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Posts posted by Carb0nBased

  1. Sometimes if my bladder is rather full I go before just so that I don't have pressure from my bladder making it harder to, well, stay hard and make the process of getting to orgasm more relaxed. Sometimes also peeing gets me in the mood to get off, which I didn't intend to do before I peed. But generally I prefer to go after--as soon after as I can pee, which is not immediately. It gets rid of the lingering feeling of something being in there--the feeling of extra cum in the tubes is ickier than the feeling of a few drops of pee left in there, which I can usually get out anyway. At that point it's not peeing for the fetishy enjoyment though--it's just kind of a way to wind down after. 

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  2. I once knew a bisexual girl (mostly straight, but with at least SOME interest in other women) at a university and actually asked her about this in regards to traveling for university- and research-related events. She sometimes stayed in a room with other women, and I asked if this led to any "interesting" situations. She said that it did sometimes make it awkward.

    I'd think that regarding peeing, it's easier for gay men, as women mostly pee openly only in front of their friends, and if the friends know of someone's same-sex attraction then it's either an awkward situation of the gay/bi girl hiding her interest, or the friends might choose not to pee with her at all. Aside from the situation in Asian women's restrooms that has been discussed in at least one thread here (that until then I didn't know existed), I don't think there's anything like men's urinals where strangers expose themselves to each other for peeing. As far as changing, I don't know. I've never seen a significant number of men changing openly in men's bathrooms, outside stalls. Even in e.g. summer camps where there were communal showers, most if not all guys used swim trunks and did what they called "deck changing" where they used a towel around their waists when replacing one pair of pants/underwear with another. I could see where maybe women might be less shy about that particular aspect, especially regarding changing tops.

  3. On 11/29/2022 at 7:15 AM, colette888 said:

    This episode happened yesterday afternoon, just after three o'clock..

    I was reading seated on a rock overlooking the Ocean, in proximity of a tiny sandy beach, totally deserted because the weather was rather awful, very cloudy and unpleasantly windy, menacing a storm, even though with mild atmospheric temperature...

    Then a loud barking noise attracted my attention, and, so, I noticed that, at about fifty meters from my position, three people and a huge dog had arrived.

    Nothing to get interested about, I thought...

    But, then, a few unusual details made me change my initial impression.

    Even from that distance, it became immediately clear to me that those folks were looking for a location where they couldn't be disturbed by indiscreet eyes, they must have noticed my presence but judged that I wasn't threatening not could have interfered in any way, probably because I was looking like an innocent girl studying a school-book and/or chatting with a friend over the phone... 

    Instead, I was extremely attentive to their behaviour!

    All the three were sticking together quite tightly, while the dog was roaming freely on the sand, chasing seabirds, but it was the man, quite tall, probably in his late thirties who seemed the owner of the situation.

    Of the two women one looked pretty young, very attractive and slim, but uninterested in undressing to benefit from the marine breeze, while the other behaved in the opposite manner.

    While the girl and the guy were standing and taking pictures of the landscape, she found where it was comfortable to lay down and infolded a white towel on what looked like a smooth slab, slightly inclined towards the waves, but couldn't get into a resting mood, because he came closer and closer, until she had to stand up again to be taken into his wide arms.

    She's quite sexy too, much blonder than the other, with a curvier body but from far it's difficult to notice much more...

    What I could see was that they were kissing passionately while he was fondling her ass...

    That activity lasted at least 5 long minutes that she also used to undress progressively, until she appeared wearing only a black skimpy bikini.

    Then she made a step backwards and he took the phone out of his pocket, aiming the camera at her face.

    I could tell they were already pretty excited, both possibly quite horny, and, so, probably, must have thought the other girl who called the dog and went away with him pretty hurriedly...

    Left alone, the two, inequivocally, engaged in some sort of sexual activity, even though I wasn't really sure about what actually they were doing..

    I guessed he had a hard-on and that she was caressing him there while they were standing and embracing, but maybe she only leant her body against his... 

    That phase lasted at least 5 more minutes, after which everything calmed down quite considerably.

    Then I saw the guy's hands fiddling where the trousers open, but I'm not sure he had the dick out or not, even though that's quite possible since she had taken something (tissues?) from her bag-pack and given it to him (to clean sperm off?).

    During all that situation, apparently he didn't stop taking pictures or possibly videos, the phone's cameras were pointed first at her upper body and visage, but in the later stages of their cuddling he clearly began to aim at her open legs and possibly in between 'em...

