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Posts posted by Eliminature

  1. Well, in my personal opinion, making a mess on the floor or the loo isn't the end of the world. As long as you are considerate and wipe it up instead of leaving it for the next person.

    Remember, women are (not always, but usually) the ones who mostly clean the bathroom anyway. At least that's the case in this house. 

    • Agree 2
  2. 22 hours ago, Bacardi said:

    I can pee standing up too! Took some practice in the shower and at the dumpster at my old job, but now I'm pretty skilled! I too have been into women peeing standing up against walls for some reason, so I share your same sentiments lol. It really is an empowering feeling 👊🏼

    Oh congratulations, Bacardi! I'm really happy for you! 🤗

    • Like 2
  3. Just now, oliver2 said:

    ... how on earth do you know that? 😀

    He told me. I was talking to him about how the local council have been stringent against public urination where we live. However at the same time, public lavatories and street urinals are all boarded up and not to be used. I went on to say that this was absurd, especially since everyone has to relieve themselves publicly at some point, I'm not innocent of it myself. He said nothing so I said that I didn't believe that he hadn't relieved himself publicly either. He replied that he had, but only in rural areas. Never in a built up area. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Alfresco said:

    Definitely counts.  Bit of an unusual situation and very personal for you.  I guess that even though you know him well now that you probably haven’t referred to this situation!

    Well no. What could I say? He was doing so many gigs at the time he may not even remember it now! 😀

    I do happen to know that he has peed outdoors in rural areas, though. 

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  5. 5 hours ago, Alfresco said:

    There is another one which I can't remember whether it says gents on or not, but is in a fairly quiet place that you might like.  It is next to a lock on the River Thames at Shepperton and is effectively two concrete walls with turned in ends and no roof.   You pee on the wall and it flows down to the gutter at the bottom.  I'm guessing it empties into the river, although it may be connected to drainage, I'm not sure.


    I'd love to try both of those! 😀 I'd need an appreciative audience, such as yourselves, though. Just non pee enthusiasts wouldn't be quite the same. 

    • Love 2
  6. On 5/22/2020 at 2:22 PM, Alfresco said:

    I've seen and used that one.   Interesting that I think it is intended for use only in the evening after the main toilets are closed, but there is nothing saying that you can't use it in the day, so I used it mid afternoon and got some funny looks from passers by.

    I also know a guy who told me his wife peed in that urinal  when drunk.  Well she actually peed on the floor but used the urinal space to give what minimal screening she could get.  

    Picture of said facility below for those who don't know it.   It is located by a busy bus/underground interchange on a traffic island so people walk right pas (as seen below) and double decker buses drive past.   


    I'd love to use that one whilst seasoned members of this forum (including you, Alfresco) watch me! 

    For me, the least private urinals I have seen and used are the public ones of Amsterdam. Though to be fair, you can't really see anything. 

    • Love 4
  7. 17 hours ago, Hamster245 said:

    She oddly had pissed outside quite a lot, even telling me she'd pissed in a taxi cab whilst drunk. When the scenes were filmed at the woods, I pissed first with Chloe looking on. She was thinking about a piss but decided not to do it and so it was left. 


    I would have peed if I'd been there. Not sure how much I would have been able to produce, but I certainly wouldn't have wasted the attempt to let out a few drops in nature and feel the fresh air around my lady garden. 

    Live maggots under the foreskin makes me feel a bit faint. Yes, I'm very squeamish! Not judging him for having that fetish. If it makes him happy, good for him. ☺

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  8. 8 minutes ago, Hamster245 said:

    The man is me... Interviewed and pissing in the trees whilst Chloe watched me.  

    I was approached by the producers who found me via a 'meet me' advert on cascades website. After a lot of discussion it was arranged back in 2015. 

    Oh well, I guess this guy has kind of seen me peeing, then! 😂

    Thank you for admitting this. I hope it didn't embarrass you. I don't mind tellibg you that I find this quite arousing. 👏🏻

    • Cheeky 3
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  9. 22 hours ago, Specter said:

    Extremely sexy -- especially given that you pee standing up -- I'm curious though, given your unusual method of pissing, do you tend to relieve yourself into bodies of water more? Since you don't really have to squat/hover over them or anything, it might be easier for you...

    I've never actually done that. There aren't that many natural bodies of water near where we live. Though I could try the canal.

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