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Posts posted by Carb0nBased

  1. It IS quite mesmerizing, almost artistic even.

    It looks like it must have been a soft, gentle pee, as the stream breaks into drops and wanders from side to side for the whole duration of the pee, rather than forming a straight jet at the beginning. Even so, I find it really curious how side streams keep forming along the side and curving all the way around the head to the point where they sometimes even flow backwards. I wonder why that is--was there a strong wind blowing?

  2. On 3/5/2022 at 10:52 PM, ShyPeeMan said:

    I love big boobs but oddly I don't find these bikinis sexy. I must be ill lol

    Yes, too small to where they barely hide anything, and it no longer looks teasingly sexy--rather just classless and tasteless. Best is probably just open enough that you can see most of the cleavage and a little sideboob--or else topless. Topless has the whole freedom thing about it.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Stephen94 said:

    Plumbworld have some great mixer ideas that taste delicious! My wife and I have tried a few and now we are hooked. Here are some examples. 



    I'd never heard of Plumbworld, but apparently it's a site that sells bathroom fixtures. I can't see why they would give advice on how to make pee drinks... that's an odd one.

  4. On 2/18/2022 at 12:08 PM, Eliminature said:

    This thread is interesting. I never thought that men would be turned on by menstruation. Every day is a school day, as they say. 

    For me, menstruation isn't a turn on the way that peeing is. It's a bodily function that I wish women didn't have to deal with when they aren't trying to get pregnant, mostly for their sake. Being someone who likes to feel childlike and innocent in many ways, I'd hate to have a body that effectively says "I force you to be painfully conscious of being an adult for a few days every month", which is what menstruation seems like it would feel like if it happened to me. 

    There are also many bodily functions like getting wet from being turned on, lactation, and even sweating that are less messy than periods and much less likely to be painful. I must admit that I would find it hard to feel sexy if my own crotch looked like an open wound. However, at the same time menstruation is something that makes me quite curious because it's not something I experience or ever will, and it's something private. The whole process of making babies is really a wonder, and the fact that something that in all other contexts would be unhealthy is nonetheless a natural part of it makes it all the more intriguing, and tends to inspire intense feelings.

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  5. On 1/29/2022 at 1:23 AM, PeeWatcher1 said:

    Apologies for this one being so long, everyone. It was just such a great night for me and I wanted everything to be set up in context and get across every little detail to you that I could remember. 

    Don’t worry, this long one was just a once off. I’ll keep the next one brief and then after that we’ll be back to the normal length. 


    You're WAY more social and outgoing than I am. I have occasionally started conversations with strangers in bars before, but not being a "party person" I wouldn't have much if anything to make small talk about with city club crowds. I've also never met a stranger in a bar who I later made out with or anything like that.

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  6. 11 hours ago, will64 said:

    that is a sexy one


    21 hours ago, Barbieoxo said:

    Here's my slit 🤤🤤


    From this angle it creates the illusion that your inner labia spiral around each other like strands of a braid right below the clit. That would be a unique anatomical variation to say the least!

  7. 21 hours ago, Pee Sensei said:

    We have all seen the transparent public toilet in Japan, now lets take a look at this beauty:

    Who else would want it? It's my dream toilet!

    It would be interesting to watch women pee on it--even those who naturally pee with their legs together could just relax and not even think to change anything and yet you get to see everything. For men who pee standing, there's no reason for a transparent toilet because everything is already visible even with a regular toilet.

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  8. 4 hours ago, Alfresco said:

    I seriously wouldn’t worry about other people noticing you investigating the puddle.  Maybe the lady herself might be suspicious, but nobody else would even link the two events - even if they noticed you at all.   Even the lady who peed would probably not consider that the reason you climbed the dune was to investigate her damp patch unless you did it immediately after she peed and even if she did, you don’t know her and she is hardly likely to challenge you about it.

    I certainly think the lady herself noticed me watching her climb and wondering what she was doing, even though as I said I just glanced for brief moments over in that direction while walking and didn't stop to stare. When I was sat down on the beach a little bit further down, and she came back down to the beach, I think I even caught her looking over in my direction to see if I was still around. At that point I was quite far away, relatively speaking--far too far away for me to have made out her face for instance, possibly to even tell it was a woman had I not seen her go up there before, and too far to see the place where she had been peeing. She may not have known why I had been looking at her, it's possible she just thought she might have offended me.

