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Everything posted by Peefreak99

  1. For me it's problaby nothing compared to most members haha. But once i had been out with the guys drinking beer and i already had to pee when we started drinking so a lot fo beer and several hours later without a bathroom break we said goodbye. I was bursting and was waiting for the bus but it was dark and nobody was there also the bus shelter provided sonme cover so i just pulled my dick out and peed inside the bus shelter xd. But then a car pulled up so i wallked away🤣
  2. Your english is good im not english speaking either haha we have people from evrywhere here. I hope you stay here
  3. Im not sure those games are very good for the brain. Speaking of this has anyone else got this comercial " take this pill and your dick will get 20cm longer" anyone tried that?🤣 i KNOW that is bullshit but would be fun to hear if they affect anything
  4. Dark weeks come and good weeks come i hope that you will face better times now and thank you
  5. Life is a long war. You are a tank and yes you will drive over mines and you will take blows. But the only difference between a real war is that for every blow your armor will get stronger. Of course it will hurt but if you decide to push trough you will if you surrender and cry... well then your armor will countinue to be hurt. And sure sometimes there is peace but nothing lasts forever. And the reason why loyality is so important is that your close friends and family are your fellow soldiers helping you push trough so please take care of them. But in the end it's your batle and you are the o
  6. Sounds like a good idea and as long as you don't sexualise her childhood there shouldn't be any problem
  7. Welcome what got you into this?
  8. I know what i want for cristmas....
  9. Welcome you will fit right in. But hey not trying to be a dick or anything but there has been a lot of complaints about new members thìnking this is a dating site and you gave out both your kik and snap.... be social with us first instead make friends here and you will find what you seek. When you go to the bar you are social and make " friends" with the girl before you ask her to add your snap or kik right? Because otherwise she will just be freaked out if a random guy comes up and asks for her snap. Use the same logic here because the girls here are just like the girls at the bar
  10. Hi and welcome:) hope to see you around the forums
  11. Of the scene because there is no sound when i press your post and i can't find the scene on google or yt
  12. What's the most desperate you ever saw her?
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