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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. This is so beautiful it's almost romantic, she looks so... dreaming...
  2. I think I just found MY bullseye and is not the one on the wall behind her HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  3. Follow my instructions carefully: buy big resistent trash bags Pee on the floor mop it using paper towels throw them in the bag pass on the former wet spot other towels this time already drenched in water, then re-mop with dry ones throw all in the bag spray some perfumes and keep your window open NO ODOURS will linger close the bag and made a good knot, then hide it in your room and dispose of it (if your parents check the trash bin wait for you to be able to put it into a neighbour's one, indeed there is nothing against the law) when they are not
  4. What's the problem? A girl prefers a seasoned man, teenage boys can be silly To be honest, they can also be cute since unexperienced ad thus "transparent", but a man who knows himself has no pitfalls
  5. Indeed in these situations I piss under the table as a standard action!!! In danceclubs I pee under the table even if there is no grass but floor under it😋
  6. Holy shit!!! These kind of real life experiences are ten thousand times hotter than any videos, even those maybe showing the wildest performances, but this is REAL. I can't say nothing but WOW. Wish I was there to see. And the bottle of red wine is great too!!!
  7. I utterly agree, but I am going deeper Why people are so scared by visceral emotions like sex, more than anything in its pornographical stance? Because every intense energy creates feeling of puzzlment and puzzlment breaks habits therefore damages the EGO The EGO is based upon the self-reassurement that you are all-powerful in grasping the right way to live: everytime Life shows you there were fringes you ignored, you lose the portion of self-confidence based upon EGO. Since it is based on a lie, "There is NOTHING useful outside my worldview", EGO cannot inherently be fixed. Peo
  8. I did not know because after withdrewing from there I cut down all contacts; I just met by chance a friend almost six months after and she said she and other 18 persons passed to a competitor in a time-lapse of five to six weeks because the boss really was going out of mind
  9. Great question In my Path there is not such a concept of blasphemy because in itself blasphemy means to disrespect a God, and this cannot happen. One could be disrepsectful to Them with his words but the funny and pathetic thing is that his soul would meanwhile cover her face in shame at that action, plus a God is an actual entity, not a defenseless concept considered holy only because kept protected from people's lewdness. Gods are living beings, and are very "actual", either you actually oppose Them (in which case They could die of laughter) or you are simply making a mess of your own d
  10. There are two kind of Aghori The usual ones, are called Nirvani, which means "Those who transcended all attachments" and are those I described to you till now The Gharbari, "Householders" but also "Hiding in plain sight", are particular kind of Aghoris who got license from Kali Herself to live a life similar to that of normal humans, yet sticking to the inner tenets of the Path, whichis the total refuse of anything which is un-related to human actual evolution. One of the most famous and powerful Aghori of all times was a Gharbari. Alex had contacts with an ex-Nirvani now Gharba
  11. Yes, I can tell you that actually peering there is incredible Is like an hallucinogenic trip but comes not from chemicals but from amplified perceptions Fairies and pixies are hard to spot because are terribly good at hiding but can be sensed as little, terribly quick "presences" swhirling around you They are rarer now in places filled with human because being made of electricity and quantistic energies, they are greatly disturbed by modern technology In the future we will produce different energy sources that will stop driving them away but for now, they can survive only i
  12. Another marvellous rendition of the world of spirits, this is a bit more reachable level, inhabited by fairies and pixies!!!
  13. Kapala, a "Place of the Skulls" (in hebrew, "Golgotha"...) A most holy place
  14. Kali in Her Spider Goddess form, preparing a soul for its purificatory sleep in the DreamWeb
  15. Again, the terrifying yet somehow un-deniably sensual black eyes of Lilith
  16. A brazilian Kiumbanda Witch preparing for a ritual of the Exus Her lower garment will obviovusly be removed before it...
  17. A splendid rendition of the darkest aspect of Lilith Only those who dare face their unconscious can master it and eliminate all negativity its fringes hide... "Drink the Devil's blood and become..."
  18. This istead is a more "energetic/masculine" interpretation of Their world. It is not in oppositione of the previous picture: simply, last one showed how spiritual and devoid of darkness it is; this one shows how powerful, crazy and frenzied it is. And just as much the previous image could spiritualize everything, even the act of Killing and devouring a prey, this pic indeed act the same on an opposite stance: this image shows how EGO-less yet overloaded Their lifestyle is, somebody accepted here could even die three seconds after arrival, not only he would be honoured like only denizens of a p
  19. A most beautiful rendition of the World of Spirits Not all its facets are identical, and only the most far, extreme and luminous are like this This is the very Home of the Gods And it can indeed help us to understand why I Always say They are both violent and luminous/happy: an entity which is not (and They are NOT indeed) spiritually impervious to Beauty and Marvel, though violent as everybody is upon renouncing hypocrisies, cannot help be happy AND luminous living in a place like this NOT saying They would be worse if They didn't live there: this is only a metaphor. I mea
  20. A marvellous image of Lilith in Her role of Goddess of the Unconscious She is the Night of the Soul, the unthrodden paths in our deepest fringes...
  21. A rendition of Lilith inspired by the cultural image of Sumerian Inanna, Godess of Love, War and Sex Here She conveys Her most starry undertone, the promise for a Life which REALLY runs Beyond our wildest imagination
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