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Posts posted by mickymoist

  1. 1 hour ago, chubbybirb999 said:

    My flat mate got a couple of days night shift work so he’s just left for work at 4pm and won’t be home until early tomorrow morning. I’ve been debating about having some fun and indulging my pee fetish as changes to be alone all night are very few and far between! 

    What do you all think? Should I? 

    And if I do, what sort of things could I get up to? 

    You definitely should! 🙂 

    What is a different story, anything that takes your fancy I guess, I had  lots of fun drinking plenty and peeing in lots of different places around the house (but not the toilet)

    ...and of course what @F.W said is always good!

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  2. @chubbybirb999 So sorry to hear what you're going through, bullying of any kind is disgraceful, I really hope you can get it sorted out one way or another.  There are people who care here and I know you've been missed,  please don't feel that you have to be posting pics or describing pee stuff to come here. I'm sure there are plenty of people here who are happy to just chat and be supportive. 

    Take care x

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  3. Just now, speedy3471 said:

    Believe it or not I've got some hills that I can't seed going up them! I run out of traction. Those tracks are 36 inches wide. The seeder weighs around 150,000 pounds when loaded, then seed around an inch and a half deep


  4. 10 minutes ago, peeingone said:

    What do You mean by that blackie is above Me? This makes it seem like You are trying to something offensive. Please forgive Me if I am wrong about My assumption regarding that comment. 

    Blackie aka blackinksoul ist the person above speedy, and she said she was lonely, so speedy kindly offers her coffee and a chat

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  5. I've liked  both here because I've not really tried either yet, although I did pee a little bit on the carpet under my desk at work, not really a proper carpet as it had no pile to it, but that was very exciting.

    I hate cleaning and am worried that the carpet at home would smell, wouldn't bother me but I get visitors. My hardwood floor has a few gap so pee could seep under and damage it. I always put towels or something down 😳

    Tiles are good too!

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