    Anyway before she recovered the dress she had left on the ground in that moment of passion earlier on, something else happened, or at least I guessed it might have happened...

    In front of him she slowly popped into a squat, firmly holding one hand on his legs, and stayed still in that position for more than a few seconds.

    I couldn't see what she was doing, but his phone could, and it was aimed towards the ground...

    She never took the bikini off though, so it could have been just a moment of rest, after which she dressed in a hurry and they both spirited away, probably to rejoin the other girl and the doggie.

    I couldn't wait very long, as soon as they disappeared around the corner, I went where they had been, or nearby.

    At first, nothing suspicious was in sight, the ground wasn't showing any sign of human presence...

    Far from disappointed, I was serenely accepting they had probably performed minor sexual acts without wetting the ground!

    But, when I was preparing to return to my book, my sensitive nose caught a distinctive scent even though my eyes couldn't see traces of human pee...

    So, I watched much more carefully..

    And, indeed, it was what I thought, my guess from afar had been really accurate.

    I went down to sniff close to the ground and found a slightly wet spot, where recent pee was unmistakably present, but in a very limited quantity.

    Since there were no other traces around that very tiny puddle, I could deduce that either she discharged very few dops, perhaps while masturbating, or she had the towel there and that absorbed most of her pee...

    The second option seems to me the more credible one!

    Given the guy's use of his phone's camera, maybe they were making an amateur porno? In my experience as a viewer, on/near the beach is a common setting for adult films.

    • Cheeky 2
  4. Apparently it's a common myth: https://www.joesixpack.net/2017/03/01/that-thing-at-your-feet-its-not-a-pee-trough/

    While it's not too hard to imagine that open public peeing while drinking was once a thing back when the bar-going population was virtually exclusively male, this clearly wasn't the case during the time frame when those troughs were used. Who knows what was acceptable at drinking locales in more ancient history though?

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  5. On 11/27/2022 at 3:29 PM, kitty and mimi said:

    This reminded me there is a Chinese idiom, it is "处女尿尿一条线,妇女尿尿一大片".  I don't think I can translate this correctly. maybe you can ask your wife if she can translate this. the word "处女"mean girl,young woman, virgin or unmarried woman. the word "妇女" mean non-virgin,mature woman or married woman. The rough meaning that I can translate is that young unmarried women tend to have more straight forward peeing stream while mature marries women ten to have downward peeing stream. this idiom have several different versions. one version of this idiom is appear in a Chinese novel,"Under the Hawthorn Tree". It was said by a crazy old female character in the book. this idiom become more and more popular among Chinese speaking internet users recently. it said "大姑娘尿尿一条线 小媳妇尿尿湿一片". the word "大姑娘" means mature woman,probably above 30 years old,still unmarried, still virgin. the word "小媳妇" mean young wife,probably married around 18-20 years old. the rough meaning of this idiom is that even when the woman get older(like 25-35), she would still have forward stream as long as she stay unmarried, virgin; if a woman get married,she no longer have forward stream even if she is still young. I am not sure if this is real or just a Chinese superstition. This may be a Chinese superstition because traditional Chinese culture is very patriarchal, and value virginity, look down on the women who are non virgin before marriage. Since both forward stream and virginity are consider to be good for women in Chinese cultures, people associate forward stream with virginity.


    I didn't know there were cultures in which there were values associated with the angle of women's pee streams! In fact, that aside from some of us pee fans, who are very attuned to such things, I didn't think most people even paid enough attention to the angle of urine streams for the idea that they could be found attractive (or not) to cross their minds. 


  6. 13 hours ago, colette888 said:

    This episode is really fresh as the pee which happened there...

    Last night, my partner and I went to another fairly crowded social event, an *Engagement* Party of a distant relative of mine, a twenty-two y.o. girl, already divorced once,.. She organised everything, including catering and entertainement, in a rented huge flat overlooking a beach. I guess we were at least a hundred guests, two-thirds of which girls younger than myself, in their early twenties. The flat is equipped with two fairly spacious bathrooms, but our host was making quite clear as soon as people were entering the lounge, that, in case of "wee* only (and not poo), we should go outside, around the house or even on the sandy seashore to satisfy our needs, because it was impossible to maintain the hygiene if some many people used the same facilities one after the other... And so, we all had to comply... My GF went, the first time, quite early near our parked car, while I waited very long before venturing outside... After midnight, when finally couldn't hold any more, I went looking for a proper place.. just outside the main door I stumbled into a girl with a very short little dress, who was releasing a fountain without any restraint.. She looked at me and realized I was staring at her wide-opened pussy.. Instead of showing any shyness, she immediately asked if I was going to pee too... I answered I was thinking about it... and she incited me.. and so I popped a squat just beside her...

