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Posts posted by Eliminature

  1. 16 minutes ago, Dutchpiddler said:

    I'd love to piss in fountain 

    I wonder do they hook it up to plumbing for him or does his piss just run out everywhere?

    I don't know. I assume they put it over a bucket and emptied the bucket afterwards. Mind you, if they bottled his pee in little vials, I'm sure some crazy fans would pay silly money for them! Not necessarily just urophiles like us. 

  2. I love these. I think the one off the footbridge is my personal favourite. Very arousing. Closely followed by the bench. 

    Your stains on the walls are interesting too. You say that I had an advantage over you in distance (though I'm not entirely sure about that), but you'd beat me hands down with regards to height. You could probably pee taller even than my height! 

    Thank you for the pics. Even pee artistes like to see other pee artistes at work! 

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  3. 12 hours ago, Dutchpiddler said:

    For the lady eliminature 

    She mention a love of the rolling stones 


    I'd definitely pee in those, if I came across some! Love it. 

    I wonder what Mick Jagger's reaction would be to those things?

    Fun fact: Jagger has peed into Marcel Duchamp's Fountain. He had permission to do so, I believe. Though it would have been better if he'd just whipped it out and gone for it! 

    Back to the topic in hand...

    • Haha 1
  4. Definitely. More so since finding and joining this site. When out and about, I'm always looking for discreet corners that I could use or see someone else using. 

    If I see people peeing in the street, I have to walk past and hope they can't tell that I'm turned on. Of course, during the evening, it's easier to try to join them, if you're an opportunist like that! 

    I try to wear clothes that make peeing standing easier - though this isn't always possible. I've also adapted leggings to make a better fly for peeing in ao I don't have to pull them down. Dreading the colder months when it's trousers or nothing. I will have to lower those. 

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