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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. Ok, from now on you'll be Grizzly Chef. Cheers for your decision, though living in a ranch is damn cool too
  2. Only the Admin can say that, but last time I checked, scat and excessively hard BDSM were banned, along with under-age people and animal cruelty. Also blatant offenses toward ethnies and religions are off too
  3. If you prefer, Grizz, I will start calling yo chef. Maybe people will even ask why and you will have the opportunity to explain even more. But obviously it is up to you. My man also is really good at it, and I love cooking too, still he's better, he's a semi-pro. Our nickname was simply the follow up of our account on AmateurVoyeurForum, which we quit due to strange difficulties which gave us problems to actually see pics and videos. It was born as the first thing inspired by the girl on the forum name, which is spying a couple having sex. Alex wanted something stupid and "invasive
  4. This was the best one, by the way. Do you really, REALLY want a "bad" notification? You are a bit afraid. It can be felt (I'm a witch after all) This story (and the one who wrote it) has something deeply fascinating, visceral yet not disturbing. My man also is a novelist, though it is very difficult to actually have one's novel get published these days, more then ever if it is filled with accusation toward both "The State and The Church". I am quite used to fictional pissing stories, and very rarely they got this smooth sensation even in presence of really
  5. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Well Alex is extremely well equipped, but I heard a female friend of mine had sex with a North-Europe man that was an actual horse, and said that, really, pussy changes shape to enwrap it, an as slong as the man isn't a brute, actually the longer, the better. A cock 8 inches long is anyway perfect, and a longer shaft adds very little anyway
  6. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Love a beard in a man. Seriously, that's the point. That's Love.
  7. And post it into my "Worths a fingering" thread... 'cause it worths one for sure!!!!!!!!!
  8. From my POV, it is simply because Grizzly Wife is a great woman, and Grizz himself is a very manly yet a very gentle man. When that is the starting point, things go well always
  9. One from my lesbian side, one from my hetero side, and one from my funny/nonsense side Woman: Charlize Theron One of the most gorgeous and hot woman on Earth, she's powerful like a man, and got a ver dark sensuality. I'd die for a shot at her. One of my actual sex fantasies Man: James McAvoy He's not sexy in the classical meaning of the term, but that brazen expression really make something start tingling down there Funny and totally OFF turning for what concerns sexual arousal: Jack Nicholson I find absurdily funny to imagine him as he is no
  10. Oh my god sorry this post was written in a hurry from "notifications" and was meant for another thread, sorry
  11. Glad1 I agree 99% Doing something to expand ourselves IS sexual, only on a different level. It's me that feels emotionally/physically FLOODED by the subtile link between the two!
  12. English girls are very brave! You are not the only one who reported something like that, and that's arousing to the utmost!
  13. Well, I fart a lot, peeing or not! Loud and bassy (and I have a minor fetish about it, too, by the way) I spread my pussy only for aiming better and avoiding dripping, you must understand that when I pee outside I never have napkins with me and usually wear stockings, I don't want to get wet. Nothing against wetting as a sexual thing though I do not necessarily like it first person, but out of convenience, I wanto to stay dry. Piss is for the world: IT is the receiver, I am the giver, both in a meaning of dominance, and as a gift. But for all other things, I endorse your adfirmation abou
  14. Depending on what "percentage" you are addressing when saying "less sex based" I can say I am quite like you. I mean, to me pee is important, beside the actual genital intercourse, as a sexual device of energy. My only difficulty with your adfirmation is that, to me (and what I am gonna say is the very core of my life) SEX is the physical manifestation of LETTING LOOSE. I mean, I do not perceive any differences between being playful and sexually aroused, to me are one and the same. I make sex (a lot of time in public places) exactly because for me sex is a matter of jollyness and freedom. I am
  15. Sink and garden are the easiest, so you wouldn't look like a perv For my personal and vulgar delectation, (but I find very difficult for a woman to trust somebody who tell her something like this) I would have said the floor FROM the sofa or the table so to avoid spalshing, or even better the wall from the table, spraying it from a little distance and letting it pool on the floor.
  16. Sincerely, I'll just pee on the floor scouting a bit from the edge though remaining seated on the backseat itself. No tissues, I never wipe (unless they are a chance to ask somebody -a stranger or a friend I'd like to fuck- to stay with me while I pee) 'cause I shave it completely and keep it open with my fingers as I pee so I do not need to wipe. And sincerely speaking, I wouldn't do it anyway. Also, very probably I would soak the back of the frontseat too as I spray particularly forward. (All of this is because you asked about backseat pissing. If I should have stopped reading at the first l
  17. My mate's record is 14 hours. He got damages in the end. Play with your body, but be careful.
  18. For Nopjans Sincerely, the "Greater Reasons" are the desire and the possibility. I'll explain myself better. Peeing on clothes is something I do LESS that peeing in hallaways or even more between parked cars (the last one is a daily thing to me). If I spray my pee on a cloth is due to che conjoining of these 3 points 1 the angle in the actual shop so to shield me from viewers 2 the actual need to pee (or I'll not think about that at all) 3 the desire to have a kick. The actual item is utterly unimportant and I usually do NOT let out that much. For For Remi I utter
  19. Hi Remi, Always good to hear you A curse? Think I did not get the point ps details are difficult because it is something I do quite often. You have to understand that I pee outside about once per day, every day of my life I pee into apartments blocks foyer almost once per week, or even more than once sometimes. I stay out for work a lot of time and when I have free time, I go see shops (without buying, ihihihi) or have walks, and everytime I do, a take a honey-scented beer with me or drink wine before leaving home, or drink thea while walking. Obviously I Always need
  20. I do not link to the forum every day. if somebody is offended by it or it is somehow rules-breaking, I will remove it myself or, if the Moderator/Admin prefers, they can immediately remove it without advices and tell me through a private message not to da something like that again. I wrote it after a personal powerful experience and is very intimate. I choosed to publish it because I love this forum and its inhabitants but I do not want to disrespect anybody or to break any rule
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