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Posts posted by Carb0nBased

  1. The purpose of the gap in the bike seat is probably to avoid reducing circulation to the male parts. Quite a few years back there were a number of studies showing that men who spent years regularly riding bikes would have an increased risk of erectile problems later in life, due to the pressure of the seat gradually affecting the blood vessels going to the penis, and I think that prompted some bike seat manufacturers to change their design. 

    I can't imagine anyone would try to pee through that "crack", as nobody's fly is down there when sitting on a bicycle, and nobody rides in skirts.

  2. On 10/26/2021 at 8:12 AM, glad1 said:

    She's certainly not the only one to do that.

    I think there have been more than a few Zoom meetings of late where at least one of the participants has been naked below the waist. One of the best perks of this whole work from home thing, isn't it?

    Do you mean that you think this has been the case in some Zoom meetings that YOU participated in, or just that you suspect that worldwide there have been quite a few cases of this?

  3. 11 hours ago, Alfresco said:

    I think it is probably more the shape of the toilet bowl?   It looks like it might cut in narrower just below the waterline, so the edges only have a small depth of yellow to see through to the white whereas the middle has a deeper path to the white so you get more of the colour?   I'm not really sure, but that is the only explanation I can come up with unless somehow the pee is not mixing with the water, but that would seem unlikely.

    That's probably what it is...

  4. That sounds like a beautifully intimate situation, Peewatcher! To me it would certainly add to a sighting if I got to know the woman a bit before and/or after. You're also quite lucky that she peed in a place where you could see her (as opposed to hiding around a corner out of view) and that she either didn't notice you watching her do it or didn't care.

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  5. 2 hours ago, Ms. Tito said:

    I would always get uncomfortable when the topic of pee came up as a kid. And then there was this book about the human body where I would secretly spend time looking at the "drinking and peeing" page.

    This reminds me, I do remember a picture from one of the earliest body books I had. It showed a person holding a glass of water up to his or her mouth and drinking, and then showed the kidneys and bladder inside the body with a yellow line coming out of it as the urethra. I say "person" because you couldn't tell for sure from the head if it was a boy or girl, it was probably drawn that way on purpose, and the urethra just ended abruptly somewhere vaguely above the legs with no genitals shown. I personally thought it looked like a boy but wasn't sure.

    There was another page about the difference between boys and girls that showed the internal reproductive organs and a kind of stylized outline of the external ones, which I know about from looking at the book later when I was older, before we either gave it away of (less likely) put it in a box somewhere. I don't remember even noticing this page when I first read the book as a kid, though--maybe unlike peeing it didn't relate to anything I experienced in day to day life, and as I say the genitals were stylized so not realistic looking at all. Of course later I got books with a lot more detail, both about the excretory and the reproductive systems.

  6. Another important observation with regards to trying to judge stream angle for toilet pees solely by sound--it makes a big difference how large the pool of water is in the bottom of the bowl, which can be quite different for different toilet designs, and to some degree also the size of one's bottom and legs, affecting how far forward the crotch is positioned in the seat opening. Some toilets only fill with water to where the funnel-shaped opening of the drain pipe is underwater and the whole bottom of the bowl is dry, while others fill to where everything under the seat opening is underwater, and other toilets are in between.

    While very forward streams (so forward so as to possibly not even stay in the bowl) will never hit the water in any toilet, downward and mid-angle streams can easily hit the water in some toilets and the porcelain in others, making the same girl/woman's pee sound completely different. Of course, if you SEE a woman peeing, this all doesn't matter.

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  7. What do you mean "songs about peeing"? Just songs that mention someone going pee? There are quite a few of those that are written as jokes, and while some are funny I wouldn't listen to them for fetish purposes or for the music itself. If there were a podcast where women tell stories about when they had to go pee when caught out somewhere and how they did it, with quite some detail, I might listen to that.

