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Posts posted by Carb0nBased

  1. On 6/1/2021 at 11:16 AM, MaxWasTaken said:

    I'm living with my brother and our bathroom door is always open. Its just easier to have conversation when there is no door between you and the person you are talking to. But i don't think that's really interesting. We are family after all and we (family) always went behind the bushes together during camping trips. I wish it would be more provocative and exciting xD.

    I've always (ever since I recognized my pee fetish) wondered what it would have been like to grow up in a family that had an "open door policy" in the bathroom. Though I wonder if it's actually less likely for people like that to have the fetish, as (like you describe) it becomes very mundane and also has associations with unappealing moments (like using the restroom during/after arguments, when sick/ill, etc.). I could see where it's something that sounds more exciting as a fantasy than it is in practice.

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  2. 11 hours ago, UnabashedUser said:

    I could sniff the heated aroma of girl piss now, and she moved her left hand down to her muffin I could see her middle finger disappear into it, making small circles as the pee continued to flow.

    My cock was crying for attention so it got it frantically now, as I see her take her fingers and put them into her mouth! OMG she's tasting her gruel!

    About to cum now but want to wait until she's done fiddling with her pussy and I don't have to wait long.

    Ann cups her hand now and catches some pee in it, lifts it to her lips, and using just the tip of her tongue, tastes it. She makes a face and finishes peeing, then dries off with a towel, rubbing it frenetically between her shapely thighs.

    I must admit this strains plausibility, as it sounds more like something out of an over-acted video than how anyone would actually pee in the shower. Spying on a family member (or even playing games of showing each other) is not unlikely, there are many who do this. And I have both peed and got myself off in the shower before--and tasted my pee (though not while in the shower), and yet I still found the way she did this odd.

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  3. 11 hours ago, jmatthews1995 said:

    Giving her little pussy a quick wedgie!


    I wonder if girls wearing narrow thong underwear under their pants ever unintentionally give themselves a wedgie like that! I imagine it would be really unlikely but I suppose it could happen...

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  4. On 8/24/2021 at 6:12 PM, Girllikespee said:

    As much as I enjoy public peeing in all the wrong places, I personally believe that something like pissing in a soap dispenser is wrong. I don't think other people should be exposed to your pee without their knowledge.

    I agree--and especially during a pandemic, people want to be sure that soap is sanitary. I don't think there's any evidence that people pee out viruses when infected the same way that they poop viruses (whether those are infectious is another story), but anything that comes from another person's body shouldn't be put into something you use to clean yourself. 

  5. 1 hour ago, clay6 said:

    I had a friend when I was younger that had it done. It was for true medical reasons though. Her urethra was too narrow as it was. She was never incontinent but she would go from barely having to pee to “pull the car over now!” In a matter of minutes. Her stream would basically just pour out of her too.  

    I would have thought that too narrow a urethra would mean slow flow and difficulty emptying the bladder all the way, like for men with enlarged prostates. I could see where a bladder that was too small could lead to not being able to hold as long, and a weak sphincter could lead to issues keeping it in.

    Perhaps maybe more interesting for people on this forum, did you get to hear (or even see) her pee before or after the procedure?

  6. On 6/3/2021 at 5:09 AM, MaxWasTaken said:

    Working from home could be the return of the stealth fap xD. Could be a funny challenge for boring zoom/webex meetings. The daring have their webcam turned on. 

    I do wonder how many people have secretly played with themselves while on a Zoom call. I suppose we will never know...

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  7. I don't quite get why peeing standing up is more strenuous on the pelvic muscles than peeing while seated. We all walk around standing up with our pelvic muscles contracted enough to hold in our urine, and when you pee, you actually relax them. 

    About the water thing--that goes for both men and women, though I tend to think that adults are mostly past the point of being able to learn an association that actually builds a bladder reflex. I've heard that people who need to pee badly when they hear running water are usually those whose parents ran water to help them go when they were potty training, and at that age subconscious reflexes can be learned (as with the way any of us find it harder to pee in bed than other places even when wanting to--we built the subconscious feeling that peeing in bed is bad). But I've never heard of an adult developing such a reflexive association.

  8. Interesting! So is she always that shy about having to pee, even when it's just family (including you) around her? 

    I'm guessing you don't personally find her attractive because most people don't see their moms that way, but has she ever shown her "hot party girl side" to you or your friends by doing something a bit naughty? You said that you and your friends have done taken the parents of some of the others out for drinks too, have any of the other moms ever given you any kind of "show"?

