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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. I admire the confidence of the people replying above. There are a lot of people on the forum sharing tales of girls willingly peeing for them / with them, but I'm a bit more cautious. Maybe I just don't know the right kind of girls! I'm not sure if I missed something.... I read into it that you're going just on a casual night out, you're in company but at the same time you want to keep an eye out for any action along the way. I'm also guessing that you haven't previously discussed your love of pee with the two friends and then can't be assumed that they're into the whole thing?
  2. Welcome, make yourself at home. Enjoying your contributions already.
  3. Welcome to the site! Enjoy.
  4. Sounds amazing. I agree you have to go with the only leaving together thing - before the party and after you remain dedicated to each other, and what happens at the party is only for the party. That way, if you do hook up with other guests it doesn’t prejudice or risk your marriage. Look forward to maybe reading some of the tales - in small doses, I don’t think I could cope with all in one go!
  5. I gat the impression that the site is growing - maybe it's always been the case that members become inactive and leave at the same rate, but there certainly seems to be an influx of newcomers. I think I saw some discussion about the pee search engines where we're mentioned and perhaps that's it. Don't get me wrong, I'm 100% in favour of new blood (or other body fluid), it's absolutely brilliant to see new guys and girls introducing themselves and starting to participate in the general forum activities. I have noticed a couple of trends which aren't helpful and maybe go against the e
  6. Only thing is @Alfresco - it starts to become an expensive lifestyle if it costs a $500 tip every night to get home 😉
  7. ...and welcome too @littlemisspiss - hope you are on the up soon.
  8. Welcome - it's good to talk, which is pretty much exactly what this site is about. You're in the right place!!!
  9. Hi and welcome - it is a great forum, lots of loyal members with some awesome material to share. Take a bit of time to see who appreciates what and you'll fit right it.
  10. I think definitely the time machine - there's the potential to travel back, make some 'wise' investments and earn the money to pay for the travel - so no need of the teleportation machine. I do think though that time travel may be not all it's cracked up to be.... I mean, lots of people into the music scene would love to go to (for example) the sixties to see The Beatles before they were famous - they have this glorious idea that everything about that era was amazing... Completely forgetting that deodorant hadn't been invented, many people didn't have indoor bathrooms, the food wasn't
  11. Great following the tales of the shewee - also the fiction. Would be great to read some true accounts of places and circumstances for squatting and peeing outdoors too.... Absolute desperation or naughtiness? Planned or spur of the moment? Did you get caught?
  12. Good choices. Number four would definitely be on my list too.
  13. Hope Gibraltar was a good day out.... Bit jealous of you getting some autumn sunshine whilst we're stuck with grey clouds and cold rain.
  14. Does on the hand count.... A one-off unfortunately kneeling in front of the toilet whilst a young lady obliged - but it wasn't her thing and was never repeated or furthered unfortunately.
  15. Well, USD 500 will certainly cover a new pair of jeans and seat valeting - You're a lot bolder than me in offering it, I'd be worrying about what sort of feedback or comments she could record on my account, or whether she'd be passing word around her fellow drivers about my fetish. I guess though the whole desperation and wetting in front of a client is something she's not going to want to be public though either. I've seen a few posts of late from people comparing the risks of prosecution for public peeing in the USA - ie indecent exposure and gather that your police are among the mor
  16. I was in a place last night, a famous live music venue and happened to be standing near the ladies, waiting for a friend. It was in a gap between two bands and quite a queue had built up. Suddenly a guy walked up, saying excuse me and walked past the queuing ladies there into the women's toilets. Looking at the situation, nobody said anything or physically tried to stop him - but pretty much everyone in the queue had a 'WTF' expression on their face. A minute or so later he returned out and stood just by where I was waiting. Now in that particular club, the ladies toilets are in t
  17. Here's a few to choose from.... If it's a free choice I think number 8 just wins it for me. How about you?
  18. Awesome tale and as always told perfectly - such a challenge too, heading into a shop to make another purchase knowing full well the dam could have burst there and then. One point I will make - I can fully understand your shyness when it came to the toilet attendant suspecting your emergency. But I'm absolutely sure there must be a high population of people who go into the ladies specifically to get changed into new purchases, or to change out of casual shopping clothes into work attire - even if she did connect the blue jeans / black jeans I'm sure she wouldn't connect it with your pred
  19. @Jayne78 - Firstly, on behalf of most of us - please ignore any unhelpful comments being made here. Those that have been around and following since your first posts understand its your choice to post knowing that many are aroused at the thought of a wetting. But I'd hope though that we'd be human enough that empathy would overcome in realising that you're a real person being so distressed by it and receiving little domestic support. Other than that I struggle a bit with what to say, other than my usual 'hugs'. You definitely don't deserve abuse and arguments as a consequence of what i
  20. Mine's definitely high budget.... A cast of thousands and a whole bunch of mind control - or maybe hypnotism may work. This is just my thought, so bear with me - but imagine taking a large public space where there's a substantial number of people like maybe a huge shopping mall, an airport or the like. Now (first stretch of the imagination) let's magic all the males out of the scenario - because they don't do it for me. Sorry male friends on the forum. So, we're left with a female target audience of all (over legal consent) ages. Now the mind control comes in, for them to separ
  21. Totally agree with @Alfresco and @Peevert - all the ladies who say 'it's all right for you blokes who can pee anywhere'. Yes, granted we can aim easier than most ladies (apart from those ladies who've learnt the art) - but we can also get seen and arrested for indecent exposure more easily. Imagine a bloke having a sneaky pee in a public park? Families and children about? Apart from being completely concealed in bushes, there's no way to do it without standing in the middle of the park with cock out. Sitting, crouching, there isn't really a position that helps. The only way I've found
  22. Nothing wrong with holding for 45 minutes - or for that matter for 5 minutes. No shame at all. It gave you pleasure, as you said the feeling of emptying felt like bliss - and that's what counts. Thanks for sharing the bliss too.
  23. Actually, I’ve reread that - did I just say I hoped to be considered middle aged. Think I need to go and have a strong word with myself - whilst I do, since we’ve never met please just assume I’m in my twenties...
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