  8. Definitely a long-term partner. As I am socially rather awkward and not big on the bar/party scene, I can't imagine myself having many sexual encounters with people I will never see again, and in the event I did, I wouldn't find it natural at all to bring up a pee fetish just out of the blue. Certainly in the one instance I've had anything at all along those lines, it didn't occur to me to bring it up. The only way I could see that working is if circumstances made it so one of us peed in front of the other just because of necessity or convenience, and that broke the ice so to speak.

    With long-term partners it's quite different, as I don't think I could be in a really long (as in years) relationship with someone who I knew would never pee in front of me. I don't care if she wants privacy most of the time she pees, I may well end up wanting the same, but there should be enough openness that we could show each other at least once. Of course I couldn't--and wouldn't--expect this from a "booty call".

    One thing you didn't mention was friends, especially friends with "benefits". In those kinds of relationships I'm likely to find it especially easy to bring up my interest. There's not the romantic need to be a perfect lady/gentleman in those friendships and not "ruin the mood", and if you're close enough friends to undress, then discussing pee doesn't feel too far out of reach for me. I'm quite sexually inexperienced, but nearly all of the experiences I have had (including someone I dated romantically for a short time) have been with people with whom I was already on friendly terms (and in most cases who stayed friends afterward). I have mentioned my interest in peeing to most if not all of these people, and none of them rejected me as a weirdo afterward.

    Part of it is that as I said I'm socially an outsider so the people I connect with tend to be outsiders themselves and more accepting of something possibly "weird". I don't mean they were sexually super wild and daring, in fact they tend to be quite repressed/shy due to lack of social connections, just not big on conformity and image. And I almost wonder if some of the people I'd connect with on a friend level and then possibly more would actually find it easier to talk about peeing than about sex, with it being more "innocent" a subject.

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  9. I've seen ones with and without dividers, though the ones without do seem to be getting less common as time goes on.

    The feeling of separateness or lack thereof doesn't just depend on whether there are dividers or not, but the style of the urinal as well. Trough-style urinals never have dividers, but aside from that, the closer to vertical the opening is, the more anything is hidden by the body of the person using them and the side walls of the fixture regardless of whether there are any dividers external to the fixtures.

    When thinking about this, I just remembered how in one of our high school bathrooms there were urinals that were at least as deep horizontally as they were tall vertically, almost approaching the shape of the rare female urinals. I don't remember exactly what they look like, but I'd say they were similar to the very first picture on the Wikipedia page about urinals: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urinal (the ones that are called "sensor operated"). These felt much more open than tall urinals that are less like a bowl and more like a recessed "nook".

    Like trough urinals and un-partitioned urinals in general, it seems that more horizontal designs are gradually becoming less common over time. Something of that might have to do with the fact that larger partitions would be necessary to separate those, but I suspect the more important factor might be water usage, especially here in drought-prone California. I could see how height would make little difference in the water use of a urinal, but width and depth of the bottom "bowl" might add considerably to the water requirement. It's certainly not that shallow, tall urinals are a new thing of course--in fact at my elementary school the urinals I remember were the tall, recessed, floor-draining type sometimes referred to as "pee/wee-on-the-wall" urinals. I don't know how private those felt to use as I didn't start using urinals for some reason until I was in high school, but they don't look as open as many other designs. What I do see is that designs over time do seem to be getting more like upright boxes, often as you say with wood dividers in addition.

  10. That's interesting, and I could see how being high could change the sensation of needing to pee. It's been a long time since I smoked, but what I remember is that if I did wait until my bladder was really full, the sensation while letting it all out would be significantly more intense than when I was sober, to where it was satisfying in a manner well beyond just relief of the discomfort. That's in some way the opposite from how it was this past week, where letting it out didn't feel like much of anything during the actual process (though I *did* then feel a warm tingle for a while later that I don't normally feel).

  11. On 10/15/2021 at 2:13 PM, Wolfpee said:

    Don’t you all try pushing/squeezing under your balls  (like other side before your butt) after you finished?

    I definitely do that regularly, except when there are others nearby (i.e. at a urinal in a crowded bathroom). It does help get the last bit out of the tubes, much more than wiping would.