    That seems like one of those things that is easier when you are also a girl...

  7. On 11/22/2022 at 10:01 AM, Kirby23 said:

    My other roommate had a girl, Jenny, that wasn't his girlfriend, but a close friend he'd grown up with. One time Jenny was at one of our house parties. Apparently she'd heard that my roommate had a big dick. So one time when he went in the bathroom to pee, she asked if she could go in with him so she could see his dick. He let her. Then she sat down and peed in front of him, and showed off her pussy to him. Ironically, I don't think they ever actually slept together, it was just that one time that they drunkenly peed with each other and showed their parts to each other. 

    That's one of my fantasies--playing "you show me yours" type games with a friend I knew from way back when I was younger. One of the problems with that is that I didn't form any close friendships while growing up, especially with girls. Though I still could meet someone who I click with as if we'd grown up together, yet we aren't compatible as boyfriend and girlfriend yet we still have curiosity.

  8. 1 hour ago, Dr.P said:

    I totally agree with your first statement, and understand and thank you for your second one, since it was a popular view in the 1970's and 80's, which you have stated very clearly. (By the way, Fonda and Segal were playing a married couple, rather than Platonic friends, in the 1977 movie.)

    Back to my reality, which fits your hypothesis, very well. When I was dating "Ellie," in the 1970's and 80's, I wrestled, mentally, with these two possible  interpretations of her actions, for more than a decade. For those of you who have not read my descriptions of her behavior, she had a habit of leaving the bathroom door halfway open, whenever she peed, in my presence, over an off-and-on "friends with benefits" sexual relationship, which lasted about 10 years. I was sure that your first statement was true, about her attitudes toward me, but I was unsure if she was also testing my potential erotic interest in her peeing, or even teasing me, sexually, or whether her feelings were entirely comfortable, in a Platonic sense. I never had the courage to ask her, for fear that it would embarrass or anger her, and ruin a relationship, which I enjoyed, immensely, in spite of its limitations.

    Years later, I discussed this relationship with several, mostly Platonic female friends, who didn't know "Ellie," at all, and asked their opinions. All of them agreed that she was testing my erotic interest, at the very least, and possibly teasing me, hoping that I would say something indicating interest, or make a move, like walking into the bathroom, with her. Since those discussions, I have always felt that this was one of my greatest missed opportunities, and regretted my lack of courage.

    I don't know how it was in the 70s and 80s, but from my own experiences I get the impression that women peeing openly in front of male friends without at least some intent of flirting/opening the door to sexual possibilities, especially one-on-one and without drinking being involved, is quite uncommon. The chance goes up at parties/"nights on the town" and in groups. In other words, in a mixed-gender group outdoors where considerable drinking is taking place, some of women's shyness about peeing disappears--particularly when it's dark enough to not see much of anything--though even then in my own experience I've mostly observed women disappearing at least a bit out of view, even if they found little need to hide why they were doing it. A similar thing goes for women asking guy friends to "stand guard" while they go in the bushes, still expecting the guy not to look, that doesn't imply any sexual interest. What's really rare is just a guy being over a girl's house chatting or playing video games or whatever and she uses the bathroom without closing the door, or even further does something to encourage him to come closer and/or stand where he can see anything.

    I haven't had any really close completely platonic relationships with women though--so I don't know whether there are some pure friendships where women do pee openly in front of guys but would still be weirded out if the guy showed interest in what she was doing.

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  9. 13 hours ago, Loller said:

    I dunno how many flaccid dicks you have seen but living in a country where being uncut is the norm and having showered in public showers many times, foreskin covering the entire glans seems pretty usual.

    I haven't seen many others in real life but have seen enough pictures to think that the foreskin being about as long as the glans is quite normal. So it's normal to just see foreskin when looking from the side, but whether the opening in the skin is wide enough to see the glans looking end on depends on a lot of things.

