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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. I hope you get the chance to be proven wrong... there must be some ladies out there willing to help? Even as a matter of education? Strange as it may sound, I love it on this forum when our lady members post about wanting to watch, hold and play with us - without that the whole thing feels a bit 'seedy', but with it far more mutual.
  2. Guilty as charged..... 😉 In the first instance I'm huge admirer of the whole female anatomy, and based on outfit I'll tend to make guesses on what may be underneath - thong / cotton / lace / sultry or cartoon print.... that sort of thing. That leads on to guessing of shaved / trimmed / full natural, although I'm most probably way off the mark in most instances. In your case @Jayne78 the black short work dress looks great on you, I would have guessed right on the underwear but not on the natural bush. Can't win them all! Toilet wise, I'll find myself wondering what desperati
  3. God loves a trier... although in this instance, God may not be wholly approving. The rest of us are though.
  4. Sooo naughty.... so hot... so nice. Thanks for sharing.
  5. Thanks @Riley - I had imagined a damp patch in the dirt, but this is soooo much more. Naughty girl.... I love it.
  6. Sometimes it's the small pleasures in life... Yesterday I'd been on a long bike ride, with a couple of coffee stops and a bottle of juice on the go. Despite that I think I was very slightly dehydrated - the urge to pee didn't hit until just as I stripped off to get in the shower. For a few seconds I stood at the far side of the bathtub away from the shower with hands cupped around my dick and balls. Relaxing, I felt the hot flow first against my palm and then trickling over my scrotum and down my legs, an intense golden colour. And yes, I did lick my hand after - a bit bitter th
  7. Now @Jayne78 - Thinking a bit naughtily... Now that we've established that others in the group are prone to urgency and leaking.... The chances are there've been occasions where decisions have been taken - pee somewhere other than a toilet or risk the extra laundry. So, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find out from your trusted allies some tales of daring. Where's the riskiest or most unusual place anyone will admit to weeing. Are you up for a challenge....? 😉
  8. I'm with @Blackinksoul30 on this one - This is an awesome forum with great tolerance for pretty much every aspect of the pee fetish, the one thing we could do with is more active participants. As far as general posting goes, I'm 100% for freedom of expression of views and the natural diversities that brings - whether it be favourite football teams, food, pets, sexual preferences or my pet-hate, politics. As soon as an individual's diverse opinion is used as a discriminator against them, or they use it against another then something has gone seriously awry. Celebrate the bond we have
  9. It is definitely a fun idea, especially with a bit of variety involved. In fact, I incorporated it into a story a while back...
  10. 🤓🤯 Absolutely amazing - lost for words.
  11. See @Jayne78 - you're not alone, it's a common thing - you have absolutely nothing to feel embarrassed or humiliated about in any way. Especially not here... surrounded by friends.
  12. Don’t forget a blow by blow account... pretty please!
  13. Hi @Jayne78.... From your profile it looks to be just about a month since you joined us, and you've been really active in that time.... From your initial intro and a fair bit of what you've described, I think you said you didn't consider yourself to have a 'fetish' but you did enjoy the thrill of sharing pictures etc with us. My question is - having become part of the community, having understood some of the diverse 'fascinations' that different members have - has it changed your attitude to pee at all? You've shared stories of accidents where you've felt humiliated and we've tri
  14. Thanks @Riley - that was super hot. I'm so glad you decided to stick with us and continue posting stories like this. Love it! On the mobile phone / hex bug front, my thought (imagination running wild) had been to get a bluetooth wearable vibe to control with your phone. Not exactly something you can ask for on your Christmas list though.
  15. Love the vintage images @will64 - perfect!
  16. Well, most of my fascination is around female pee - love hearing descriptions and confessions, fan of desperation, naughty peeing, wetting as long as it's not a source of traumatic humiliation, pretty much anything. If I'm out around town at night, I'm on the lookout for any sightings but alas never seem to see much and I'm not brave enough to lurk in the sort of alleys where it may be taking place. I don't have anyone to share my secret life with, apart from you good people so it's mostly a case of enjoying the company here and internet content. For me personally, I'll from time to
  17. It's probably a bit late in the day now - and I know I've said this before but something about the idea of sitting cross legged on the grass in a park with a loose skirt covering you and just letting it flow really gets me. The closer to the path where people are walking the better. The other thing, after your post yesterday about the desperate car ride with the hex bug would be a non-pee thing, but to drop it into your pants and then get out of your car and go and do some shopping - groceries or whatever, some public shop whilst pretending everything is normal. Sorry if I'm being w
  18. I think I may have posted this somewhere on the site before, but a few years ago I was doing some event photography at a military dinner. The sort of portraits on arrival type thing, then hanging around while they all eat and then more photos after. All the gents were in either dress uniform or black tie and the ladies in ballgowns. One lady in particular really caught my eye, in a pure white, very figure hugging white ankle length dress. It was a sort of lycra material so it fit like a glove - there was no hint of underwear lines at all. Normally I'd leave them to it during the meal b
  19. And I hope it did make you smile.... and more
  20. That figure for the actual act of sex seems very low, especially compared to some of the others.... A partner lying pack staring at the ceiling maybe, but surely engaging in the cut n thrust of the full scale act must burn more than that? 69 calories isn't enough to get out of breath surely.
  21. You're possibly asking the wrong people... The nearest we (I) get to medical specialist knowledge is fantasising about what's going on underneath the nurse's dress.
  22. ...and we embrace you all the more for it. Amongst us weirdos, your explosions of flood water are nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of.
  23. You've done it now @Riley - can I request next time you're going to post anything like that, just a little warning so I can loosen my jeans and make sure I've got some tissues handy.... 😉 (Not complaining really)
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