  12. 21 hours ago, Alfresco said:

    Yes, I get where you are coming from.   My sensation is often more about the pressure on the muscles clamping the flow rather than the feeling in the bladder itself.  

    Yes, that's usually how it is--but in the situation I was posting about (which only happens rarely), I don't feel any pressure where the flow would come out, or any "need to go" in the usual sense, only an ache around the whole pelvis.

  13. While avoiding derogatory-sounding terminology whenever possible is a good idea, it seems this ties in with a tricky issue that is unlikely to go away. Namely, the difference between physical bodies as objects of attraction/lust and the self-identities of people.

    When looking at pictures of random strangers, like people peeing at a festival or in the woods or something, for an image that turns you on, it's not possible to know someone's gender identity, unless the person is doing/wearing something in the picture that makes it clear. What you notice is the appearance and body parts, and maybe some more visual aspects of personality (like a smile, giggling, etc.). What people care about is generally the body that someone has--so someone attracted to female bodies is likely to see a cisgendered woman in the same way as a pre-op transman in this context, not even being able to tell the difference at times, despite the opposite gender identities. So organizing by gender identity here is both rather irrelevant as well as practically impossible. The main division here is male-bodied vs. female bodied, with the caveats that 1) people may have a part male and part female body, like the "shemales" being discussed here, and 2) not everyone attracted to naturally born male (or female) bodies will be attracted to male (or female) bodies created by surgery, when it's possible to tell the difference.

    Then in a very different context, you have the situation of describing people who you actually interact with, either in real life or on this forum. There it matters what the person identifies as, which you have a way of knowing. Opposite to the situation of looking at erotic pictures, you may well have never seen the person's naked body to know for sure what parts they have. I would never think of calling a friend or acquaintance who is partway through a gender transition a "shemale", and I'm guessing even most people who would use it to describe pictures wouldn't either. Even using "trannie" would be weird in this context. It's similar for other "porn categories", like I doubt many people would refer to "my BBW friend" or "the BBW who sits across from me at work" even if her BMI is well noticed.

    So yes, what makes this situation complicated is that on a forum like this that deals with sex, we come across people in two contexts, as people we are directing posts at and reading posts from, and objects of attraction. So "tough" realities like someone having a body type that certain others don't find attractive and that they are sensitive about will continue to present themselves. It doesn't mean we should throw around derogatory terms though when there's a more neutral alternative.

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  14. This is more a "weird things that my body does" topic than anything fetish related, but since I think it's safe to say that people here think a lot more about the experience of peeing than a typical person, some of you may have also noticed this.

    Usually when I need to pee, there is a feeling of effort of holding in the pee, and this sensation of effort or tiredness in the muscles holding it in is more noticeable than the feeling of pressure in the bladder itself. Only when the bladder is especially full do I feel the bladder actually "swelling". I have always thought this is true for most people as well. But very occasionally, there will be an instance where at first I feel a slight "need to go" in this usual sense, but then with time that goes away and I feel almost nothing at all until later--at times hours later--I get a strong "stretching" sensation vaguely in the area of the bladder, that is the only sign that it's full.

    For instance, today when I got in the car to drive to work I felt like I would probably need to pee sometime within an hour or so of getting there. But upon getting to work I got into doing something, and then totally forgot about the prior feeling of maybe needing to go. I only work part-time and even then much of it from home, so I was only there for about three and a half hours, but still longer than I'd usually delay peeing. Then on the way home I stopped for a nature walk, and even then I felt no need to pee. It was only when I had gotten back in the car to continue home that I felt a sore stretching sensation in my abdomen, kind of like a pulled muscle. This got worse surprisingly quickly, but still I felt no sensation of "having to hold it", much less being close to leaking. Being concerned that this was unhealthy for my body, I stopped somewhere else partway home where I could pee. 

    There was no immediate sensation of release when I started peeing, just a gradual and subtle lessening of the soreness, and the amount that came out was substantial but didn't seem like a record amount or anything. As I drove the rest of the way, the remaining soreness gradually dissipated, and there was a pleasant feeling that came in warm waves every so often. It was nice, but not in the usual sense of "wow I had to go".

