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Posts posted by Eliminature

  1. Yes. I remember it well. Mainly my gran did this for me. I seem to remember her taking me into public loos was rare. She'd always hold me over a grate for a wee. I can't have been much older than five. Six at the very eldest. I didn't connect it to anything sexual back then, but I just remember feeling safe and loved as she held me and I had a long wee, which must have felt nice at the time 

    Learning to stand and shoot came later. That was obviously a bit more naughty because, being a girl, it was something that I wasn't really supposed to be doing!

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  2. 17 hours ago, Merkus said:

    Hot damn that was erotic! How naughty of you to bounce up and down to shake off your excess pee. I bet the guy in question though you were going to use the stall and not the urinal. I know if I saw you enter the men’s room and use a urinal like a guy it would be something I would never forget! I love how he high-fived you at the end, like he was impressed. 

    Yes, I think he was impressed! 

    Glad you enjoyed the account. 😉

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  3. 21 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    "Encouraged" in that if you choose to do it, it would definitely get appreciated - but not encouraged in the sense of putting any pressure on you to do something you're uncomfortable with. It's a fine line and one to stay on the safe and comfortable side of.

    Thank you so much. It means a lot. ☺

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  4. 11 minutes ago, pee01 said:

    Some hot stories of girls using urinals and naughty too. I would think too use the stall in mens room. First time I ever hear of a women high five by guy seeing a women use a urinal in mens room. 

    Maybe you could try high fiving a girl if you ever see her using a urinal? Providing she is fine with it, of course. 😉

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  5. 4 hours ago, bpb said:

    One of my most titillating images is of a female standing and Peeing whether it is in the open or standing at a urinal.

    I've done both of those! I'll certainly be sharing my experiences. If it's allowed, I'll take some pics and share those too.

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  6. One of my theories as to why peeing is arousing for us is that holding on and finally releasing uses the same muscles as orgasm. In guys, the pee flows through the same route as semen. It's possible that our subconscious connects it for us. 

    As UKpeegirl76 says though, it's there to be enjoyed. We don't necessarily need to look for a reason why. 

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