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Everything posted by cornerstone

  1. Hey fellow New Yorker. Hope that you're staying safe! We've talked before, looking forward to chat again. 😉
  2. Good point. And I agree with your sentiment on how often some office people treat and talk to cleaners like they're on some sort of pedestal. Absolutely disgusting behavior. I will definitely keep updating if anything proceeds further or have more crazy encounters with her.
  3. Wow, great write up. Thanks for sharing mate. For some reason, I love it when a woman is unaware of, just don't care, or it's her pure innocence that she is showing more than she should from peeing in public. Better yet if it took other females to help her out like your scenario! I'm glad it's still fresh in your memories, encounters like these will never leave your mind and carry it to your grave.
  4. Yeah exactly, I'm surprised to see it in my 4th grade class now that I'm thinking back. And honestly, at the time, most of us knew what penises and vaginas were. Unless I'm an early boomer, I was already reading stolen porn magazine with my friends at the time! 😂
  5. I'm unfamiliar with that magazine but I assume it's a column that you've submitted for? If it's published, please share with me and everyone! I hope it makes it!
  6. Thanks for those ideas man! You won't believe it, there were indeed times where I ran into her by the entrance of our floor, one time I even rode the elevator with her all alone! Most of the time we just smile and move on, sometimes I feel like we're both too shy to make eye contacts outside of the bathroom! But thanks for those comment suggestions, I would definitely give them a try, especially "we've got to stop bumping into each other", if I feel ballsy enough haha.
  7. Interesting. So do you enjoy watching at all? What do you like about it?
  8. I agree! I wish there were more unisex bathrooms or at least a third option for people to choose. Do you enjoy being watched or watching?
  9. That's reassuring to hear for sure. Do you enjoy watching men pee in a sexual manner? For me, peeing seems like such a private thing to do, its fluid coming out of someone's private. Probably the most private thing someone can do physically.
  10. Wow, where were those stalls? So they were just essentially several toilet seats with dividers? I would probably had an extremely hard time to go but would definitely turn me on now thinking back.
  11. The scene starts at around 8 minute mark. It's kinda dark but at the end you catch a glimpse of the actress's ass and last few drips of her piss.
  12. You may be onto something, I grew up in the US and I'm in my 20s. And I must say I'm not totally comfortable peeing outdoors when there are people around, especially not during the daytime. I usually only pee outdoors when I can't find a bathroom nearby and really had to go. I think a lot of guys are pee shy like myself, it's really hard for us to pee if we know there's someone next to us or worse watching! Though some guys don't have that fear and can just go anytime. Personally, I have slowly begin to overcome that fear and turned it into a fetish of mine. I can't wait to give a good sh
  13. Wow that's hot. For the women with the saree, were they standing? And did they see you watch? I vaguely recall seeing similar porn videos where the women with a saree were standing and peeing. Is that a common thing for them to do?
  14. This might be a pretty rare and unique experience so if anyone had similar experiences, please share! The reason why I said it's rare is because when I was in 4th grade during elementary, our classroom had a private bathroom. I honestly don't recall seeing another classroom anywhere else that had its own bathroom. I have attended three different elementary schools and all of them always had a public shared bathroom down the hall. Even in the same school that I experienced this in, I think we were the only classroom that had its own bathroom. Before I begin sharing the stories, here are so
  15. Thanks for sharing! When you guys stood on the right side of the bus, did you manage to catch a glimpse of the girls peeing? I would have taken a few peeks myself! I have never been to India but I've heard from my Indian friends that proper toilets aren't available in rural areas of India, people would just go behind a bush or something. Would love to hear more stories and encounters from that part of the world. Your story reminds me of an experience I had in Southeast Asia. I was visiting and was part of a tourist group, during our road trip on the tour bus the bus unfortunately bro
  16. Are you from the US? In my experience of traveling, US (and maybe Canada) are the only countries I've been to that don't have women cleaners in the men's. The countries I've been to in Asia, Europe, and even South America, always had female cleaners! It is still a bit weird to me but it's becoming a huge fetish of mine!
  17. From my trips to Asia, I've learned that unisex bathrooms used to be the norm over there. Though female urinals did not exist, they all just looked like the men's bathrooms. When I was in Korea, I used one of the what-used-to-be a unisex bathroom. The outside sign says Men's but inside there were old signs of "woman WC" on few of the stalls. I wish they were still unisex!
  18. I've had two separate experiences with unisex bathrooms. One was a bit more exciting, the other one was not. To be honest, both times weren't exciting for me. And to note, both of these times were full blown unisex bathrooms, meaning multiple users can go in at the same time without locked doors and have multiple sinks and toilets/urinals as oppose to the individual "unisex" bathrooms. The first one happened when I was visiting my friend at another college. They have three bathrooms in their dorm, male, female, and unisex. The unisex has urinals and everything, so it's pretty much like a
  19. I wish all female bathroom cleaners are like that haha. Recently at work we hired a new female bathroom cleaner, she would clean the men's during noon but never when it's busy. To check if it was busy, she would peek her head in and check. A few times she caught me peeing, I wish I could ask her to just come in and clean while I pee.
  20. This has been a fetish of mine lately. I'm from the US and it is extremely uncommon for female cleaners to be in the men's bathrooms, we usually hire the same sex or they would close down the bathrooms for cleaning. I swear US is the only country that has this traditional so it was quite an eye opener for me when I experienced it in other countries the first few times. I travel quite a lot, almost all the countries I have been to I have always run into a female bathroom cleaner. The other times that didn't were because they never had a cleaner to begin with or I maybe just missed their sh
  21. I'm uncut and what's weird is that I was born in the US. I haven't conducted all my male friends (obviously) that if they were circumcised or not but from the ones that I have known were. I never asked my parents why I wasn't cut at birth since the topic can get awkward and weird to bring up with your parents so I never found out. But hey, either way I'm extremely glad that they didn't have me cut!
  22. What were your experiences with watching guys pee at the urinal? Especially strangers. That always turn me on!
  23. Interesting. Are they co-ed bathrooms or the doorways just happened to be next to each other?
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