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Posts posted by Paulypeeps

  1. 5 minutes ago, Sophie said:

    Sounds interesting and definitely plausible 

    What do you mean by a leader column? I'm happy to help but I'm having a blonde moment right now lol

    The bit at the front where the editor or other senior authors offer their opinions on usually topical matters, but often campaigning or supporting a campaign.

    Suitable subjects might be the effect of lockdown on the opportunities for public peeing (both positive and negative), or perhaps the state of the carpet industry related to the quality of carpet in terms of being suitable for peeing on, or perhaps a suggestion that hotels should have a rating scheme so you know in advance how much you can pee in the bed each night with a personal reflection on why it would help. 

    Getting authorised images I think is going to be that hard part. Print on demand should work for distribution.

    I just tagged a few people I thought of from the top of my head that I think have a lot to offer, please feel free to suggest anyone else you think might help.

    • Thanks 1
  2. I was thinking that we might have sufficient material now to make an initial print version of 'Wet Carpet' magazine. We would have to abide by the rules and only use material which we have the appropriate copyright permissions of course, but if we collaborate I think we could make something quite readable.

    We would need:-

    1. Cover photo @puddyls @MiaDarling Anyone else like to offer?
    2. A leader column @steve25805 @Sophie
    3. Real life wetting experience @puddyls
    4. Nappy News @MiaDarling
    5. Dear Wet Carpet agony column (questions from @Kupar)
    6. Cock Corner men's interest page?
    7. Short story @steve25805 @hentaixt
    8. Serialised story @wetwulf @Alfresco
    9. A journalistic special article?
    10. Someone with an ISBN number.

    Now, I think we probably have enough, maybe enough for a second edition too, if everyone would like to contribute...

    • Like 4
  3. I think I have rationalised to feel empathy for those denied, unless they have been offered an alternative...

    ...Now if someone mentions that they want to pee, and are then told it is OK to wet, if they still hold out for a toilet that is very much their own fault.

    My friends sometimes mention that they need to pee, and I give them chapter and verse on how they can get away with wetting themselves there and then, and they don't of course so that is the point I start taking great delight in their predicament.

    I am not a sadist, so when it turns to masochism all bets are off! I think this works well in fiction too, just give the character a way out, and if they don't take it...

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  4. 14 hours ago, Kupar said:

    ...I think my film would be in documentary style. I envisage enlisting the help of @Paulypeeps to get a group of like-minded friends together, and having a film crew following them for a day. This would include some scenes in a house as they plan an afternoon of shopping, a meal out, some time in a pub and then on to a club, and home again in a taxi. The girls would nonchalantly pee in all of these places of course. There would be scope for scenes involving various states of dress and undress...

    Don't forget in the office too.

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  5. It is not easy to do this, but can be done with practice. I have some tips:-

    1. Don't let yourself get desperate, it is easier when there is no pressure in your bladder. You want to relax and this cannot be done while you are actively trying to hold it in to start with.
    2. At first you will have to practice with relaxing while stationary and then letting your pee continue to trickle out while walking. It will gradually start to come quicker and quicker as you get used to relaxing and eventually you will be able to relax while walking. The muscles you need to relax are not naturally relaxed when walking.
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  6. I am lazy so don't do anything that needs clean-up. 

    • If I pee in bed I just let my pee soak in to the unprotected mattress and leave it to dry.
    • If I pee on the floor I do it on carpet and again leave it to dry.
    • I pee in the shower and in the garden so no need to clean up there.
    • I wet myself when I go out, so again no need to clean up whether it is the cinema, pub, shops, etc.

    I drink a lot so my pee is dilute and innocuous. It makes life a lot easier.

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  7. This is going to be a hard one, but I think that the best way to get permission to pee on the carpet is to make peeing on the carpet the least-worst option.

    My suggestion would be to start wetting your bed. When it is discovered explain to your aunt that you tried to get up but did not think you would make it to the toilet without peeing on the carpet. The most likely response will be "Don't worry about the carpet, it is easier to clean than the bed."

    You might even enjoy wetting your bed too!

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