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Everything posted by Peefreak99

  1. Haha it's cool man i know you didin't mean it like that
  2. I wasn't trying to tell anyone that they were doing somethimg wrong haha. But yeah i get your point it was just a reflection from me i think a lot sometimes too much haha.
  3. Hey man happy to have you here:) you will find anything you want here and if you have any questions im glad to help🙂
  4. Problaby sometime when i have been drunk af haha. Just because you ask i can't come up with anything🤣 but i can tell a bad joke haha Why does a fireman never get a girl pregnant? He always pulls out in time🤣 Hopefully that joke makes sense in english xd
  5. Ok everybody seems to missunderstand me. What im saying is not that it's dissrespectful for to the dead person BUT FOR THE FAMILY MEMBERS AND FRIENDS. If your mom dies and you catch someone peeing on her grave you will not be happy right? She might not care but i think you would.
  6. What i meant whas what if they peed on one of your family members graves? I would love if a desperate girl peed so i could see haha but if someone peed on a dead family members grave i think none of us would like it
  7. What im trying to say is that peeing on someones car or whatever dosen't really hurt them sure it may cost them a litle if you ruin something but i think many would feel huge pain and rage for a long time if you peed on their dead mothers grave. At least if sonmeone did that to my mom i would problaby get a life sentence haha shes alive tho just a example. I do hate the taboo of this fetish and i think it should be labeled as normal and natural since pee is normal and natural. But mabye we should draw a line when it comes to actually causing somebody pain?
  8. As you all know i hate the taboo of peeing and this fetish but there is one thing i've been thinking about. Grave peeing. Is it really ok? I mean peeing in public or wetting yourself dosen't hurt anyone but we all have someone we love that has been lost right?. Imagine if you caught someone peeing on their grave.... sure pee is natural but in my eyes that would have been a attack on my dead loved one. Let me hear your thoughts on this
  9. I would LOVE to have you and greta in the same room haha. Especially after she says that you should stop using trucks and tractors and you can't use horse because that's animal abuse so according to her everything should be harvested and transported by hand xd
  10. Haha im not one of those i want to get from a to b as quick as possible
  11. Is it weird that this picture dosen't scare me? It makes me interessted like " i wanna sit down and have a beer with this guy" not trying to dissrespect i know how powerful he and the others are but i would love to meet them
  12. Shes a strong girl shes ok she just has a lot of stuff to deal with and @Riley my friend if you see this could you log in and say hi❤
  13. Criterias for being in the old man club 1 when whatching the news or reading the paper you will have random rage about something most likely about climate stuff and then everyone else in the room will have to lisstnen to a at least 5min preech about what makes you angry 2 you snore 3 you SLURRRRRRRRRRRP when you drink your coffee 4 you have a VERY strict tv routine for example 20:00 is news time if you miss this or get dissturbed you will be grumpy for the rest of the night 5 you usually refer to " well back in my days" or " when i grew up" 6 telling stories
  14. You are the peefans grandpa siting there quietly reading your news paper and at times swearing over the gas prizes and telling your grandkids about the " good old days" when men were men and wommen were wommen 🤣 but yeah as a older member i also agree that the new comers might need a week or 2 to understand what this site is about. But in my opinion there's 3 types of newbies 1 the horny guy trying to find girls ussually just sticks around for a day or 2 2 the lurker. just a introduction then you never see them again 3 the contributor they are like us just new
  15. How did it feel to let go and how long did you pee?
  16. I think the state has more important things to deal with than telling people to pee in the shower. " what should we put the infrastructure budget at?" " ehhh fuck that gota make sure peefreak pees in his shower"🤣
  17. As a desperation fan i would hate this because it would mean no girls got desperate haha. But that's just the selfish side of me speaking
  18. What does "pisstribute" mean?
  19. This is a masterpiece
  20. My misstake then im never there so i guess i diidin't notice haha you can delete my comment then it does no good
  21. @Jerry911 i think this would be more fiting in the add section:) good luck
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