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Everything posted by mickymoist

  1. Wine, nice red preferably full bodied and chewy Whisky, love a good single malt, current favourite Lagavulin 16 Beer, depends on my mood usually like real ale best, If its a cocktail Mojitos for me
  2. After getting pretty full I decided to wet my jeans before bed
  3. I have today....but there was a toilet on the bus 😂
  4. well it's not Sunday but who cares, reading the chat and the forums and leaking 😀
  5. you'd be like the Pied Piper, with us all following you 😂
  6. just imagining following you around the fair is exciting!
  7. I was curious myself after reading this, so measured when i got home after a long bus journey today, at the time measured i was pretty keen to pee but I had just managed to walk to the shops first so not painful or anything and it was a fraction over 1litre just started overflowing the jug as I was finishing , fortunately i was holding it over the bath 🙂
  8. Never tried this but it must be a nice feeling, I'm on s 3 hour bus journey right now and it would be good to jus pee where I'm sitting
  9. Who knows but I'm not home so the bed is off limits 😂
  10. I think mine would be this, courtesy of @Riley Riley's Picture Finds thread, I've always wanted this to happen to me
  11. Just time for a sneaky pee in the bath before anyone gets home 😀
  12. my idea of heaven, can eat one at any time of day
  13. sampled a nice draft beer today, Hobgoblin from Wychwood Brewery https://www.wychwood.co.uk They make a lot of nice stuff
  14. Okay I think you could turn me! do you want to get married 😂😂
  15. Oh I like the avatar makers, may be the perfect thing too mess with on my 3 hour bus journey today 🙂
  16. Unless we need more than a pee of course, then we have all the same issues 😀 If I have to sit on the loo Im much the same as @Riley not to bothered about sitting down anywhere but will give the seat a quick wipe if theres pee on it. Also hate if the floor's a mess more as its tricky to keep trousers or jeans clear of it
  17. I was pretty scared 😀 I had the phone ready to get a pic as well, but I'll keep working on it!
  18. I so nearly improved my naughtiest ever place to pee today, I share an office with two people, on a corridor with a couple of dozen more. Today my two co-workers finished early and I got to wondering if i could let a little pee go on the carpet under my desk. Even thinking about taking the risk was exciting me, so i shifted forward in my chair and got my dick out of my trousers and tried to relax....then I heard footsteps coming down the corridor towards my open door and quickly put it away. The steps continued past my room and I waited a bit to make sure they weren't coming back, afte
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