outdoors having to take off fewer clothes. Or maybe they just were slightly envious of me. I'd always encourage them, first by having them hold until they were pretty full but before they were desperate, then ask them to pull their lips aside so their stream could find an easy way out. I'd ask them to give a good push at the start and
  23. I love it, too, as well as what comes out of it. Would always love to see more views.
  24. That would be one crazy stream. And one very soaked licker! I'll bet neither one of us would complain, would we?
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