    I wonder if anyone else has experienced this. There are several unique things that could contribute in my case. One is that I have been told by a doctor in the past year that I have a kidney stone, but it isn't obstructing anything, and the stretched feeling was actually worse on the side *opposite* the stone. I've also had similar experiences occasionally over years before, including some where I had a headache in addition to the stretchy feeling. Perhaps more relevant is that I have nerve issues in my pelvic area from another medical issue that happened over a decade ago, that affect sensation in my groin area (though usually not in the bladder). Curiously, as a kid I occasionally had kind of the opposite issue--I'd feel an urge to go when out walking somewhere, but if I actually stopped to pee, nothing would come out.

  15. 10 hours ago, Alfresco said:

    I don’t know what the effects would be after the massage as in whether it would dry the skin out - I was just meaning it is slippery and therefore feels good during the process.   I haven’t tried it for a full massage, so don’t know how successful that would be.

    I don't mean after, I mean when the pee is actually on your skin--I find pee less slippery than water. My pee at least has a very thin and watery consistency, yet the feel is actually sort of astringent if you will. Like for instance I don't feel as though my foreskin glides over the head of my dick any more smoothly after peeing, in fact the sensation is more gliding without the pee. Skin and mucus membranes are naturally a bit "oily" and pee takes some of that away. It's sort of like how a lot of people say sex in a running shower is not nearly as hot as it sounds, as being wet with water actually adds friction.

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  16. Contrary to what Alfresco has said, I would think pee would make a very poor massage "oil", worse than water. With the acidity and saltiness I would think it would be quite drying, almost like how skin feels after taking a shower in soapy water (not the initial slipperiness of the soap, but the rough feel after it's washed off).

    On the other hand, I could see how having a massage while sitting on the toilet, or lying somewhere that it's OK to pee (or even with a diaper on), could be fun for some people, in that there's no need to hold any tension, whether in the skeleton or in the bladder.

  17. On 9/26/2021 at 3:13 PM, weequeen said:

    Here is an example of it in the sims - a few people having a pee party 



    Not only is his dick so huge it's almost a joke, the stream is coming out of it in a really abnormal way too--like it would have to be flowing from the frenulum rather than the tip to look like that. The ladies' streams don't look so comical, though we don't see the anatomy nearly as well so I guess there's less chance for silly mistakes.

  18. 42 minutes ago, Peevert said:

    Yes, I remember not knowing it was sexual, just knowing it was fun. ❤️ 

    I wish I had a friend like you at that age!  I wish I had a friend like you at this age!

    About the only thing I remember was me and my teen male friends going into partially built homes and peeing in them.  Sometimes on the walls, sometimes in the bathroom (even though there was no toilet there yet) :P 

    I also don't have any siblings and didn't have female friends growing up. I didn't even really have male friends until high school. And when young I was quite "boring" and reserved in terms of peeing--I hated going outside, and sat to pee rather than standing. I started standing to pee in high school, too. I wonder if I'd find pee less exciting now if I'd been able to fulfill some curiosity about it when I was younger.

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  19. If I'm standing, it needs to be back far enough that none of the opening is covered, otherwise the stream goes in an unpredictable direction. This is possible even if most of the head is still covered, and since I don't have lots of excess skin, often the mere act of pulling it out through the fly causes it to roll back the necessary little bit. If I'm sitting, there's usually no reason to pull it back, though more of the skin gets wet if it's stuck together when the stream starts (as soon as the stream is going, the force usually separates the skin anyway for the rest of the pee).

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  20. I've never gotten in the habit of wiping after peeing, and certainly never been asked to. It seems like a rather pointless idea, too. Firstly, if the penis is really wet (from pee or just water) and a piece of toilet paper is dabbed against it to dry it, toilet paper can disintegrate into pieces that stick to the dry parts of the head/foreskin and make a bigger mess. And, the biggest problem with underwear drips (which DO happen) is pee that is trapped inside the body and squeezed out as walking or other movements shifts the pressure around--and a tissue can at best wick away moisture that is inside but close to the opening already.

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