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Everything posted by gldenwetgoose

  1. Can you believe that song is 44 years old???? Still sounds as fresh bouncing around the kitchen to it today as *I guess* it did in 1977.
  2. Today it's a huge Happy Birthday to @mm8282 & @thedudeler.
  3. @Stephen94 - I've merged your topic into this existing thread, hopefully all the answers you're looking for are already here. There are also a number of other existing threads - try typing 'opposite' into the search box as a starter.
  4. I've been toying with the idea of a ladies' wearable for a while now too. Focussing ideas and available technology, perhaps something like a set of ladies knee length tight lycra shorts. Firstly they'd have a pressure sensor around bladder height, and probably a smart phone app too - so you'd calibrate them with an empty bladder and then the app would be able to know how full your bladder is. Obviously fullness and bursting point would differ for everyone, hence the calibration. Then on the inside of the shorts an array of little haptic cells would be able to give anything from the
  5. Great idea - or perhaps jeans / trousers with a printed waterproof coating on the inside so that the pattern is only revealed when wet? All it would take is one fashion house to catwalk the concept at Paris or Milan, and for months later every pop diva, a-z list celeb and influencer would be deliberately wetting every time they saw a camera.
  6. Top tip - When posting on this site, the return button will let you break your post up into paragraphs (it's not like messenger where it sends the post). You should be able to click 'edit' and make changes, it'll make it much easier to read it and you're likely to get more people reacting to it.
  7. Moderator's note - Done, sort of. Also note this story was relocated from Real Experiences into Fiction.
  8. I do hope we'll get further updates on Violet's exploration of her new silver lined (or should that be golden?) outcome. Would love to see and hear more of her exploits.
  9. Happy Birthday: @WantonLee @pisscunt666 @Rayvonp
  10. Yes - definitely counts. Edit - It's also reminded me of a sighting in our local supermarket, a few years ago. It's a medium sized shop with maybe eight checkout lines, and I was just rounding the end of one of the aisles close to the queues. At one of the lines, two or three young (20's) ladies were just packing their bags. I wouldn't have noticed them apart from the sudden outburst of surprise, squeaks and laughter as one of them, a tall sturdy framed girl in jeans pretty much shouted / shrieked at the top of her voice something which I think was "I'm wetting myself at the
  11. Hi and a huge welcome (even though as you say, you have been on the site for a while) - and great clip!
  12. Hey @peeLIZZ & @pussylover - Happy Birthday
  13. I'm sure this must have been posted before... Backstory to posting it now - last night, visiting son at university in Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, we ended the evening in a cool underground bar. One of those tiny places, with quirky shabby decor, sensibly priced drinks and a great atmosphere. Just after we arrived the evening's band took to the stage, just three guys. Now, you know when you get a really talented band who can nail any cover song in their own style, but will only ever be playing in pubs - last night's band were exactly that band, and in Dire Straits home tow
  14. Today (Saturday 20th) seems a very busy day for birthdays - congratulations: @pfa229 @wuyetuzhuren @gottapee87 @Zevashea @Crisper
  15. Personally I don’t see why not, and as you’ve said all site rules would apply. The other staff may have an opinion too. The title should be very clear that’s what the content is about, that way people who’d prefer to avoid it can walk on by. In terms of site rules and not ‘promoting acts of violence’ or anything illegal, if vulgarity took a turn towards (eg.) non-consenting sex (ie rape) this would of course be frowned upon.
  16. On that comment alone I was stumped on what reaction to give - Like, Love, Thanks, Agree, Laugh, Hug, Cheeky ??? Shame I can't choose them all - they all seem to fit.
  17. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear @jslim986 - Happy Birthday to you!
  18. Bit of an oldie... A lot more people will know the album track following on from this, but I kind of like this better:
  19. I was there with my engineering head on... I was thinking how the volume of pee stretching the bladder would affect the pressure of the stream within the urethra, and then how water is much more dense than free air, so there would be less differential pressure at the pee hole between urine and external environment... Then I read: None of the science seems important any more lol.
  20. Huge happy birthday wishes to one of my favourite illustrators - Have a great day @Gotah
  21. To me all sounds wonderful- I’m not going to be particularly helpful in giving any preferences I’m afraid. Other than Gold membership, if I were to subscribe to any paid streams or clips I reckon it’d be a quick and slippery slope to poverty and destitution. What I did want to say though @KinsleyKisses is thanks for the approach you’ve taken. You’ve probably seen the site rules which are largely there to stop this place becoming a spam-fest of hard selling and maybe scams. Nothing you’ve done breaks any of these rules. As you move forwards with your venture you may want to liai
  22. Happy, Happy, Happy Birthday @Tingr16 @Pwrstream
  23. I think the last sentence may have elevated the semi-naughty to full on naughtiness…. Absolutely adorable and hugely erotic at the same time - bless you!
  24. We're all in favour of friendships - let's face it, we're in enough of a minority in the big wide world, and it's absolutely awesome the way PF brings us together and lets us share in our common bond. In that sense friendship is all to be encouraged. However there are a few aspects to the site rules to work within - and those are rules which have been written and evolved slightly to protect every member of the site. We'd always encourage you to remember that there could be those amongst us who are not everything they say they are. When you see staff posts repeatedly saying 'We're n
  25. Today's shout goes out to @Zero2pee - Have a great day!
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