    I was definitely born with a foreskin that quite generously and tightly covered the glans, to the extent that I hadn't seen my glans or even really knew it existed until I was almost a teenager. I never saw those of my peers during that time to know, but I suspect that's the case for almost all males. I have no recollection of whether that made a hissing sound. During development, the organ inside grew more than the skin, to where as an adult it's much easier to pull back and it's common for there to be at least a small opening in the end much of the time. However, it can certainly happen when it sits in my underwear the right way that the skin gets stuck to itself and forms a complete "seal", and even more often it's enough to risk having bad aim without making sure to pull the skin out of the way. I would imagine that an adult man having enough hanging off the end to hiss/whistle through (without pinching it on purpose) is rather uncommon.

    You're right though Collette that it's great that there's so much variety in people's parts, both male and female ones. It keeps things interesting!

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  10. 8 hours ago, Havelock said:

    I love the hiss. My wife does this and its super hot. I love when she blasts the toilet or the pavement when squatting with a strong stream. I associate it with a dominant woman and a forward stream. I have no idea if forward streams are associated with a hiss but somehow I have imagined it does. 

    It's interesting we have such different associations. If I were to associate any kind of stream with being aggressive/dominant, it would have to be a "jet" that goes straight down into the water, the kind that sounds rather like a man having a standing pee. There's something "get it done" about pushing everything out full force right into the bottom of the bowl. 

    At the risk of rehashing the whole "stream angle" thing that seemed to rattle some people's cages the last time it was brought up, forward streams ARE associated with a kind of "hiss" (at least when peeing on a toilet), but due to the stream reflecting off the dry porcelain, which is different from any hiss coming directly from the body itself. Such pees are overall quieter than a similar stream going straight down, and sound "more delicate" to me. I think this impression of mine is enhanced to some degree by people here claiming that Asian women, who are often known for having a "daintier" persona than the average woman of other ethnicities, seem more likely to have this sort of forward stream. However, a relatively weak/slow stream that falls downward, creating a "sprinkle" almost like rain, also sounds delicate and feminine to me. I could imagine that those might even be the most likely to "hiss" given that those streams are probably "sprinkly" in part by being broken up on their way out.

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  11. 9 hours ago, Kirby23 said:

    And it makes me wonder whether there are other hobbies/pastimes that might involve women freely peeing (and willing to discuss it) like this?

    Maybe competitive swimming? Scuba? Camping/hiking? Kayaking/canoeing? I've read lots of stories about those topics, so maybe not as "novel" as the horse topic?

    In water sports (as opposed to "watersports" 😉), women are most likely to pee in the water, which while I'm sure very common, and hot to think about isn't something you'd actually be able to see. Camping and hiking involve a lot of free peeing for certain women (though others, particularly when doing these activities in groups, do still wait for bathrooms if at all possible). And they don't have the same association with the upper class "private school set" as equestrian sports (though horses, and farm animals in general,  also have an association with actual "country girls", whose association with free peeing I'd find anything but surprising). 

    It's harder to think of other activities that might be more like horse riding in the fact that 1) girls/women who do them often have as much of a "white picket fence aristocratic" vibe as a rough-and-dirty country vibe, and 2) peeing happens in the context of something rather organized and possibly even prestigious rather than just randomly alone behind some trees in the woods. One I can think of is that I've heard stories about female players of soccer/lacrosse/other common team sports sometimes having discreet pees near the field when practicing somewhere that isn't near a locker room with toilet facilities. I don't know how common that is though. Another one I could imagine is activities where people are stuck in a relatively small space for extended periods of time--like flying small planes or riding in hot air balloons--or even sailing on boats that are too small to have a toilet.

    By the way, is Yvette still around? She was probably THE naughty peeing horse girl of all the pee forums for a while?

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  12. It seems there are two kinds of common pee spots. There are 1) super crowded places, particularly where there's a lot of fluid intake (i.e. drinking), where it would be inconvenient or impossible for everyone to find a toilet, and 2) places that are too remote for there to be toilets, or even just for reasonably clean toilets. 