    I also may have stuck out more because I had a camera with me. Its purpose was of course not to take pictures of anyone peeing, you never know what cool things you will see on the beach, from pretty waves, to seals, to the cliffs themselves, to--yes--cute surfer babes. I didn't take any pictures of her or the spot where she was, but it may have drawn attention.

    To clarify why her climbing up there was so obvious, as well as why me myself climbing might have drawn attention, and also to help your imagination of my story, I will reiterate that these weren't "dunes" as you'd normally think of them, but sandy cliffs. They were vaguely similar in height and steepness to this: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/6f/Low_sandy_cliffs_near_Godrevy_Farm_-_geograph.org.uk_-_1545334.jpg, but covered with loose white sand and tall beach grass like dunes rather than gravelly sandstone and low scrub like in the linked picture. She first stopped about halfway up and, realizing she was still too visible, went to the top edge of the vegetation. There was no "other side" to these cliffs that you could get to by climbing over them, just the flat ground above--getting to that would have been the only other conceivable reason to climb them. I could have climbed all the way up and then maybe shot a picture or two of the beach from up there--that wouldn't have looked suspicious (in fact I've done similar in the past)--but just going partway up and then poking around in the beach grass would have been weird soon after she did it IMO.

    It was actually almost a comically BAD place on that beach to try and pee. At other places on the same beach there ARE regular dunes that if you climbed over them you could easily squat without being visible from the beach. I've seen people walk in/out of them and suspected that some were going/had gone to pee but you'd never actually know. At other places, it looks even more like the picture I linked and there are deep valleys eroded in the sandstone going back from the beach into the cliffs--in fact I've peed in one of those myself at least once before.

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  9. 5 hours ago, 2564 said:

    I was recently in the army (in my country all guys have to go serve for 6-12 months) and we had these training camps that lasted like a week and there was no chance to use any kind of toilet there. After we had come back from one of these i heard some girls (there was few voluntary girls) talk about how they had been doing their things over that week and it was so hard not to get hard while they told about peeing in the bushes and how they obviously weren't able to clean up their ladyparts properly for a week and i just imagined what that must have smelled like. One of them even said that at one point she was SO desperate for a number two that she had to walk far far away from everyone, dig a hole and poop in to it. The others laughed and said that no matter how badly they had to go they would never have done that so that means that they were holding their number two for a week and thinking how desperate they must have been after that just turns me on big time.

    That's amazing that there isn't any opportunity to even do number two in the evening/at night after the training exercises. One one hand I can see the point--in military training they want to simulate the very real possibility in war of a situation where you are far away from any sort of civilization for an extended period of time and have to make do without conveniences like running water or even an outhouse--but for a training that is mandatory for the entire male population that seems like quite primitive conditions you are being subjected to.

  10. 10 hours ago, InOddPlaces said:

    Does anyone casually pee around friends when outdoors (walking in the countryside, camping, that sort of thing?)

    Openly peeing in the presence of others when out walking or camping has developed within one group of friends, where we will casually pee in full view, treating it as nothing different from anything else we do, and no-one reacts specifically to the peeing. Although the group is mixed, no-one is worried about the others seeing; it’s simply not bothering to do it in private.


    When walking we’ll mostly pee as a group, either at the side of the track if no-one else is around, or partly hidden in the bushes. When someone needs to a poo we will move slightly further off the track, squat and just do it with the others peeing or squatting next to you.


    Camping is normally in a secluded area allowing us to just pee wherever we are on the site, often close to the others and continuing to chat. In the evenings it’s usual for us to be drinking, making the pee need frequent. Sitting around a fire we’ll move behind the chairs to avoid turning the firepit muddy, otherwise we’re lazy and just let go onto the grass in front of our chairs whilst still sitting.


    Although there is no sexual content in the peeing, the way the women pee (pulling shorts to one side whilst sitting in chairs or standing) turns me on and I use the mental images of all the peeing in fantasies whilst having a good masturbation session after we have turned in for the night, wetting the sleeping bag if I’m able to dry it out the following morning or it’s the last night of camp. If it’s a dark evening I’ll manage to gently wet myself without anyone noticing, then flood my shorts walking to the tent for a night of fun.


    I've never been in a mixed group where peeing is done casually in view of the others. In groups of male friends less care is usually taken to hide, and obviously I can't say what happens among groups of female friends.

