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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. A redition of Lilith in Her mythological form of Viking Witch Goddess Gullveig Queen of Ice and Winter (and Elsa's prototype, guess why Frozen became such a Blockbuster in people's collective unconscious) Ice represent not only purity, but also the intermixing of beauty and danger, some kind of sensuality, and also respect for what could kill Disney was a Freemason and though Forzen hit the theaters a few years ago, it was already prepared since he was Young, and was to be the very first Disney movie ever even before Snowhite (1940), but he felt Humanity was not ready for it
  2. Lilith in Her friendly, happy, and luminous form A Goddess of happiness and hope, pleasure, and letting bad emotions go forever... Plus, She is so beautiful!
  3. A Witch performing a ritual in a place of natural power We need joules to make magick, places like this can really boost them up!
  4. This is Abaddon, Pan's younger Brother. Stern, manly, strong, brave. He teaches people to "stop being a coward", not in the guise He thinks we are, but in the meaning that, according to Him, we all could face, give and conquer, much more than we usually do in our daily life. He doesn't want us to pointlessly set ourselves in Dangerous or overwhelming situations, but He makes us understand, and is very firm about this, that we are ten times stronger than what we think we are, to our great selfish advantage indeed!
  5. I Always read all new stuff posted on the forum, so I'm sure I'll not fail to find and enjoy it!
  6. @lordofcoatham1 These marvellous stories happens all around the world, and are gathered here thank you for posting it
  7. Never mess with an Aries man, isn't it Fanny?
  8. spywareonya


    agree and for your skirt, I would love to peer under it ihihihihih
  9. spywareonya


    I answered to you in upskirting
  10. This forum is protected so police will not arrive here I had concerns on my own In many countries shooting piss porn is outlawed, New Zealand for example, both shooting it and viewing it I hope your Parliament is just against taking them in itself, in my country taking pic of a stranger, even non sexual, is considered harassment and you can be jailed for this
  11. Theorically speaking I know France is even better, there public urination is outlawed only if grossly on display ahahahaah!!!!
  12. @steve25805 The concept of the guardian angel is very difficult because many people, as denounced by Crowley, mistook an hallucinogenic percpetion/manifestation of the embodiement of their higher-self as if it was a separate entity This problem is the core of what a real occult pratictioner have to surpass When you fall to deep trance, portions of your own psyche can appear to you like they were a separate entity, and this is SO true that many human, during history, came to consider Gods and demons as personifications of human traits, not in the meaning that they are not real an
  13. ahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have no doubts!!!
  14. Ok let me explain Only a full committed Witch, I mean somebody who sold her Soul forever (like I did thousands of years ago, and They re-claim me as Witch in every new life since Egypt), have an actual Patroness Still, all humans have a patron, but not among the Gods. Among the ranks of Exus and Pombagiras, former humans, servants of the Gods, now ascended demigods, who stop rebirth, and live in the spiritual world. Every human can summon them all, but we all got a particular patron or patroness among their ranks, depending on some complicated astrological computations
  15. Wise words my lovely friend Beside, after a little research, I am now sure of one thing about that pic, indeed I edited my post, anyway you quoted it's first version that is Kiumbanda, from Brazil, really misunderstood Is described as the darkest and most Dangerous form of black-magickal-reinterpretation of Voodoo, while indeed simply people project one's unconscious unto stuff. The Exus and Pombagiras, gods and goddesses of Kiumbanda, are indeed nothing less than incredibly powerful Witches, both males and females, now dead, but so pure and powerful, that they ASCENDED and now
  16. If I had not all the reasons I have to hide my identity, I would have gladly showed to you all my face and shared all my infos I am not ashamed of what I do, but really what I do is outlawed in my country (also delving so much into occult is not seen that well)
  17. Very luckily, you are marvellously WRONG The Powers which oversees Death are incredibly stern and beside displaying tons of skulls and evil stuff on their pathetical images, evildoers CANNOT really summon these energies Only true worshippers of the Gods can work with Death You know all the stuff about Santa Muerte being a terribly harsh goddess? All lies It's just that She despises evildoers to me She is a loving mother
  18. Lilith have on the unconscious the same effect you have on soft modelling mud after you buy it hard and cold and you slowly make it soft by manipulating it She teaches you what is safe and what is not, where a desire is simply erupting and where is secretely (and wrongly) vengeful, She helps you to master all your secrets Plus, She is the Patroness of the fetish of this forum!
  19. Somebody who starts by presenting instead of popping up randomly I appreciate welcome here Staff can solve any questions, and senior members are more than willing to help I read somewhere in one of your posts you will have a baby!!!😍 bpb is right, and is the reason why I remaind here so happily, it is really peculiar how much polite can our members be!
  20. Friday nights in my town provides good sightings, more than anything during summers I'll try to tell what I see while roaming drunk
  21. Yes that pal is right, isn't it? When you watch a movie with girls all around naked, peeing is great too nonetheless, but a girl which is clothed and "normal" then starts peeing, is like a world unveiling all of a sudden!
  22. I would really love to know how the fuck do you manage to take pics with this resolutions, while peeing indeed Incredible
  23. spywareonya


    When we Witches will rule the world, all my handmaiden will be dressed up like this ahahahahahah
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