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Everything posted by James_erased

  1. I’d say that definitely still counts! I mean you’re still peeing *into* the ocean that way, right? Besides, doing it off the side of a boat could be all the better.. has that feeling of really using the ocean as your toilet that way, right?
  2. Loving the updates @Alfresco - I’m particularly fond of women peeing at the beach, so am very appreciative of the descriptions, and especially so the accompanying pictures too. It certainly sounds as if you’ve had quite the afternoon out pee-spotting there! Funnily enough, I did the exact same thing when in Lisbon of taking the train down to a similar area (Estoril is where I think I got off) to visit the beach, and was able to enjoy a similar sighting. I was at the far end of one of the beaches, as was a woman sunbathing by herself. She got up and walked to the waters edge, squatte
  3. This ‘bucket list’ style post.. 😅 I couldn’t agree more though - I absolutely love a wee in the sea on holiday! Half the fun of going in the sea is to poss in there, am I right? 💦
  4. I found this light up, colour changing urinal pretty cool! I also couldn’t help but take the opportunity to snap a couple of pictures of me using it, mid-stream.. 💦
  5. Anyone else see pictures like this somewhat randomly online, and left dying to know what the context of them was..? 🤤
  6. I couldn’t agree more - your bush is absolutely beautiful @puddyls.. so lovely and dark! 🤤
  7. I think the ‘socially acceptable’ expectation would (unfortunately) be D - i.e. hold it until you get home. That said, in such a situation.. my first choice would definitely be A - there’s such a rush of not only entering the ladies toilets (and thinking of all the female pissing of which has occurred in there), but also adding my own piss to it, too! Perfect. I’d definitely be a little loose with my aim, accidentally-on-purpose leaving a good amount all over the toilet floor etc 😉.
  8. I was walking home from town tonight and had more beer to dispose of - I was only about a minute from home, but piss is much better deliberately unleashed outside, right? This time I opted for whipping my cock out and walking whilst pissing on the footbridge (with cars passing below).. a nice naughty end to the evening!
  9. Oh wow, that is lovely and naughty! Thank you for sharing. I can only imagine the feeling of adrenaline as you committed to releasing that first spurt into the towel, and then the physical sensation of it gushing out, all whilst also on the phone call.. 🥵 Was there any feeling of anxiety that they’d be able to tell exactly what you were doing? I loved the bonus video too, such hot strong spurts of piss! 🤤
  10. Thinking about it, I tend to very rarely, if ever, have dreams of which entail me pissing. I have occasionally had piss related dreams, however - one fairly recently of which vividly stuck in the mind, was coming out of a bar/club, and there being girls who’d also just left and were all squatting and standing, pissing on the pavement and the road! 🤤 I was just walking along, admiring them all.. safe to say I was in my element in that dream, and was gutted to have woken up from it!
  11. Given that it’s the bank holiday, and being British, it was only right for the pub to be involved.. an evening guzzling lots of beer and water, of which all then has to go somewhere, right? As usual, I deliberately chose to not use the pub toilets, despite very much needing to piss when I left, so I could of course whip out my cock and unleash it all during my walk home instead.. these well-lot steps seemed perfect 😍 See below for my stream whilst in the act, and also the resulting puddle left behind - quite the marking, wouldn’t you say?
  12. Took the bike out on a nice cross country ride today.. I love being able to just whip it out and piss on the trail whenever the need occurs - so freeing, yet also naughty!
  13. A skirt/dress of which barely covers her arse? Yes please.. 🤤
  14. I absolutely love this Blink era! Absolute teenage nostalgia with the TOYPAJ album. The song that currently has a bit of a choke hold on me, is Smile by Wolf Alice - can’t get enough!
  15. I do indeed piss in the sink! Not super frequently, but it’s definitely a nice little naughty alternative from time to time (see below). I also definitely piss in the shower! Bonus points if it’s not my own.. hotel room showers, gym cubicle showers - and definitely poolside ones for a naughty rush! 😳
  16. I’m so hydrated that my piss is fairly odourless - there’s certainly no danger of it smelling out the room or anything like that. As such, no, I haven’t ever personally cleaned it with anything.. but that could be an idea if you’re feeling extra concerned and/or courteous about the situation. Truth be told though, cleaning it up again would undo some of the naughty enjoyment I’d take from pissing on the carpet in the first place.. 😉
  17. Well this has to be the easiest question I’ve had to answer all day - a resounding yes! Not only pissing in her mouth, but outdoors/in public too? I’d be in my element 🤤
  18. So @Louise87 - given that yesterday ended up being the last game of the season for you, did you manage to get any playful pissing in?!
  19. I’m pleased to hear you treat your rug in such a way! It sounds as if it’s definitely suited for you to enjoy some nice naughty pissing onto. How did the hotel carpet spurts feel to do in comparison to your rug, even more naughty, or? Typical neighbours staying up late and spoiling the fun.. not that I imagine they’d have noticed either way, mind 😉 I do enjoy a good piss out of a window - can feel very naughty and rather exposed!
  20. Oh yeah, the mouth pissing itself is the main appeal - but, personally at least, I also love the added filthiness of it also being swallowed! And definitely very much enjoy swallowing it too, seeing how much I can make myself guzzle down.. With regards to the last part, do you mean when she widens her mouth and/or he pulls out slightly to reveal the stream of piss still flowing into her mouth? If so, I totally know what you mean.. 🤤 hot as fuck.
  21. England (born and live here) Wales (multiple) Scotland (multiple) Ireland (x 2) France (x 3) Belgium (x 1) Netherlands (x 1) Spain (x 1) Portugal (x 3) Germany (x 1) Croatia (x 1) Poland (x 2) Malta (x 1) Hungary (x 1) Czech Republic (x 2) Greece (x 1) Hong Kong (x 1) Thailand (x 2) Singapore (x 1) Indonesia (x 1) Canada (x 1) USA (x 4: New York, Florida, Texas, California, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Washington)
  22. Oh yes - I *love* the sound of this - very naughty! I’m sure the act of wearing a skirt with no underwear will be a turn on for you in itself, let alone also slyly having a piss whilst surrounded by others? 😉 Will you be drinking to help aid the pissing? I think you should aim to not use the toilets all day, personally!
  23. I know what you mean.. I certainly had a phase of feeling like carpet pissing was crossing a bit of a line - but then I tried it and realised it just soaks it up with no obvious trace, and providing being suitably hydrated, no clear odour either, it certainly doesn’t ruin the carpet with the odd naughty piss here and there.. and it’s basically just too much of a naughty rush, that I can’t help but partake in doing so! 😈😍 Pissing out of the sliding windows also sounds delightful too, however.. although why let being on the 2nd floor stop you? 😉
  24. I think it’s safe to say I like your way of thinking.. 😉 it’s definitely very hot watching piss popping in general, but especially so inside someone’s mouth! Always best when also then swallowed too though, am I right?
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