    However, I've always been a loner and as rarely in groups of friends anyway, usually I'd be out going places with one friend at a time. The female friends I've seen pee are ones who I dated when I first met them, or at least we would have been open to dating if we had been attracted to each other. I've never had a female friend I was strictly friends with who peed casually with me.

  11. On 12/27/2021 at 9:20 PM, likesToLick said:

    Thai language also has euphemisms.

    Women say "det dorkmaai"  which means "pick flowers",  and men say "ying gradtaai" which means "shoot rabbits."  I'm guessing these terms first came into use in rural villages,  where these would have been acceptable excuses for disappearing into the bushes for a few minutes.

    Those are interesting!

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  12. 18 hours ago, Gotah said:

    The poignant smell of his urine is something that always accompanies these old memories aswell.

    Do you mean pungent? While maybe some memories of your dad are poignant, it would be really interesting if a pee smell was, unless maybe you came across a scent in an alley that smelled just like your first true love or something like that.

  13. 7 hours ago, Peeing4fun said:

    Well, as a multi-year lurker, figured it's time to finally share a post.  When I was young teenager (and this was in the 1990s pre internet), I found the one and only Playboy in the house which was 2-3 years old issue (I remember the month/year/cover) at the time.  While my parents would be at work, after school I would frequently look in it and just imagine what it would be like to really be with one of those models, even though I didn't know what I'd do.  One of the those times, I remember looking at it while on the toilet (and I still didn't know about masturbating or coming yet), and had this full hard on erection (and I didn't even know about those except that my dick for no reason would sometimes get hard).  I remember then peeing while sitting on the toilet, and my pee actually arc'd either under/over the seat, and splashed onto the page of the Playboy model that I was looking at (I even remember the very page) and onto myself a bit.  I remember feeling scared that I just messed up the Playboy and that my parents might find out, and remember blotting it dry with a towel to clean up that page.  At the same time I felt this weird feeling of 'good', having just accidentally peed onto a really pretty lady in the Playboy. And any time after that, I'd encounter that same page, see the very minor crinkles in the page as a reminder from the accident.  (Playboy pages were very high quality back then).  So thats probably a first experience, and I had no idea about sex!  

    Second experience and my discovery of curiosity in the pee fetish was definitely due to the internet.  Taking a step back though, in 1993, I discovered the one and only 80's pornography movie tape at home, which now could be considered a mostly normal, educational and intro to sex porn tape (I actually have a copy of the complete tape backed up, and in retrospect as an adult it's quite tame compared to today's manufactured stuff).  Upon first seeing what sex was (at least functionally) between two people and a couple different lesbian scenes, my penis immediately exploded uncontrollably into my pants with come and with hunched-over aches numerous times...and that's how I learned how we all can masturbate.  So anyway, a year or two later, our public school got access to the internet..the brand new macs were a complete accountless free for all- so all of us early high schoolers were looking at various porn pictures on the school internet and we could see what everyone else was looking at, and we'd hide it from the teachers.  It was the only time when the bad kids would get along with the the good kids..and smart kids even were doing it.  No video of course at the time.  And we'd go home and eventually do the same on our dial up computers for that 1-2 hours when our parents weren't home.  Eventually, I accidentally stumbled across various pictures of 'golden showers' sex and it was absolutely awesome! I now realize the majority of them were Sex Bizarre magazine picture scans that were posted to the internet sites and they looked exciting!  Remember Bobs Lesbian Watersports Paradise?  I immediately and would frequently get that throb in my pants which exploded all on its own and kept going, usually hands free at first.  And I liked it!  And I think that's really why I prefer a peeing fetish over any other aside from regular sex...mainly discovering it on my own and just taking an immediate like to it.  

