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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. You're welcome! Glad you liked it 🙂
  2. "The Little Red Chairs" by Edna O'Brien. K has just started it, and read out a passage to me this morning ("because it's the sort of thing you'd like") lol. Some context. A stranger has set up a massage / sex therapy (?) business in a small Irish town (so far, so Edna O'Brien lol). His first customer is a nun: She would tell them about the coloured lights slicing through the air in the room, and the effigies of gods and goddesses and she would tell them about the sacred music, the offer of paper panties and the marvellous splay of his hands. But she would not tell them that when she got u
  3. Yes - that's amazing! And I agree with Goose - no point over thinking it - it's just a beautiful thing, and a wonderful memory. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.
  4. An excellent day of al fresco peeing my friend! thanks for describing it for us.
  5. Yes! Write a letter! Keep the pee away from the mains cabling under that desk though 😉
  6. You are very kind Midori. Too kind. I heartily commend to you the writing of @gldenwetgoose - the master. Everything I learned about writing this sort of thing I learned from him.
  7. From a sexual perspective if nothing else, it sounds like your current gf is a more fun person to be with 🙂
  8. Thanks for the extra information. I am so behind the times when it comes to music really, but I too like songs where you have to listen to the lyrics (from the confessional singer-songwriter tradition think Joni Mitchell, Paul Simon, Suzanne Vega ... but there are many, many others of course). The point you make about knowing you're not really nice is an interesting one: that's there in some of Joni's work too (but in her case it's autobiographical lol). Oh - I didn't realise that was Alex Cameron's wife (and I am one of the few people on the planet that hasn't seen Sex Education - we don
  9. So much unfinished business I leave behind. So many stories waiting for the next part. I don't know what happens. I just dry up, then forget 😟
  10. Ah. It was a sort of commission 😉
  11. There is on this site a very long list of peeing scenes in non pee literature. Have you found that?
  12. My stories, like Goose's, are very restrained compared with some on the site. Each to his own of course.
  13. I have written for most of my career, but not fiction (unless you count my forecasts for the growth of various technology markets, or the scenarios of joy that awaited you should you have bought one of my clients' products lol). The only fiction I have written is on this site. And many things have inspired my stories. Some have been a direct response to a request (professionally I have plenty of experience of writing to a brief); others prompted by real life experience and a 'what if' (similar to what @gldenwetgoose describes). I'm happy to point you at the index of my PF stories if
  14. Thanks @Adyguy6970. I'm hoping @Admin will reply soon and let us know what's going on 🙂
  15. Fabulous stuff @M.Vixen! Great to see the story developing 🙂
  16. Hi @Admin - please would you be able to help on this? If necessary I can PM you about it. Thanks.
  17. Leave it with me. I'll see what I can do 🙂 Drawing the chart and populating it with examples would be a fun thing to do!
  18. Not sure I'm prepared to accept your challenge without a reply - I didn't define "sex" in my earlier comment 🙂 Maybe a two-dimensional frame then, rather than a spectrum: enjoyment of peeing on the x-axis and some scale of 'sexual enjoyment' (including solo, cis/heteronormative, whatever) on the y-axis. Would that be more useful? Your hypothesis would be that there is no-one in the bottom right hand quadrant.
  19. Maybe worth considering a spectrum from the "pee is an intrinsic part of sex and vice versa - it's a genuine fetish" on the one end and "I love the feeling of peeing freely / wetting my clothes, but ewww, sex? No thanks" on the other?
  20. Wow! I like the song, and the video is great too. I tend to get emotionally quite involved in some songs / stories and I really hope the two protagonists are OK! Thanks for sharing. (I have said it before, but I like this forum thread so much. It's introduced me to so much music I would never have found otherwise.)
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