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Posts posted by Eliminature

  1. Yep! 

    On 9/17/2020 at 10:38 PM, Eliminature said:

    Not the most explicit of images, but this is me using one of the public urinals of Amsterdam. Unfortunately, it's in the nature of public urinals to shield the user from view so you can't see much. 

    I've covered my face for anonymity, but you can just see a few drops trickling down the concrete block in the full length picture.

    This is all I've got at the moment, but I thought I'd share it anyway. 



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  2. Watering a tree, grass or bush is always nice, in a rural setting. When there's no one around, just letting it flow out onto the grass. I also like to do it on a wall, in an alleyway or down a grate in a more urban setting. 

    I'm female, so in a gents' urinal is more thrilling for me than it would be for many men. All varieties. 

    I've been doing my morning pee down the shower for the past few days which feels nice. I don't need to aim and it saves water! 

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  3. 15 hours ago, Geepee9 said:

    Had a sighting 2 weeks ago. I was driving in the peak district and saw a parked 4wd facing me with a Dad helping his child to pee in front of the bonnet. The interesting bit was Mom standing between the car and close to a stone barn, facing the wall looking downwards with her hands towards her crotch. Nothing on show as the car was close to the wall and the doors were closed. She had the same stance of a guy peeing on a wall. As I passed I could see in my wing mirror her jeans were down by her knees with her hands on her pussy area, either aiming her stream or she-weeing, I couldn't tell which. It was the unusual stance that set the Peedar off.

    Glad to hear that I'm not the only lady who prefers to stand and pee. Maybe more ladies could learn.

    Yes, I'd be happy to give a few pointers (pun intended) 

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  4. 7 hours ago, Mr. Whizz said:

    Not to sound like a monster, but you should have definitely peed on their sandcastles. Not while their building them of course, but I've been to the beach and pissed on a few abandoned castles on a quiet day. There is something really satisfying about ruining the structural integrity of a sand castle or filling the moat around it.

    Just as long as no minors are there at the time! 🤣

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  5. 21 hours ago, speedy3471 said:

    Iam sorry to hear that you were bullied into sitting again. Very glad to hear you started doing what you like to do, you've cleary mastered the art of pissing while standing lol

    Thank you, Speedy. Yes. I do prefer it this way. 

    It was a drag being bullied into sitting down, but those days are behind me now. ☺ Kids can be cruel. 

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  6. 19 hours ago, Limpshot McGee said:

    When you said you "reassured him you did not have a penis," for a second I thought you meant you flashed him haha

    No of course not! I'd never do a thing like that. I was wearing a tight dress anyway. I'm sure he could see that I didn't have a penis. 

    Trying to remember some other encounters... 🤔 

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    6 hours ago, Alfresco said:

    Thank you and yes I would love to catch you peeing standing up.  I have yet to spot a lady peeing standing - I'm sure it happens regularly, just not when I'm looking!  And if I knew it were you and that you would appreciate it then I would happily pee with you.   I regularly pee outside and I'm not at all bothered if women see me - in fact I often use it as an excuse as to why I'm there when a girl is peeing - they seem to relax when they think I'm only there to pee as well.

    I'm sure we can contrive it happening some day. Especially since you travel for work. ☺

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