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Posts posted by Carb0nBased

  1. On 7/19/2023 at 11:23 AM, Kirby23 said:

    My wife always pees after sex, and sometimes it takes her a while to get it going. Especially if she has orgasmed. It's not uncommon that she might sit there on the toilet for 3-5 minutes (sometimes more) waiting for the stream to start.

    I've asked her about it, and she says that when she orgasms, she gets all clenched up down there and it takes a while to relax enough to pee. 

    This is one of the reasons she has told me why she'd never be able to pee during sex. 🤷‍♂️

    It's great to have a woman who can tell you all about how she experiences it.

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  2. 20 hours ago, WetMart said:


    Do these actually go together, or is it just two women who happen to have a similar nose and hair color? I've seen the pic on the right (peeing) before, but the one on the left was never with it.

  3. Hmm... an interesting idea. I actually recognized two of the spots where they filmed, and I must say they have some audacity. The one with the stones lined up in rows, that's an outdoor theater where a large theater production is performed every summer (as a matter of fact I believe it's going on now...). And the knoll in the bend in the road, there's a little parking lot next to there where I've seen tourists stop to walk up to the knoll to take selfies with the ocean in the background (it's also a good spot to start a weekend hike, which explains why I was there). Someone could have easily stopped by and seen them going at it. On the other hand, the one way out in the pine forest or in the vineyard, those look like good spots because they appear to be far from where anyone would drive by.

    I must admit though, I did feel a bit like they were kind of "desecrating" some of those spots--I mean it's gorgeous, one of a kind scenery on a beautiful day and and then you have some people humping each other right in the middle. It's much less so if it's a random place in a forest somewhere, there are so many of those. And peeing would seem much more natural (pardon the pun) to do out in nature like that. I think a drone would be a little high up for peeing though.

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  4. 7 hours ago, Bacardi said:

    Does it make your pee glow? Would it hurt if you peed on me? 🤣

    In all seriousness, good luck with what you have going on. Your peefans family will always be here for you Steve! 

    No, radioactive pee doesn't glow. However, there IS a dye used in certain eye procedures that is excreted in the urine and turns it fluorescent yellow. I know because someone posted a photo on Flickr of neon yellow pee saying it was from that. Given that it's OK to inject this fluorescent dye into the eye, I'm sure that playing with the resulting glow-in-the-dark pee isn't going to hurt anyone.

  5. 23 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    I read somewhere that NASA 'train' astronauts to pee and poo separately, so the pee can be recycled into drinking water.

    To be honest it doesn't seem too difficult to do (not sure how extensive their training is) - to pee first and then start to push once the bladder is empty.

    Yes, that usually isn't hard. There were a few times when I have had to poo quite bad and hardly had to pee, when the former came first and without pushing--otherwise it takes much less relaxing to pee, and they seem to never happen together for me. So peeing first and collecting it doesn't seem like a big deal.

  6. I've heard of those toilets, and wondered if they work as well as they are supposed to--both for women with messy/backward streams and men who pee standing, even if they understand how it's supposed to work and act accordingly. It all depends on the pee falling in the front of the toilet in such a way that it runs out through the urine outlet and doesn't splash into the rear part of the bowl. Though for guys I imagine hooking up a urinal attachment wouldn't be too hard.

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  7. 8 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    I'm not a medical expert,  but my understanding is that the ultrasound works by sensor creating very high frequency vibrations which travel from the probe through the body's tissue, reflecting back as they hit different parts of the body.

    Those vibrations don't travel too well through free air space, so the technician puts the gel on the skin to create a better conduction path.  And in the same way having a full bladder will help full form a good path for the vibrations to travel through until they reach tissue and bone to reflect them back, as well as taking up free space in the abdomen which otherwise wouldn't conduct so well.

    That explains why it's needed for ultrasound, but not for IVF. 

  8. On 6/4/2023 at 4:51 AM, Wetbedfan said:

    So first post for me as I am a lurker!

    I had IVF for all of my children. This included 4 embryo transfers over a period of 6 years. 
    For this you need a full bladder, they then keep you waiting forever while they’re running late. 
    You go into the room, undress, get on the bed and your legs go up on the stirrups. They then put a speculum in, press hard down on your bladder to check they can see. Then while they are pressing the probe on your bladder, they pass a catheter containing your embryo through your cervix to transplant the embryo onto your uterus lining. 
    This is all done with a full bladder, legs apart and up in stirrups with a speculum in and pressure on the bladder. 
    The toilet was right outside but you have to get dressed and walk into the waiting room to get to the toilets. 
    Luckily I always made it but not everyone did. It was crazy. 
    Anyway. That’s all for my first post!!

