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Everything posted by Naughts

  1. Yes, exactly. That is what I want to try first: sit in the rim of a big flower pot in the mall and pee into the dirt. Also squatting between cars or in the park or maybe even in the bookstore sounds very doable and fun! I have tried peeing while standing before. But I do not want to have wet shoes. It is way too cold for open shoes and since I dont have a tigh gap I have to spread my legs really far so that my pee can go straight down. That is not really a casual and insuspicious look... i would rather sit, squat or kneel Ohh I would love to pee in the cinema but I am really
  2. As it gets quite cold here at this time of the year and I lost some weight so the warm clothes of last winter do not fit well anymore I had to go and buy some new warm stuff. While browsing the shops I was thinking of all the people doing naughty pees in stores. Unfortunately I did not have to pee then and I was not ready to be so bold anyway. But it is a huge fantasy of mine to do stuff like that some time. That is why I bought some stuff, that would hopefully make it easier to pee in public without getting caught. Namely I bought a black woolen skirt that reaches my knees, two pairs of
  3. I have found a joke and translated it for you here: A stranger talks to another man in a bar: "I bet you 100 bucks I can bite myself into my left eye" "Thats not possible, I`m in" The man takes out his glass eye and bites into it. "I bet you another 100 bucks that I can also bite my right eye." "Two glass eyes, that´s nonsense, I´m in." The man takes out his artificial teeth and bites into his right eye. "I bet you another 100 bucks that I can pee into your pants pockets without them getting wet." "Thats bullshit, I´m in" The man gets out his penis and stuffs it into the
  4. I can add one naughty pee from earlier today! I was reading and studying in my room a lot today. I took a big teapot with me and drank 1.5 litres of tea while reading. I sat on my deskchair wich has fabric cushioning but I have (as always) put two folded towels on top. As I was reading, from time to time I had to stop and think about the text/paragraph. Whenever I would look up from the text I would sit up straight, lift my bottom a bit to reduce the pressure on my private parts and let out a tiny spurt of pee into my black bikini style panties and my old black leggins. After a few s
  5. Haha okay! What did you clean with it?
  6. Hi everyone! Today I had a lot of free time as I am in quarantine right now. I was bored but also motivated to reactivate my long gone creative streak. First I wanted to write the next chapter of my Liberation series but that did not work well. While cleaning up a cupboard I found old watercolors which I decided to play with. I was never really good at painting but it is still fun sometimes. So I got some paper, brushes and the water colors and a cup. The cup was empty, though and I was too lazy to walk downstairs to collect some water. So I just pulled down my leggins a bi
  7. Okay, I have no idea how this happened. The app I wrote the text in does not even have this font. I did it exactly the same way with my other stories that look fine. As soon as I am able to use a PC I will try to fix it. On the phone I do not see how 😞
  8. This story is Part 04 of my Liberation series. It contains public peeing and wetting in a group of friends in the park. You can read about what happened until now here: Part 01: https://peefans.com/topic/19607-liberation-01-heidis-first-wetting Part 02: https://peefans.com/topic/19664-liberation-02-heidi-is-caught-wetting Part 03: https://peefans.com/topic/19772-liberation-03-the-friends-piss-in-the-park _______________________________________________ Heidi, Chris, Anna, Frieda and Max were still at the park, enjoying a nice summer day with a picnic and lots of drinks.
  9. I think I mostly do not say it directly but more around the topic. Indoors I would say “going to the bathroom“ and during a hike I would tell the others to walk on while I stay behind a bit. With my family or boyfriend I am more direct and would say that I need to pee. I am German so the words are different. I dont know whether this is the right thread for this but here is a short list of german words for this and how they are used in my bubble: Pinkeln - normal word for peeing, hear it all the time Pissen - harsher than pinkeln, like the english pissing Nase pudern -
  10. https://www.buzzfeed.com/shelbyheinrich/peeing-shower-tiktok So this article was suggested to me. Basically, people with vaginas should not pee in the shower because: 1. It builds the habit to always pee when you hear water running. 2. Peeing standing up is not something that is natural/healthy for the pelvic muscles. Do you think about things like that? Are you scared about the effects or do they motivate you? It will not stop me from pissing everytime I shower or take a bath for sure.
  11. I have peed into the sand a lot at the beach and there has never been any smell. First of all the wind disperses it really well and if it is not windy, there are stronger smelling things like the water, rotting algae, sunscreen, cocktails,... 😄 I normally do not pee directly on the towel but next to it. But I have done that steadily leaking thing for a few hours while reading and did not notice a smell. The thing for peeing onto the towel is though: when you pack up to go home and lift the towel up, there will be a very obvious wet patch in the sand. The towel prevent the sun and wind fro
  12. When I am peeing into a toilet I almost always wipe. Mostly because of the smell that builds up after a few times. When I am peeing outside or somewhere where there is no toilet paper available, I do not bother. When I am hiking or outside for another reason, the smell does not bother me at all. I hate seeing all the white tissues rotting in the nature. It is ugly and some have plastic in them so it is really harmful for the environment. Since I like being outoors and love hiking in wild areas I do not want to see the traces of humans all the time, too.
