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Everything posted by 2prnot2p

  1. Oh Canada...I love Canada! I'd live there if it were feasible. Great country with great people. I'm only 20 minutes from the border and have thoroughly enjoyed every visit to Canada. 🙂 (Speedy, isn't that the province that Gordie Howe was from? I think he was from there. Mr. Hockey played for our team here in Detroit.)
  2. I think it was bound to happen. I can recall when Tumblr was mostly mainstream content. Oh well. Their loss is maybe Pee Fans' gain. We'll see. At any rate, Pee Fans rocks! I think Tumblrs will love it here. Wait, is Tumblrs even a word? LOL! 🙂
  3. I must be on the retail stores schedule, Xmas stuff right after Halloween. 🙂
  4. Two guys are eating in a restaurant. One guy says, "Man, the food here is horrible!" His pal replies, "Yes, and they give you such small portions."
  5. Oh, ok. I know. Tons of stuff. Brian Wilson wrote so many great songs! Paul McCartney's all-time fave song is God Only Knows. Seems a bit weird, since he wrote a gazillion wonderful songs. Penny Lane, Eleanor Rigby, and The Long and Winding Road are hard to top! It's just cool to know what songs our heroes like, right?
  6. Beach Boys '69 was an official release. But, it was not released until 1976. Maybe I misunderstood you. What I mean is that it is not a bootleg.
  7. I never got to see the Beach Boys, but I have their album entitled Live In London '69. It's great and I play it often. I have it on CD. California Girls, Good Vibrations, God Only Knows, Do it Again, & many more great songs are on that live album. I highly recommend it!
  8. The link below is an article from Cosmopolitan magazine. They interviewed four people, including one woman, about their pee activity. Cosmopolitan Magazine - Article on Golden Showers
  9. Nice topic, Admin. Speaking of erections, I was told that I was a lousy lover when I was young. Before sex, I thought it best to wait for the swelling to go down! Like shooting pool with a rope! LMAO! 🤣 (Sorry for the joke, i.e., bad humor. I couldn't resist.)
  10. 'Wall Street Shuffle' by 10cc. I love this song and the lyrics are as timely now as they were in 1974, when it came out. 'Wall Street Shuffle' - 10cc
  11. Ladies, I found these 2 GIF's that you can use for profile avatars, if you like.
  12. I guess I'll go first and say it's a good idea, Admin. 🙂
  13. Confucius says... "Man who cooks carrots and peas in same pot is...unsanitary."
  14. Here's a riddle for you, pee fans. Q: What's the difference between a chick pea and a lentil? A: No guy would ever pay to have a lentil on him!
  15. I tried to figure out how to embed the video below with no luck. So, it's a link. Check it out. Its great! David Bowie 'Heroes' Live 1978
  16. I couldn't agree more. I saw Bowie live in 1976 and again in 1978. He's the best singer I ever saw live, by far. In 1978, he opened with an electronic instrumental and then Bam!...right into 'Heroes.' His voice was so strong back then. He just stood still and sang his heart out, giving it all he had. I was floored by his range and power. Sadly, even by the time of the Let's Dance tour in 1983 he was not singing like that anymore. He seemed to get lazy as most rock singers eventually do. But, when I saw him he was tremendous.
  17. My late grandpa was a cockney and he would often say, "I'm going to go flick the dew off my lily." LMAO! My mom would get so annoyed. She'd say, "Dad, stop that." I was a kid and that made me laugh so hard! 🤣
  18. Brutus, if anyone had doubts about porn or sex being addictive, I think your story puts those doubts to bed. I'm not a psychologist, but did earn a minor in it. I'd say that you might benefit from counseling. I'm not a huge believer in therapy, but it certainly couldn't hurt. That's only if you would be willing to do so. If not, you'd be wasting your time and the therapist's. Most addicts are compensating for something lacking in their lives, or medicating to feel better. In other words, the addiction is usually a symptom. And then they get hooked. I have experience with a family memb
  19. If you've never visited The Bathroom website, you really should check it out. It's a free site of stories, experiences, and many interesting articles. I highly recommend it. There's also a video on the serious drawbacks of holding your pee too long and often. Enjoy! The Bathroom
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