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Posts posted by Eliminature

  1. I've used the public ones in the Dutch Capital. The Dutch don't seem to mind, but the foreign tourists look at me as though I've grown another head or something. Really! Have they never seen a woman pee standing before? 

    I have used a public urinal in the suburbs of my own city, but it's a lot more sheltered than these. You can look at those photographs on my Eliminature Peeing Standing Thread. 

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  2. No, no you misunderstand me. I know it's difficult to make yourself clear over the internet without the nuance of spoken word. Sorry about that. 

    What I meant was, I'd be perfectly happy to cross streams. As of yet, I've only ever done that with my husband. He's the only one who knows about my fetish in real life and is therefore the only one I've ever asked to participate with. 

    And thanks as always, @gldenwetgoose. 👍🏻

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  3. 9 minutes ago, Dutchpiddler said:

    I would love that

    Or better yet I could come in with you and piss in the urinal at the same time 

    Is there room for that? You could if there is room. 

    I've never used this one, but I did use the one a few minutes' walk up the opposite side of the canal near the Oudekerk. 

  4. On 10/21/2020 at 6:12 PM, Dutchpiddler said:

    Pretty sure I've pissed in that one 

    The next time I'm in Amsterdam (we were due to go this year but it was cancelled for obvious reasons), I'll seek it out and pee in it myself. If you are there, you can peek through the grille. 

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  5. 3 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

    Here's another one with a view. On the Cruise Ship Norwegian Star.  Best bit is that the view changes regularly!  

    Norwegian Star mens restroom

    I have been on a cruise with Royal Caribbean.  They had unobstructed windows in one of their toilets on the higher decks, but you only got the view when standing at the sinks. 

    I remember trying to use the ladies' lavatory on a passenger ferry a few years back. I was trying to stand and pee like I usually do, but the movement of the sea was so violent that I had to sit on the seat to prevent getting it everywhere. 

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  6. Also, don't very young males need to pull down their lower clothing and underwear before they graduate to keeping them up? It seems like a logical step for the sex that thry call fairer, too. Even more so since trousers aren't generally designed with women peeing standing in mind. 

    Note, I don't have children. I'm only going on memories of what my male friends did when I was a kid, but that was more years ago than I care to remember. I could be wrong about that.

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  7. 7 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Reminds me of a time I was travelling on business...   had been to a site for the day, then done battle with rush hour traffic to arrive at my hotel for the night and arrived bursting.

    Opted not to pee in the dark rainy car park, but it was one of those smaller hotels without a big lobby - started to lose it standing at the reception desk signing in - with a very pretty receptionist just the other side of the desk. In my case had to keep it inside my pants and stood right up to the desk to block any view.

    Fortunately had a black suit on so it didn't show and just about managed to stem the flow until I'd got to my room.  Then flooded the sink before the room door had even swung shut. Next problem was I was only staying one night and had only taken a change of shirt and underwear, so spent my time drying the trousers in the trouser press and hairdryer before I could go down for dinner lol.

    Eeeek!! I hope no one saw. Though if they did, I'm sure they would have sympathised more than anything else. 

    I must admit, the dark, rainy car park would have been my first option. 

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  8. 16 hours ago, Dutchpiddler said:

    The ones I posted are in Belgium 

    I believe that particular urinal (Kisses, I believe it is called) has been installed in several different establishments. They tend to get bad press from feminists who are offended by them. I can see where they are coming from but the fact is, they are not modelled on a lady's mouth. They were modelled on Mick Jagger's. 

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  9. 7 hours ago, brucejedi said:

    It also seems that nearly all women who do master it indicate they first need to shed all their clothes from the waist down, I assume because of stray drips. You can see such drips in the vast majority of clips posted (when the camera zooms in close enough to see). And in every clip I've seen where the woman attempts it in pulled-down jeans or through the fly of men's underwear, her clothes end up splattered, often soaked. All this leads me to wonder if the norm of women sitting down (or squatting) is not a cultural artifact, but derives rather from the extreme difficulty most women would experience in attempting to pee neatly while standing. 

    Nope. This is due to to women's trousers generally being modelled on men's. Women's jeans have a tiny fly which is quite clearly an imitation of the much longer fly on men's jeans. Therefore, manufacturers don't expect women to be standing up to pee and they don't cater for it. In other words, women are taught to pee sitting as children and society gives them no other choice. Women must pee sitting because society demands it. 

    I say eff that!

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  10. 7 hours ago, brucejedi said:

    I wonder if in fact many, perhaps most, women will not master the art of peeing standing up, even with training.

    Not so. I can do it perfectly well and there is nothing particularly special about me or my female anatomy. Moreover, I do this every day of my life. This is not a one off just for likes on the internet.



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  11. 24 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

    Don't know - Maybe I should try for a height and measure it!   I can probably get a fair height in spurts, but sustained flow would probably be about 4 to 5 feet off the ground.  I know when I pee in the shower I can get it to reach my chest with spurts a bit higher.  It all depends on how desperate I am and how much pressure I can get behind it.

    I'm roughly five feet six with my feet on the floor. As you may have noticed, I don't wear high heel shoes. I don't find them comfortable. 

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