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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. I'll keep it clean.... Where's you favourite place - and where is on your bucket list of places to visit?
  2. Quick shout for the ladies.... They're all beautiful, and definitely a thing of wonder!!! Ignore anyone that says number x is... or number y is prettier! There's lots of self-submitted pics that do far more for me than a lot of the pro actresses - the last thing this friendly forum needs is body shaming.
  3. Quick shout for the ladies.... They're all beautiful, and definitely a thing of wonder!!! Ignore anyone that says number x is... or number y is prettier! There's lots of self-submitted pics that do far more for me than a lot of the pro actresses - the last thing this friendly forum needs is body shaming.
  4. Quick shout for the ladies.... They're all beautiful, and definitely a thing of wonder!!! Ignore anyone that says number x is... or number y is prettier! There's lots of self-submitted pics that do far more for me than a lot of the pro actresses - the last thing this friendly forum needs is body shaming.
  5. Great contributions @Riley - made my evening.
  6. Here in the UK it's Remembrance Sunday tomorrow, where we remember those who have fought for freedom, not only in two World Wars but in other conflicts across the globe. The Royal British Legion are a charity who support ex and current service personnel and their loved ones. A large part of their fundraising comes from the Poppy Appeal, where they sell paper poppies and other merchandise which we wear in recognition of their sacrifices. So, that was a long-winded way of suggesting wearing something red and black - maybe red floral if you have it. https://www.britishlegion.org.uk/get-
  7. Ha ha @Riley - If you ever find yourself in the UK I'll take you on a personal tour of Liverpool - into the Cavern Club, to Penny Lane, the site of Strawberry Fields and more.
  8. We have an agricultural college very close to us here. It teaches all manner of courses, some involving animals and livestock, others around farming and land management as well as more general college courses. A lot of the courses are vocational - meaning they attract students from all backgrounds who are more suited to a vocational qualification than a pure academic route. The college has a fair proportion of residential students and from a few friends on the staff I know it wasn't at all uncommon for students to lose their retaining deposit payments due to damage to their rooms. It wasn
  9. Fifty sightings on one night!!! I think I'd need to stay near a defibrillator!
  10. That’s every reason. Hang on... why does anyone need a reason anyway?
  11. I think that pretty much nails it for me too - for me I think it's tied in with a bit of an obsession over girls 'private parts'. Way before I had any concept of sex or how it worked, I'd become aware that girls were built differently and consequently went to the toilet differently. Today I'm still fascinated by the female genital area - wondering whether a girl is naturally hairy or trimmed, sports a neat landing strip or is completely bare. Wondering what underwear she's wearing (or not). Wondering if she's an 'innie' or an 'outie'... and how neat her slit looks. I'm a bit of a fan
  12. Anyone got anything hot planned for the weekend?
  13. Nothing horrible about the writing at all - all incredible... love to hear about your secrets.
  14. For one, It's not exactly classy is it.... In the internet I know we're anonymous, so there is a certain amount we can get away with behind that anonymity. It's fun on occasions to flirt a little, imagining we know some of our fellow group users - knowing only what we glean from their posts. When we're hit by an avatar like that though... it sort of makes a bit of an upfront and unnecessary statement. If you imagine 50% of us (maybe more) are straight males then we're not exactly impressed. I'm hazarding that a lot of the ladies on board are similarly not taken by having a dick wave
  15. The internet has an incredible amount to answer for - but also is an incredible tool. It's amazing the way it's shrunken the world. I can only imagine the pain you've been through, but please be encouraged by the amount of kindred spirits (literally right around the world) who empathise with your experiences and offer you the greatest of encouragement. From little old me in northern England, please keep with the writing - if it helps you. If just chatting and participating here helps then do that too. All the best to you.... 😉
  16. I've only been a member a few weeks, month at most - I have to say I'm more than happy with what I find here. I'm very conscious that there's no single right solution for every member. As I look at 'activity' I see a lot of video updates which is fine, albeit personally I enjoy the real life stories and anecdotes particularly from the female contributors most. I try to be positive and encouraging, remembering that the yellow flood that floats my boat may be different for others. We're enough in a niche already to be picky and choosy - I'M APPRECIATIVE OF ALL WE HAVE. (sorry not intending to b
  17. Wow - Twelve sightings in one night... That's amazing!!! Thanks for the account!
  18. The question is of course... does anyone have any Halloween confessions to share? Somebody jumped out and literally scared the piss out of you? Walking home from a Halloween party absolutely bursting? Taking a leak on somebody's property as a trick (or treat)?
  19. Not forgetting Friday 13th Part2 - Insane psychopath is one thing, but cute furry thing makes her pee...
  20. Amazing @Riley - Guess nobody was about, but even if they were nobody would know your secret - thanks for sharing.
  21. Another point... (just to resurrect the thread too) - when photographing the act... When the moment comes and the pee starts to flow, chances are you'll have a limited few moments to catch the action. It's well worth focussing the camera before that moment, then either switching off auto-focus or locking the focus. As long as the distance between camera and subject doesn't change too much every picture will then be correctly focussed. To echo the above points, photographing in manual mode (perhaps with auto-ISO) will also help with consistency. If you do need to use flash then boun
  22. When I was just finishing high school, enjoying that last summer before everyone went their separate ways to work and sixth form college, a lot of time was spent just making the most of the moment. Close to my house was an area of green - big enough for a football pitch, with trees around and a rough drop down to a stream on one side. A few of the lads used to ride tatty scrambler bikes around, and a few of the girls used to tag around. Word spread pretty quickly about two of our classmates - Maxine was the bit of a wild-child and had a habit of raiding her parents' drinks cabinet. Along
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