    I wonder why it's done with a full bladder--is it because it gives something solid to push against to help spread your cervix?

  9. The Pollee urinals are definitely real, and have been used at festivals. It seems the Lapee ones are newer, I don't know what advantages they have.

    There are three types of the Pollee urinals, with different levels of privacy, and as I recall the Lapee is kind of between the two more modest types of the Pollee. I remember reading that at most festivals the "naked" one was the least popular of the three Pollee models, but that of course means that they were there to begin with.

  10. On 5/21/2023 at 5:28 AM, Bacardi said:

    I don't particularly care. My husband sometimes tries to carry on conversations with me while he pees. He'll leave the door open (which irritates me....close the door when you pee please so we don't have to watch you 🤣), pee, and talk about whatever and I can't hear him half the time cause he pees so loudly. 

    But other than it being mildly annoying, it doesn't affect me positively or negatively. It is what it is.

    You don't like watching him? I guess you are only into your own peeing.

  11. On 5/24/2023 at 3:31 PM, WillAndSarah said:

    Can confirm they're real; I know of at least one that was still in use as recently as 2014. Used it quite frequently actually.

    I believe they are a men's room-only phenomenon (doesn't really work as a concept for ladies) afaik.

    I think there are two things being confused here--trough urinals in men's restrooms (whether the bathrooms are in bars or not), and troughs at the bar itself.

    Trough urinals in bathrooms certainly did and still DO exist (and are still fully hooked up and used)--they're not just found in bars but also in some athletic stadiums, parks/rest stops out in the middle of nowhere, etc. They replace separate urinals with one very wide fixture, along which many guys can line up. They are indeed a male only phenomenon, at least in the West--the closest thing I've heard of in women's bathrooms is a long channel in the floor for squatting, and those only exist in Asia. Most of those have dividers, although according to some people in one of the "Asian peeing habits" threads, they don't always, which makes them just as open. And whether with dividers or not, those have one thing that makes them at least to me much odder of an idea than the men's urinals--and that's the fact that they are used for #2 in addition to #1, so you are watching that go by as you do your business. 

    It's the trough at the actual bar that may well have never existed. I'm sure that far back in history, there were some quite primitive facilities in drinking establishments, but it would strike me as odd to actually pee while sitting at the bar and drinking, and not at least walk behind some kind of wall.

  12. To tell you the truth, I don't think I was ever taken into a public women's toilet by my mom (or any other woman), except possibly as a baby too long ago for me to remember. I guess the only times I was out in public (and not in (pre)school) my dad was there and could take me to the men's bathroom.

    In homes I was never in the bathroom with a woman who was using the toilet, either... except, I do have this one vague recollection that I went into the bathroom at home with a female babysitter once out of curiosity. It's the kind of memory so hazy that you're not even sure if it really happened or was just a dream/imagination, but I somehow recall that a babysitter left the bathroom door open when she used the bathroom, and I walked in, and she even asked if I was in there because I wanted to see--not of course in any kind of inappropriate exhibitionistic sort of way, but just in a sense of understanding a child's curiosity and not being weirded out by it. I vaguely recall saying that I did and she said it was OK--but I don't recall actually seeing anything except possibly that she had her legs together.

  13. On 5/5/2023 at 7:15 AM, colette888 said:

    I totally understand your approach, if I were you I'd have investigated using the same method...

    Funnily enough, I too have found, quite a few times, on/near beaches, dirt-roads and loose terrain locations that women (unlike the male counterparts) just after having peed towards the ground, try and hide the wet spot by loose sand and/or soil.. It's very productive to dig a little sometimes...

    Do you ever do that yourself? 😉
    I do imagine that it makes them feel less naughty to do this.

    For those who are curious, this is what the dug-up wet spot looked like: 


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  14. 23 hours ago, kitty and mimi said:

    it is very interesting that how gender bathroom rules influence relationship. in high school in Hong Kong, during class session, many teachers do not allow two or more students of same sex go to bathroom together, because they don't want their students to spend the class time to talk to each other inside bathroom while peeing. they only allow two students of opposite sex go to bathroom at a time in separate gender bathroom, so they cannot talk to each other while peeing. but no one can prevent them from thinking about each other while peeing. that is easy for the boy to hit on the girl after they finish peeing. unlike going to bathroom during the break time, which girls go to bathroom together in group,which is harder to approach,but during the class session, the girl only allow to pee alone, more likely to feel lonely,which make her more vulnerable. the boy might even ask the girl her peeing experience, some thing like "how was the toilet seat?","was the toilet seat warn or cold?","was the toilet seat dirty or clean?".


