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Posts posted by mickymoist

  1. 40 minutes ago, Scot_Lover said:

    Has anyone else been affected by tourism?

    not really where I am,  we have tourists visiting some of our historic sites but we could probably do with more to help the local economy

    • Haha 2
  2. 4 minutes ago, Scot_Lover said:

    Tourism is getting out of hand, even here, we have so many Chinese and Japanese tourists, the clueless authorities want to reduce the speed of the coast road to 20kph, so foreign nationals can take pics without getting out of their rented cars.

    that's mad!!

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  3. Hey @Scot_Lover yes I was hearing about this on the radio, record numbers getting killed up there this year too, its getting ridiculous and apparently the place is just a rubbish dump of stuff that people leave behind, sad

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  4. 5 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Just a follow on thought - my phone gives the option to read text out loud - sometimes in the mood while I’m driving home I’ll have my phone read me a wet bedtime story.

    (On the iPhone it’s under general > settings > accessibility > speech. You can choose the voice too, Serena is my favourite to be whispering naughtiness in my ear). 

    what a good idea, I never thought of that!

    edit: this works pretty well 😁

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  5. okay I'll try

    1. Your favourite hobbies? - Gaming, Sports (watching), Photography, 

    2. Favourite song, band/artist? - Rush

    3. Favourite series/movie/cartoon (or all of the three)? - Game of Thrones/Raging Bull/South Park

    4. Who are you a fan of? - not sure on this one still thinking

    5. Your strongest quality, personality wise? - like to think I'm a kind person

    6. How do your friends describe you? - never asked them, but probably fairly outgoing and fun

    7. How are you really? (how do you describe yourself?) - introverted, bit of a worrier, closet hypochondriac 😁

    8. A country that you would like to visit? - South Africa somewhere, would love to photograph some of the wildlife before its all gone

    9. Favourite food? - not much food I don't like but a good steak is my favourite

    10. Any guilty (non sexual) pleasures? - full english breakfasts and coffee ice cream (not at the same time obvs 😋)

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  6. to be honest youtube is so rubbish at regulating that I think its good that adult stuff gets deleted, I don't have kids but friends of mine do and they're always saying that despite filters the kids keep finding stuff thats inappropriate. We all know where to go for what we want we dont need it to be on youtube.

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  7. 4 hours ago, Sephora said:

    Hi Everyone!  Sorry that I'm not as frequent as I don't always have something to say. However, some of you will enjoy this one.

    I don't what's the problem with our neighbor, he's the type that doesn't care or repect us to a point that I am thinking about selling and moving to another location. We tried talking to him and he disregard what we say and even told us to fuck off. They do the minimum yard work and cut their grass like once per month, his son blew all of their cut grasss on ours lawn. They cut a big section of our tree without asking and now that tree is considered dead.

    About 3 weeks ago, my hubby comes in the house and asked me if I needed to pee. At the moment I didn't need to and he told me to let him know and goes back outside. So I'm here thinking, he want's a golden shower, about an hour ..ish later, the urge strikes me, I open the patio and yell out his name, I see him jogging his way towards me laughing, so I ask him what was so funny, he told me to follow him to our garage. When I entered, I noticed our neighbors lawn mower in our garage. He told me they are not home, he emptied the gas tank and pissed in it and ask me if I can fill it up because were going to mess up his lawn mower. I laughed, well I did needed to go I pretty much flooded it. Then he brought it back and placed it back on their side yard where it was. He hopes that it will burn the motor which that would be funny. Last week, we noticed that their grass was cut but none was on our lawn this time. Our front neighbor told us that the city workers came by and ended up cutting their grass and they were find for negligence. Lololololol



    I'm so lucky, I only have a little house and there's only three other houses on my street all my neighbours are lovely we all help each other out, you cant buy that

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  8. On 5/21/2019 at 3:27 PM, spywareonya said:

    My games are a bit complicated to be played

    I would like to start like this: I want anybody interested in partecipating to explain me what they love of piss, what they do not love, and both why, also I need to know something of where they live

    Elsewhere I could end up with proposing something stupid

    I'm single, live alone in a Terrace house in a small town in the countryside in Wales, have a small back yard overlooked by other houses, which is challenging but the risk fun. Like most things about pee Wetting, holding/edging pissing in naughty places, watching girls do all of the above

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