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Everything posted by hold_on

  1. Haha you would probably think that about my pees lol
  2. All I know is as a man with a small bladder, a lot of women seem to be able to hold it longer than me.
  3. Or even 1 L to me is large lol
  4. Does anyone (especially women) here have an unusually large bladder? I’m really curious what it’s like. Message me!
  5. As a kid I had a very small bladder and often wet the bed. I do remember in 7th grade not getting to go between class periods and REALLY needing to pee by the end of one class! I feel like the teacher may have even commented something about it? Anyway by the end I ran to the bathroom and peed in a trough type urinal, and I usually hated those but I didn’t care this time!
  6. @gottapee87that's really impressive. I've noticed that I get to about 500 ml and I really have to pee. Sometimes can go a little longer but not by much!
  7. I wake up to pee every night. So annoying!
  8. @peeingone yeah my penis is just about 5” when erect haha. Can look really small soft though. as for my bladder i can’t go more than about 2 hours sometimes 3 without having to pee.
  9. Both my penis and bladder are on the smaller side!
  10. Totally agree. Does not and will not stand for ALL Americans.
  11. I like that! I can only pee about 30 seconds give or take so that's very interesting to me.
  12. hold_on


    Please don't do it.
  13. I've always had to deal with a smaller than average bladder, so I have a couple I can remember. Maybe my earliest was in 7th grade (not sure if I remember any before that). I was in History, my last class of the day, and for some reason I hadn't gone to the bathroom between classes, I don't know if I just didn't have time or what, but my poor bladder was about to pop. After class I ran down to the bathroom and they had a urinal trough which I never use because I'm shy and my penis is also kind of small, but that day I didn't care, my bladder was just too full. I remember feeling so relieved as
  14. I wonder if this group leans more towards larger-than-average bladders or smaller ones? Since mine is on the small side, I'm always curious to know where most people are.
  15. So true! I am in my mid-40s and my bladder is weak.
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