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Everything posted by cornerstone

  1. Interesting in the way you described it, especially the non-romantic relationship part. I'm into that too, my favorite thing in regard to the whole pee fetish. Like Alfresco, I've shared my own stories a few times, in those threads he had linked. Any personal stories/encounters from you? Welcome to the forum.
  2. Squatting all the way down and letting the pee go straight to the front really gets me!
  3. You can't receive messages, maybe that's a problem. ๐Ÿ˜œ
  4. Thanks for sharing! This is definitely one of my biggest turn ons.
  5. Would you like to be there and have a peek? ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„
  6. I hope that male chaperone will take some pics or vids for the rest of us folks. ๐Ÿ˜œ
  7. Never been caught in public because I'm usually very conservative in where to be due to legal reasons (indecent exposure, public urination, etc.) and quite pee shy. Though before covid happened, a female bathroom cleaner always peeked into the men's room to see if it was clear for her to clean. Few times she caught me in the act at an urinal. It became quite a turn on for me. When the pandemic is over, I'm planning on exposing myself a places where people can see me pee.
  8. Lovely experience. Did you watch him pee as well? Caught a few glances at least?
  9. Not a family member but a family friend who I grew up with so she was pretty much like a cousin. Semi-watched her pee in the bathroom when we were kids. What happened was when we were kids, I want to say between 8 to 10, we were playing hide and seek around the house with a bunch of other kids in our families. For some reason me and her ran away in the same direction during the countdown and one of us (forgot who it was) brought up the idea that we should hide inside the bathroom and lock it -- if the kid who was "it" knocks, I would just deepen my voice and pretend to be one of the adult
  10. You and me both brother! This is the prime reason for my fetish too.
  11. Wow this is crazy! I thought I was the only one! Likewise, when I was little my parents always told me to pee in the pool because they were too lazy to bring me to the bathroom. So naturally, I thought everyone peed in the pool as well. It never crossed my mind that most people don't actually pee in the pool until I was in high school. I know, shocking, but it really was just one of those things that since you were raised by it, you never really questioned it. Funnily enough, there used to be a swimming pool in my high school and I signed up for their swimming class, and you guessed
  12. I'm only okay with the ladies coming to use the gents if they're using the urinals too. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Not fair if you walk by the get a peek and only find hide yourself in a stall.
  13. Was that the reason to install it? So you could use it?
  14. Hey, nobody said that they're only for men ๐Ÿ˜‰Ladies are free to use them too.
  15. Wow that's hot! Would be even hotter if it was at a public urinal. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  16. Hey man, thanks for starting this topic, it's definitely one of my favorite pee fetishes. From what I recall, I had 3 instances of using "unisex" bathrooms, none of them were too exciting to be honest. Two had no female encounters and the other didn't really do anything for me. The first story is where I had real encounters with another woman in the bathroom. This happened in China where I was part of a tour group, mid way through the trip, we were dropped off for a bathroom break. The bathroom they had there was a unisex bathroom but there were not urinals, it's basically a women's
  17. Amazing spot. I suddenly remember that I recall seeing a similar set up by a beach I went to when I was young. It was pretty much just a concrete wall with an indentation that indicates it's a trough urinal, about 3 feet high so likewise you can see their faces and upper body if you were looking at that direction. Though they were smart with the location of that particular urinal, it was decently far away from the main attraction of the beach. It's also on the opposite side of the parking lot so you really had no reason to be there or walking toward that direction unless you have to use it.
  18. Wow that's crazy! I would honestly be too pee shy to do what you did. Yeah, I guess my set up was exactly like yours but instead of a stone wall, they were just a line of urinals with no dividers. Yeah they totally can and did. It was pretty busy during the time when I was using it, the men kinda had a line too but it was within the bathroom and wasn't out like the ladies were. I think there were roughly 8-10 urinals.
  19. Yeah, they were 3 girls in their 20s. One of them was smiling and grinning a bit. I am wondering if they were talking about the penises that they were seeing. How was the line of urinals positioned in your case? Was it similar to how mine was?
  20. Are those the ones with a metal surrounding all around it where you only see the person's legs or the plastic ones that they take away?
  21. Another encounter I had was at the men's of the Barcelona Airport. The urinal closest to the sink was almost right next to the door, one small peek inside and you would see the first guy peeing with his penis out. Right outside of the men's was a drinking fountain, if you were to use the drinking fountain, you would get a complete side view of the first urinal. Honestly, most men's room don't have much privacy, when the door opens up you can almost always see one or two urinals. Though these two encounters I had were really close distance to the doors, the urinals were placed at an a
  22. The craziest one I've seen and used was one in Thailand. What made it crazy was that the position of the urinals weren't across from the entrance door, where you'd only see a guy's back if you were looking from the outside. Instead, it was lined up against the wall where the door swings right open. Of course, the door was propped right open at all times. That's not all, the ladies room was located after the men's room so all the women would naturally pass the men's room first and get an easy look inside. Finally, as always, there was a huge line in the ladies so naturally the line
  23. The town that I was in during college for sure. Our main street had a bunch of bars and clubs, on weekend nights, it's not hard to find girls peeing in between alleyways or some straight up on the side of the curb! Miss those college days for sure!
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