    The crowded spots (1) are things like music festivals, urban holiday celebrations, and nightlife districts. They are more likely to have peeing any given day, and you might see a decent number of people peeing in one small area one particular time you go, but the people peeing are more likely to be in a group of friends who partly cover for them, and someone taking interest in others peeing is more likely to him/herself be seen. The remote spots (2) are like camping spots without toilets, hiking trails, and the horse stables mentioned in another recent thread here. There are way too many of these to list individually even if you wanted to. Since there aren't many people there, peeing incidents are much rarer in any one place, and it's not like you can just go somewhere hoping for sightings. However, you're also likely to be alone yourself and won't be interrupted as easily--and your "targets" are more likely to think they are alone. Plus if you know where to look (I mean not one particular nature area, but how to spot a gap in the bushes or grove of trees that is likely to appeal to pee-ers), and go somewhere that is still popular (for a wilderness/country spot) it isn't TOO unusual at least to find puddles and especially tissues.

    I think a lot of it comes down to what kind of environment you feel most comfortable/able to be yourself. For me, I'm much more of an outdoorsy person than a city nightlife person, and so I'm outdoors enough anyway that the majority of my sightings have been there. If I'd go outdoors just to see peeing I'd be quite disappointed though. A few times I've been to large parties where there were decently many people peeing around, but it was mostly too dark to see much of anything anyway. If you like going to lots of parties anyway but feel out of place out in the wilderness, it's possibly better to go to more parties and try to make friends with people who don't mind peeing in front of their friends, at least when drunk.

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  13. 8 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    It's an interesting point.  I tend to think that animals are a lot more astute than we give them credit for when it comes to identifying male and female humans.  I've come across a few, from dogs to birds who have an extreme preference of being super cute and cuddly with one and a pathological hate for the other half.  And in both senses too.  Whether that's on learned behaviour is a possibility.

    Dogs in particular I'm sure can tell, and I'd assume it's by similar cues that humans ourselves would use--face shape, voice pitch, etc., though possibly some of it may also be by scent, as many if not most of us can smell the difference between a typical male and female body close up, and don't forget that dogs' sense of smell is much stronger, to where it may make up for us emitting less scent ourselves. In particular, rescue dogs who suffered most of their abuse at the hands of one individual--as opposed to by a couple/family or just general neglect by everyone--seem to tend to develop a phobia of whatever gender their abusive owner was, often strongly preferring the opposite gender.

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  14. On 11/3/2022 at 6:22 AM, Vassal said:

    Yeah those ladies definitely should be compensated for this at the very least.

    I don't specifically remember this picture of three from the side, what I do remember from around that time from Webshots was a pic of two girls using two urinals facing away from the wall, with the view straight on showing their streams below their tops hanging in front. I think I still have a copy of that one somewhere. There certainly are a lot of "funny" pictures around the web of women using urinals--or toilets--that don't show any stream. I've forgotten most of them I'm sure.

    But yeah, this is odd for something on Etsy as this isn't so much a "homemade" piece of art as a significant re-processing of a photo that he obviously found online.

  15. 23 hours ago, Bob3322 said:

    I would always be waiting for the First Lady to ask where the ladies room was. 

    I think you mean "the first lady to ask". Unless your mom was planning parties at the White House... that would have been a very unique childhood!

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  16. On 10/31/2022 at 11:28 PM, Takashi96 said:

    I guess I was just as surprised to learn there's no toilets built near the stables. I think of upper class life as being never out of close range of a toilet. 

    I'd think there are several types of equestrian clubs/facilities. Some are probably large estates with clubhouses and rooms for all sorts of fancy events, and those certainly would have regular bathrooms. However, many "equestrian centers", even in wealthy counties, are really just land out in the middle of nowhere on some dirt road with some stables and riding pens, where people can keep horses and take them out on the trails. Those are not likely to have a sewer hookup as they are essentially outdoor facilities.

    Even the properties with nice buildings on them probably don't have bathrooms IN the stables/riding area. For instance, there's a private high school not too far from where I live that has a large campus with beautiful buildings and nice lawns around, and dorms for students who board there. It has a horse stable on the campus, which is maybe a 15 minute walk from the closest real building. I suspect that people who are in the middle of working with horses, and dirty from walking around in the stable, may prefer to stay in the area rather than walk to the clubhouse or meeting hall even on properties that have them.

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  17. On 11/1/2022 at 12:15 AM, vpw said:

    Wow. Just... wow! I guess the situation really is that bad in many areas of India. I was under the impression that at least in the more developed areas, the educational system there was actually quite well advanced, despite the extreme poverty and lack of infrastructure in the rest of the country. I have heard that students in India at the university level meet or outperform those in what we would call "developed nations", which would have led me to believe that they actually have decent facilities. Several colleagues (in STEM fields) have been from there and even have joint research programs there... but I guess these academic research centers where they came from are not the government-run ones.

