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Everything posted by Kupar

  1. That's a great photo story @puddyls thanks. I wonder if the street workers might find a reason to keep coming back over the next few days to check the paving is OK?
  2. Wow. I did *not* see that coming. Wonderful boobs 🙂
  3. Seems a sensible choice ... then a celebratory double Scotch after letting go 🙂
  4. Sounds perfect for a marathon session 🙂 And healthy too!
  5. Agree with you there @gldenwetgoose. Coffee is a good thing in many ways, but does mean that you're likely to go sooner rather than longer ...
  6. Today's run: 6.25 miles (10.06 km); 52:15 (8:21 / mile); 14 ft ascent; 174 bpm; 890 calories. Pleased with that. But sorry @amack - no pee stops or photos today. It was all about pain / gain, not pleasure.
  7. So, you're in the mood for drinking and holding, and then enjoying what comes next - either alone or with another. What's your filling-up drink of choice? Do you switch on the coffee machine and dose yourself up with coffee? Maybe you're English, and a gallon of tea in the afternoon is a must. Perhaps knocking back half a dozen pints of craft beer or a bottle of New Zealand sauvignon blanc is best, assuming it's that time of day. Or maybe it has to be water - in large quantities - chugged back as quickly as possible. I'm looking for your drink of choice when you're intentionally filling u
  8. Against a tree on a longish walk in the country yesterday. Story and video in the Men Peeing section. Then later on during the walk, in the middle of the road - well, quiet country lane - hands free and just letting go. Too desperate to photograph or video!
  9. Hope you feel less stressed soon Foxy.
  10. I went for a longish (11 mile) walk today - the weather is ridiculously mild here at the moment and it seemed daft to stay indoors. I took my lunch with me - including a can of beer - and a flask of tea. I needed a pee of course. But conveniently there was a handy tree, so I used it. Video, low-res gif and the marked tree. https://www.erome.com/a/DacEh8HL
  11. We're missing an icon for 'sympathise' / 'sending best wishes'. That blizzard sounds extreme even where you are.
  12. Hope things get better for you soon @speedy3471 It sounds difficult for you right now ❤️
  13. Sorry to hear that @speedy3471 Sending good wishes from East Anglia.
  14. No, I don't think so - though there were guys constructing a new gravel pit and the associated conveyors on that part of the fen over the summer - they could have seen me if they'd wanted to - I don't think they did, and to be honest, I don't really mind that much. It's not a crime to be naked in public if you're minding your own business, and peeing is just a natural function isn't it? If you're miles from home in the middle of nowhere, what's the issue?!
  15. Yes - good plan. And a phone's not too big to carry is it. Glad to hear you're a fan of outdoor nudity - I love a naked walk. And in the summer I got into a routine of running two miles out into the fen, stripping off, run a bit more, do some callisthenic exercise (press-ups, lunges, squats - that sort of thing), have a pee, start running back and stop to put clothes back on as I got near to the village. Wonderful sense of freedom and closeness to nature!
  16. I will ... though I tend not to take the means to film when I'm running! I'll need to make space somewhere for the phone. ("Is that a phone in your running tights, or are you just pleased to see me?!" ...)
  17. I'd second what @gldenwetgoose says and I agree with you. For me, sometimes the mood just comes on me; sometimes I can work myself into the mood where I think 'I'd really enjoy a naughty pee now'. But the physiological need to pee carries on in the background regardless of the mood, so sometimes peeing won't be naughty. I find that reading the forums and looking at the videos and photos here is quite likely to put me in the mood for thinking of naughty peeing ... and really enjoying it.
  18. Thanks @Sweets Interesting responses. I totally get these. Who isn't made happy by unconditional love 😊, and dogs can be so enthusiastic about life, and so silly too. And there is so much happiness to be had from being with a person who just gets what you are about. I have a similar relationship with my daughter. I am always happier when she's nearby. There are times during family conversations, say, or when we are listening to others, when we just look at each other and smile because we know we've just had the same thought. And it is good to talk! But to properly listen as well i
  19. So inspired by a post somewhere else (that I can't now find) here's a pic of me peeing on a tree branch. Not against an upright tree, but sitting on a big dead branch. I saw the tree on a walk the other day and it was too good an opportunity to miss.
  20. I'm really pleased you started this forum thread @gldenwetgoose. It has coincided with a need get back to running with more purpose. All the 10k races I would have entered this year have been cancelled, and running without anything to aim for is not very motivating. So this morning I set out with the intention of running 5 miles, for the first time in quite a while. And I ran faster than I expected, which has pleased me no end. I'm not going to be setting the road alight, but not far off 50 minute pace for 10k. So thanks again. (By the way, if there are any cardiologists reading, please don't
  21. Your composting toilet sounds interesting. Is that the main one you use? Incidentally, the position of my compost bin at the moment is interesting. It's by a wall with a road behind. If stand to pee into the bin, I'm visible from mid chest up to anyone passing. Fortunately no-one's ever stopped to chat mid-pee. Bound to happen one day.
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