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Ms. Tito

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Everything posted by Ms. Tito

  1. I'm against peeing on graves unless it's the graves of: Benito Mussolini Margaret Thatcher Ronald Reagan Francisco Franco Ante Pavelić Dinko Sakić
  2. That was probably either very lucky or very unlucky depending on how you feel about seeing other penises.
  3. This puritan culture of sexual repression is a relic of the past and just needs to die out already.
  4. Really? Wow. Have you ever done it in front of your boys, or anyone for that matter? Pee standing, that is.
  5. Hehe thanks. I'm fine with standing and peeing "like a guy," but yeah, I don't like being called one.
  6. Again, we live in a society. Pee Gang rise up. Also I'm on the left wing but I don't support the "war on men." Attacking fellow working people and potential friends is silly, I think everyone should be free to pee where they wish, be they men, women, or those who vibe outside the binary.
  7. If I caught you peeing in the woods I'd fuckin ask if I could join you lol
  8. Okay, I'm close with my family, but not THAT close! Plus it'd be kinda weird for me to express my kinks around my family. And incest/minor family stuff really isn't my thing.
  9. I mean I like standing too. Squatting is honestly kind of difficult for me.
  10. I feel like I'm somewhere in between this divide. I'm a trans girl, and I like peeing outside, but I don't like being seen as "manly" just for doing so. I'm still shy about it as well, but if there's no bathroom around and I need to pee, why shouldn't I lift my skirt and take aim at a wall or a tree?? But then again I'm worried that I'll be made fun of or called a "fake woman," or "manly," or "a disgusting freak," ..... I have issues...
  11. I'm so upset my trip to Germany, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Hungary, and Austria was cancelled. Those places sound fun! Well, at least I'm getting my money back so I can go to two of those countries next year.
  12. I've heard many things about Finland also, mainly because there's lots of forests so people pee outdoors a lot.
  13. I love this country of Kaymala! You and Vassal have been such an inspiration for me. Maybe I could open up a Kaymalan embassy in Pisuaria ;>
  14. While I was in the lake. I'd love to try peeing into it from land.
  15. I have never peed in a pool but I've done so in a lake or the ocean.
  16. I usually use a Gatorade bottle at night.
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