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  18. On 10/27/2022 at 6:36 PM, vpw said:

    Please don't post anecdotes of school girls unless they are in high school and of legal age. Most public schools in India as well as public colleges run by government are devoid of toilets and girls have to do their thing outside so I am sure tons of sightings come to those who are in India.

    Public colleges in India are devoid of toilets? I find that hard to believe. Elementary and possibly even high schools in rural areas yes, I can totally see that being the case, but I would think most colleges are not in out of the way places.

  19. On 10/29/2022 at 4:54 PM, Takashi96 said:

    Wow, I'd always equated that whole equestrian thing with the prim and proper world of horsey girl schools. I never imagined the privileged graduates of all-girl private schools would ever pop squats in their riding jodhpurs. And now I have a whole new folder in the spank bank. 

    Well, all girls need to pee sometimes, and I guess maybe it's their chance to be a bit naughty... not that they necessarily think it "naughty" in a hot way, but more like it's a chance to do something that would be weird to do anywhere else they commonly visit.

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  20. I went through a corn maze twice this Halloween season, once this past weekend and once the weekend before. It was a good one, that took a good half hour to solve the first time. As I was going through it the second time this past weekend, I wondered how many women get desperate in the maze and pop a squat, especially if they go there on weekdays when it's much less crowded--or even if some prefer to go in there rather than use the porta potties, which I'm sure get nasty. I actually did see a tissue on the ground at one point just off the edge of one of the paths, and if it hadn't been crowded enough that I was constantly passing other people, I would probably have picked it up to see if it was wet.

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  21. 1 hour ago, PissDude said:

    To be fair, with a little engineering experience (non-medical), I have trouble imagining women lining up for a trial of a urine receptical specifically for women. I’m sure the study would be hot, but how would you attract participants?

    A successful design would likely not be a change to the container, but an attachment or accessory for it. There are good reasons for the container being small and of a simple shape, in terms of the laboratory workers being able to move it around readily on their bench and being easily able to read off the volume of urine inside. Nobody would make a test tube or beaker in the shape of a pan. So that leaves something wide and appropriately shaped to collect the urine from the body, yet with an opening that can channel or empty the liquid into a smaller, lab-practical container. The biggest problem, I suspect, is finding something that will not contaminate the sample, either from something on/in itself, or by allowing splashing off the skin of the patient. I suspect that's the real reason nothing has been done about it--you want the sample to be as close to "straight from the source" as possible. Maybe someone could make a version of the "Shewee" that is packed in a vacuum sealed-sterile packaging and can be tossed in the trash after a sample is collected, like a pair of gloves would be.

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  22. On 8/29/2022 at 12:18 PM, Kirby23 said:

    I'd be interested to hear of others' experiences with accidental or unexpected nudity sightings (particularly female) in real life. 

    A few times that come to mind for me:

    Once I was at the beach, and a young couple (probably about 18) were kind of play wrestling with each other. The girl was wearing a bikini. She was Asian, and very thin, perhaps 100 pounds. The man picked the girl up into the air, and as he went to grab her, he sort of pulled her bikini bottom to the side, and I got a full view of her cute little dark bush, and as her lifted her, of her pussy lips. She sort of giggled, and placed the bikini bottom back where it belonged. I don't think she knew she flashed me. 

    Another time, I was at a wedding, and one of the guests, a decent-looking girl who was about 30, was literally falling down drunk. She fell on the grass outside, where the reception was being held. Trying to regain her balance, she spread her legs wide, and I (along with a few other guests) got a full view of her crotch (no underwear). She was blonde, and it was fairly dark out, so I couldn't really tell if she was shaved, or might've had blonde pubic hair. But she definitely had meaty lips, because I still remember seeing them clearly. That same girl had sex outdoors with a random dude later on, ha. 

    Anyone else have sightings like this?

    The play wrestling couple would have been exciting to see.

  23. I can see the heart if I know it's supposed to be that.

    With quite some imagination, and considering how it was made, I can almost see someone popping a squat in that shape, facing us. The feet would be in the lower right corner, and the head in the upper left. The person's left arm (in the upper right) would be rested on the left knee, and the right arm stretched out, maybe to hold onto something for support. I have a lot of imagination lol.

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