    That was really interesting to read! It makes sense that teachers don't want their students talking in the bathroom. I wonder how many of the girls show interest back. I almost couldn't imagine the start of a relationship being based around asking a woman about her peeing, though of course many of us might dream about such a thing...

    It seems that before the arrival of Western toilets, questions like "How warm was the toilet seat" would have been harder to ask. I wonder if there ever were questions like "Were the foot rests too far apart"? or even "Did the toilet have a good splash guard in the front?" :-)

    This all reminds me a bit of a situation I was in many years ago... I used to be a member of a hiking group and a few times we went on a short ferry ride to a picnic and hiking place. Upon getting off the ferry, we would set our stuff down, walk for maybe two hours, then come back and have a picnic (with wine--the group leader always brought some), and then catch the ferry back to our cars. On two of these trips I ended up talking with two different girls, each of  whom I'd never met before, and who both happened to be Asian. One started chatting with me on the ferry ride over, and the other time I approached and started talking to the second while we were hiking. At least one of the two was quite shy in general and didn't drink any of the wine either, but both were easy to talk with. In one of these instances, I believe it was the one who started talking to me on the ferry ride over, she had to use the bathroom by the ferry dock before we boarded again to head back. She sat down next to me on the boat afterward and said that the bathroom had been reasonably clean but not great. This made me want to ask more questions, like "have you found some messy toilets, and what did you do then?" and start a peeing-related discussion, that might lead to discussion of hovering or other peeing methods, but I thought she might find that weird. 

    I never spoke to either of those two again--the thing with that group was that many people just came once and were kind of in a transitional period in their lives, and so weren't really looking for friends to get together with in the future.

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  15. On 4/15/2023 at 6:26 AM, Ms. Tito said:

    There is a proposal out there by an activist group to turn a golf course into a public sex forest. I think that's pretty cool. It'd be closed off to anyone under 18, obviously. 

    https://archive.org/details/sexforest/Sex Forest print/page/n1/mode/1up 

    "really the city is subsidizing a handful of mainly upper-middle class golfers while thousands of perverts have no good place to fuck." 😂"

    An old golf course relatively near to where I live closed down a few years ago, with an awful lot of political back and forth as to what should be done with it as well. Opinions mostly fell into two camps, one being to sell it to someone else who would keep it open as a golf course, and the other being to make it into a public park. In the end "public park" won--I don't remember there ever being a "fuck forest" camp lol! That would have been seen as VERY weird, even in one of the most liberal areas of California!

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  16. Is this asked in the invitational sense of "would someone on this forum want to wet with YOU specifically"? or more hypothetically in the sense of "would wetting pants with a romantic partner or 'pee buddy' be something you'd like to do"?

    If the latter, it is definitely something I'd consider doing--though if it's someone I'm actually comfortable peeing with then I'd most of the time prefer to take the pants off and just pee together in the shower or something like that. I could see wetting with someone for two reasons--one being to encourage a somewhat uptight/reserved person that it's OK to be "naughty" and uninhibited sometimes, and the other being just out of curiosity to see what it feels like to have the warmth of someone else's pee soak into your own clothes. The former could just involve wetting together in the same room/place, while the latter would require actual touching. I'm not personally into the "naughty" part of this fetish enough that I get turned on merely by the naughtiness of wetting.

  17. On 4/24/2023 at 3:58 PM, Sophie said:

    I know exactly which video you mean. I remember getting annoyed at how she said "oscillating"

    Blonde woman, pulls down her underwear and sits down.

    "You are not recording this..." laughing face "Okay...you are"

    Yes, that's definitely the video. She said it like "osculating"--which coincidentally is a formal word for "kissing" lol--like she obviously hadn't seen the word before. And she had curly blond hair. It actually makes more sense that she said the part about "you are not recording this" before all the narration, rather than at the end when she was getting up as I had recalled, as that would explain why she spent the whole video as though she were talking to a non-existent audience.

    I think the actual peeing was left in that video, rather than being edited over or simply not existing as in most other "trying a bidet" videos. The fact that you mention the sitting down being included supports this. Of course it wasn't visible on screen in any case, but even just hearing and knowing it is happening is special for Youtube.

  18. 1 hour ago, Alygal1331 said:

    I don’t go to public pools often (maybe once a year) but every time I do, I make sure to drink lots of water beforehand to dilute my pee, then stay in the pool for hours. I relax my bladder completely while I’m in the pool, so basically every time the smallest amount builds in my bladder, it automatically releases. 

    Does that feel really freeing, knowing you don't even have to pretend to hold?

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