    Third experience was probably from my first girlfriend, when I was 16 in the late 90s.  Our 'relationship', in reality now, was mostly nothing more than us mostly sexually experimenting and learning with one another each and every weekend at my house and sometimes in the car.  I still could never figure out how I ended up with a book definition of a really hot and attractive girl.  We'd go on a date to the movies and then we'd mess around.  We'd go to watch the area school dance competitions, and then we'd mess around afterwards.  I learned everything about how girls really work from her and she learned about how guys work from me...and how to go about it the right way without the awkwardness.  It was probably a really innocent, healthy and safe way to learn about sex without all the bad stuff that can happen between people.  When we were talking about sex, I immediately was open and asked whether she'd want to try out peeing with one other, and she was surprisingly very open and curious to it.  Eventually she'd let me see her go up close in the bathroom and would let me put my hand under her stream sometimes, and she'd watch me as well.  We'd have dirty talk and discuss peeing on and with each other while getting each other off at the same time.  Or we'd fantasize about finding her G spot and to try to make her squirt.   We both had lots of oral sex; she'd have me tongue and finger her pussy until she came, and she'd almost every time make me come in her mouth, which she'd proceed to swallow.  I regret not immediately kissing her and regret flat out banning any kiss after finishing in her mouth, but hey it was a learning experience!  She had these perfect C sized tits with silver dollar nipples, and, while my fingertips were rubbing her wet clit, we both enjoyed having me rub my dick in between her tits until I would come all on her upper chest and face.  It was a really really great time for both of us, and it was like I had this secret alter ego as I was actually the introverted nerd in high school..and never talked about any of it friends.  We'd go on nature walks in the woods, and on occasion we'd help each other pee..we'd take turns as she'd hold my semi-hard penis for me..I'd V-spread open her beautiful vagina for her, and she's just let it go! We even screwed around in an open farm field once and got caught!  So we had immense trust.  There was one night where we were again experimenting (and this was with full clothes always on since there was always risk of parents walking into the basement), and I asked her to pee on me a little bit.  She excitingly obliged, and proceeded to stand on the basement couch with her hand held behind my head to draw my face right at her wonderful pussy, pants and panties only pulled down just enough.  I didn't really care if any got on my clothes.  Since this was the first time with that and we were both mostly clothed, she only was able to let out a few drops to perhaps a tiny spurt into my mouth and onto my face while some also got onto the old sofa.  Her pee was so unexpectedly strong and concentrated in my throat that it went up into the back of my nose and knocked me back with a face wrinkling wince.  Wasn't what I was expecting, definitely felt sort of grossed out, but again shortly later on felt great to have that happen.  We then proceeded to get each other off for the first time of that evening as we'd typically got each other off twice each of those nights.  I was further hooked on having a peeing fetish probably from a mix of all of that.  Believe it or not, we never had sex, as we didn't want an accidental kid in young life or during college, but we'd always share those really slow built-up orgasms with each other, not caring about the wet mess in our underwear, while deep kissing..and that was what we were comfortable with.  That's still one of my preferences to this day.  Later on it turned out that she wasn't really a college type person, and she dropped out within her first year.  We sadly then both went our separate ways, as she had more basic ambitions than me in life, but I sometimes sit back and think about that overall flow of my sexual life when things were very simple and good.  Figured it's interesting enough that I'd finally start to share some of it!  

    I'd love to have an "innocent" relationship like that.

  14. Peeing in wet clothes, especially if they're cold, is an interesting sensation. Even getting a little splash of warm pee on your skin while using the bathroom after being out in the cold weather can feel nice in an unusual way. I imagine for women, who tend to get more of themselves wet when having an ordinary pee, using the bathroom after being out in the rain/snow must be a rather stimulating and at the same time relaxing experience.

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  15. In the thread about Youtube videos, someone posted a link to a video of a gay couple where the boyfriends were peeing together for the first time. This made me wonder about something, and I decided to make a separate thread because it is really off the topic of Youtube channels. 

    I find it quite surprising that two gay boyfriends hadn't peed together before, and it's an interesting thing to think about the implications of this. While it's certainly the case that a decent number of heterosexual boyfriends and girlfriends have never peed together, I just assumed that was in large part because boys and girls grow up being taught to pee apart in different bathrooms. In other words, while couples might say they hide peeing from each other "maintain the mystery" or something like that, I would have thought that the only reason this thinking even has a chance to come into play is because people of the opposite sex need to take the active step of overcoming their programming to pee separately. Whereas, most boys grow up peeing in urinals next to people of the same sex anyway, so gay men would need to actively decide to pee separately despite being far more intimate with each other than they are with the vast majority of men/boys they have shared a bathroom with.

    I suppose that in the early parts of a relationship, gay men--like any two people who are developing an attraction to one another--may well want to be selective and a bit "coy" about how much they share about their bodies, so they probably aren't going to for instance change in front of each other even if they already do that with friends. I also did see that the previous video was them getting naked together for the first time, so it seems like their relationship may be very new. But I'd just think that once two men DO progress to physical intimacy, there are likely a lot of barriers that are nearly or totally absent just on account of them being both male. I'm interested in learning more about this from though from someone who isn't just speculating like I am--how much less awkward is intimacy about body functions with someone of the same sex in a relationship?