  13. Do you have any funny stuff to share? Let me start with a toast an uncle of mine once said. I try to translate it from German to English as best as I can. Original: English: A boy stands at the barn door and pees through the gap, Inside, a scythe falls over and cuts off his tip. Cheers! English text: in order not to stain the toilet, men are also allowed to sit with us [Please pee sitting down] (I am sure there has been a thread like this bevore but it does not seem active so I think it´s ok to start a new one?)
  14. Oh no! Woke up in the middle of the night with a full bladder again. Let me just go to the bathroom, ahh there it is. Finally I can sit back and relax. And the spray all over the carpet is always really nice when I lean back against the wall. I should drink more tomorrow.
  15. You could basically do any drinking game. But everytime you would normally drink, you now have to pee your pants a little bit. There are enough out there you can do on your own, too.
  16. Part 01: https://peefans.com/topic/19607-liberation-01-heidis-first-wetting Part 02: https://peefans.com/topic/19664-liberation-02-heidi-is-caught-wetting ____________ Heidi and her friends Chris, Anna, Frieda and Max were enjoying a warm summer saturday in the park. While Anna, Frieda and Max were still playing with the frisbee, Heidi had just told all her secrets about constantly wetting her pants those last few days to her friend Chris. After quietly processing Heidi´s story for a minute, Chris started telling theirs: "You know when in tenth grade I really struggled with my ge
  17. Yes, I think Heidi is a lot like me. She is not the same person but I think for my first story ever it might be easier to write from a point of view that is not completely foreign to me. well... Max is barefoot and they all are a bit alternative I think. I will see. I do not really have the whole story mapped out and would like to see where it carries me as I write. We shall see if that is not a really bad idea 😄 I am on it, it will be a few days tough. I do not really have the privacy to write this right now
  18. Hey @MaxWasTaken! Thank you for the feedback! 🙂 you are probably right about the introduction of the characters. They will be more important in the future, i first thought they would have bigger roles in the second chapter and then they did´t and i did not shorten the description. I will definitly keep that in mind for the future, though. I think Heidi is not embarassed about wearing dresses, she is simply not the most feminine woman. And the not wearing panties ... I don´t know 😄 when it is warm I mostly do not bother wearing them. It is not necessary a naughty/sexy thing but m
  19. When I am sitting down there are no strays. When squatting and peeing on a hard surface there could be splashback but also no stray streams. Standing or half-squats are completely different. I have not perfected the technique yet and always have to wear open shoes. Doesnt stop me though...
  20. Part 01: https://peefans.com/topic/19607-liberation-01-heidis-first-wetting/ I am very new to writing, so feedback is very much welcome! __________ It has been three days since Heidi first started to wet her pants at work. The next day she was back to the same property and had been wet the whole day, peeing in spurts every few minutes. The day after that she was send out with Paul, a male colleague, to a garden they had worked at for a few years now. At first she wanted to not wet her pants, scared of being caught. But after a couple of hours when she was kneeling on the gro
  21. Heidi was a nature child. There was nothing in the world she loved more than being outside surrounded by trees and plants. She was, in fact, a gardener by passion and profession. Her dream was to own her own gardening company, but until that could happen, the 24 year old was employed at a company that tended the yards of the villas in and around Berlin. Normally Heidi didn´t mind the job too much. Most of the clients didn´t care about the details of the job as long as it looked pretty so she was quite free about desicions (often she chose the plants that where best for biodiversity over
  22. Well I did try it as a child and my guess is that many girls try it at some point. I know about a friend of mine who would often pee sitting on the toilet but facing the wall. My bet is that that habit evolved from trying to pee standing up.
  23. When we were kids our car seats always had water proof liners on them. That way they were protected from all kinds of things kids would stain a seat with. These liners where like a fabric which feels nice but waterproof underneath. You could take them off and put in the washing mashine. I think about getting one of those, maybe it would be a good investment for you too?
  24. When I am peeing into a toilet it depends on my mood. Sometimes I will wipe and other times not. When I pee outdoors or somewhere that is not the toilet I never wipe because I do not want to leave the tissue behind. I am a nature girl so I hate it when people litter everywhere. It is just so ugly and bad for all animals so i really dont want to participate in that. And even paper tissues take a few years to completely decay. Also on the less serious side of things I like it when my panties are a bit moist. It feels naughty 😉 I have to be careful though because after not wip
  25. laundry is a great idea! i dont know why that thought didnt come to me right away! As I think about it, there are sooo many stories of people peeing in their towels and clothes before washing. You know where i will pee next ;D Yeess little spurts are so hot! I do not have the courage to pee in bed because i dont want my boyfriend to notice ;D But a teenytiny spurt into the panties while in bed are common...
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