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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. This looks like a lot of fun!!! Would definitely like to see it ahahahhahahaha
  2. I just saw it played. Never tried myself. I prefer different kind of games.
  3. wow I'm quite speechless Emotionally embarassing a Witch is not that easy, but you touched my heart...
  4. great words, agree fully And some great non-stuff members😋 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! Absolutely yes!!! I think this forum underwent a real rebirth. I even wrote something during the night of the Golden Membership launch, it's here around, "A night to remember", it explains quite clearly what I think
  5. I like it too!!! What I did, maybe a bit more daring than peeing in the sea, was peeing on the sand, not through bikini but squatting to pee while wearing a little Caribbean-like skirt...
  6. I would, but it would make the video too long, thus too heavy to be uploaded I already tried!! Plus, I don't wanna risk people could decipher my home country from my accent
  7. And what should be said about this one? It makes me horny like hell!!!!
  8. And this is Art. Poetry. This is downloaded on my PC. Amazing. Thank you.
  9. spywareonya


    These two are really marvellous
  10. I'll never divulge, sorry. In my country also practice the occult can give you problem with the law. Add I am an anarchist...
  11. this is sexy as hell, though let me tell you a thing since I consider you a friend (to a stranger I would have just set out a smile of circumstance), I never wear skirts so long, only microskirts, at the edge of lawful. Second, I respect books too much to pee on them. Maybe a book about some political views I disrespect intensely... ahahahah!!! For the orgasm, that would have been marvellous!!!
  12. I tried to pee legs tight. I won't dare twice HAHAHAHAHAH But if you wanna me peeing in a flowerpot, yet at MY conditions (short dress and legs spread, maybe taped from behind with all my ass out hovering over it) I do it daily, I'll definitely come up with something!!!
  13. Tonight, between Wednsday 13 and Thursady 14 June 2018, Peefans reached the Gold Medal once again. So many people joining the Gold Membership so soon, so eagerly. It was marvellous. It really meant a lot for me, in more than one way, some of them are too personal to explain and even unrelated to this forum. It was a night that made me grow a lot. And it was the night the forum shone brighter than the most luminous day. It is not simply a forum anymore, on the brink of being shut down for economical problems. We scured our own future. We built it. In the next years, this will be remem
  14. Don't know how many times I saw this. Anyway, now the forum is polished, polite, and politically correct ahahahaha
  15. I have Always fantasized about the Sea to be a living organism animated by magick I asked myself what would it feel to be It/Him/Her Now I know one thing: I would love to be the Sea Sophie pees into!!!
  16. @greedyneedygirl though I'd die to to unspeakable things to you, this time my comment aims not at being flattering I loves your stuff because for some reason, though incredibly hot and deeply sexual, Always hide a core which we could define... romantic? Respectful of what make us humans, and our very case, women Thank you Greedy, this is really touching to me
  17. Bow to me. Learn from me. And I will turn you into a war machine. "I will give you a war-engine. With it ye shall smite the peoples; and none shall stand before you. [...] This shall be your only proof. I forbid argument. Conquer! That is enough"
  18. This one of the greatest ass I have ever seen in my Whole life!!!!
  19. Hey wow!!! AMAZONing, if you see what I mean!!!
  20. Ok this is wonderful, no words for this!!!
  21. hahahaha I am married... unless....
  22. she is among the hottest woman I have ever any contact with, both in real life or through web.
  23. plus we are talking of her, not of any other person...
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