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  16. 20 minutes ago, Carpetpisser said:

    These are pretty popular in bars around here. Keg urinals!


    Well it HAS been said that beer looks about the same going in as coming out--so I guess pouring it back into a keg makes sense... 

    • Haha 3
  17. 12 hours ago, sd91 said:

    https://voca.ro/1o6yBbVkUl41 - Audio only for this site but hope you enjoy!

    Late on a night out last week I was bursting for a wee, so I wanted to find a place to go before getting on the bus. In my drunk and naughty mood, I decided to have another garden wee. Walking through a neighbourhood I noticed a brick wall with no gate next to a small block of flats and came to a stop, having a quick look inside and around the outside, I walked in. There was nobody on the streets, only a few cars going past, and the lights were off in all the rooms in the flats. It was like a big set of houses that had been converted, and I could see there were lights on in other rooms but none facing the garden.

    Covered from the street, I looked around for where I was going to relieve myself. From the low lighting something caught my eye. There was a small wet patch in a flowerbed next to some hedges and a tissue in the middle! Immediately, I was more turned on and picked up the tissue to find it cold and wet and the distinct smell of urine. Instinctively, I put it in my black leather jacket pocket, and got my phone out to start recording. I quickly pulled down my thick black tights and pink thong whilst assuming the position, the cold winters air across my vagina. Almost immediately after getting into my deep squat, I opened up and out shot a stream right onto the dead leaves on the ground, followed by the steam rising from my wee as it splashed onto the ground. With one hand on my phone and aiming at my vagina and the ground, I then put my other hand just above my hood, and using my two fingers, I took aim and contributed to the existing 'puddle'. With a nights worth of champagne pouring out of me I took aim at some plants and sprayed them with my wee, watching it drip off the still green leaves whilst steaming up. My fun soon came to and end, possibly because of nerves and I sat there squatted down, relieved. I then pulled out a fresh tissue to wipe with and dropped it on top of the steamy puddle on the soil before pulling up and walking away at the same time. Once back on the other the wall, I did a quick readjustment to shift my tights as a car came by, and then walked off towards the bus stop.

    That stream sounded nice and hissy, and I also liked the little relieved sigh at 0:25. It must have been a good pee.

    You seem to have lots of interesting pee experiences when going out!

  18. 5 hours ago, yellowii said:

    Saw this picture recently


    I don't see what this particularly has to do with a bathroom. It's definitely a statement on gender/marriage/family equality, but I doubt for instance that many couples would walk even into a unisex bathroom together holding hands...

  19. It has to be very unusual for a child to seek the freedom to express a sexual kink in front of parents. That rarely happens--I certainly have never wanted to tell my parents about any fetishes I have. I could see wanting to "come clean" about doing things when younger that may have bothered your mom (especially if you were of an age where you didn't fully understand your fetish and weren't so good with boundaries), and I'd hope that a parent would accept that. But the other part, about hoping your mom lets you pee in random places around her house, stretches my sense of what's reasonable--unless maybe you have a mom like Beachmom. Not only would it be asking her to fully accept your kink, it would require that she take on the risk of something being damaged from you making a mess peeing where you're not supposed to--even if you do all the work of cleaning up the pee itself (which I certainly HOPE you would do...)

    I also question why it's so important that your mom lets you do that, now that most of the time you live in your own place where you can pee wherever you want, whenever you want. Is it just the "naughty" aspect of it?

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  20. On 12/5/2021 at 1:41 AM, daemoniak said:

    I'll be honest, I find the topic funny.

    I was raised in the country side, and there no-one ever batted an eyelid at peeing outside or seeing others do so. When playing with friends, it was perfectly normal to step to a tree line, hedge, etc... and pee there. When with family, it was common for both children and men to just give their back. Girls became more self-conscious at some point, and women were of course, so they would walk around the hedge instead of just walking to it, but they were not trying to hide what they were doing, they just hid themselves.

    Well, most girls did. One of my friends as a kid was a tomboy of a girl, and she peed with us boys, not caring to hide herself at all.

    I always find it funny, when talking to people who grew up in towns or cities, how different it was for them.

    Yes, I imagine people growing up in the country have a lot more reason to pee in front of each other than city folk. Probably for some, that familiarity makes peeing more boring as they grow into adults, but obviously for you it hasn't.

    I wonder if that tomboy still is the same way.

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