  9. I had one last night (or rather this morning). I was in a place, it seemed like a school, and went into a bathroom that was absolutely disgusting. Like poop floating in the toilets that hadn't been flushed down, etc. I found some kind of crack in the floor and peed into that--I remember in the dream trying really hard to aim my stream so it all went through the crack. As I was going out, I saw some people walk quickly in and then immediately leave. One said something about that to use that bathroom would be to risk getting COVID (topical, obviously--but in a bathroom like that in real life I doubt that would be the worst of the germs in there!). I thought that yeah, I really shouldn't have used that, and so later in the dream I saw that there was another, much cleaner bathroom right next to it. I didn't actually end up using that one, though. I think I woke up around that time, with an actual need to pee in real life (though not that bad of one).

  10. 1 hour ago, thisisausername85 said:

    I'm not interested in seeing private parts or nudity, I just like to see the pee y'know? So I like the visual from both genders I guess (but I'm definitely straight)

    Does that mean you're turned on by seeing just a puddle of pee, or pee running along the ground, even if you don't know who peed there? Or is it knowing whose pee it is that makes it exciting for you, you just don't want to see or hear the act of peeing itself? I hope I'm not asking too many questions, it's just interesting because I can't quite imagine how that works.

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  11. 8 hours ago, thisisausername85 said:

    The sound of men peeing bothers me immensely. It started with my dad, hearing him use the bathroom and eventually growing to hate the sound, and that might be because I already have emotional trauma and resentment towards him...

    I'm a girl and the sound of girls peeing doesn't bother me as much, although I still don't like it.

    That's a shame (both the emotional trauma, and the fact that it keeps you from enjoying the sound of peeing)!

    Can you enjoy the visual of men peeing (if you're straight) or the visual of other women peeing (if you are attracted to women)? or is even that hard for you, and the only thing you can enjoy is your imagination?

    • Like 2
  12. On 1/23/2021 at 10:29 PM, p1ssputz said:

    The term "wee wee" literally takes the wind out of my sails and makes me go limp. 🤣 (There's some person on Eroprofile whose videos are all titled something like "Outdoor Wee Wees!" and "Wee Wees in the Park!" and I swear, I just die a little inside every time I see them. But I guess, y'know, each to their own.)

    I remember seeing those videos on Peesearch, the title would scroll across at the beginning--at least I assume it's the same ones. It doesn't bother me, but I can be rather childlike sometimes in regards to sexuality so maybe that's why. I never use it though to say I'm going to pee--I say "use the bathroom" if indoors among most people, I might say "go pee" or "take a leak" with people I know well on a friend/dating basis.

  13. I sit down in the middle of the night when I'm peeing in the dark, and when I might need to go #2 as well. Otherwise I stand. 

    When I'm in a bathroom/cubicle alone I tend to squeeze or almost "milk" my penis to try and clear the last bit out. Sometimes I even press on my pants between my legs to squeeze the tube farther down. If I'm at a urinal around other people I generally just hope the foreskin rolling back over the opening gets it clean enough.

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  14. It's an interesting topic. There are certainly guys who do pee together, and who chat at the urinals. I also have heard that there are guys who masturbate together while watching porn, though I have never personally observed (much less done) that. So not all guys are shy about their bodies in front of all friends, but there are only a few pairs of friends who are close enough to be open with each other like it seems the average girl-girl friendship is.

    The video brings up the idea that some of this as to do with how competitive guys are, and I could definitely see how this could be part of it. It's not even just competitiveness, but lack of a certain ability engage and make peace with with the more vulnerable sides of life. It seems women to a significant degree over their shared vulnerability, whereas us guys bond over things we feel we are good at, associating being vulnerable with someone with relationships like mothering and long-term romance rather than a typical friendship.

    I'm curious, though, how much this varies from guy to guy. I was always a loner kid growing up, but I do think that some other boys, particularly those who were into roughhousing or whatever, were more relaxed around nudity and bodily stuff. It seems there's a big role of group expectations too--like I remember on some school camping trip in my teens one guy suggested that us guys shower nude, and had some people started just doing it, it's likely many of us would have joined in. However, it never happened, probably because everyone assumed there was someone else in the group who wasn't up for it. It's similar with peeing I think, like it's probably more awkward to ask a guy friend if it's ok to pee with him than to actually do it.

    What are other people's experiences here?

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  15. The other day I saw this picture of what is apparently supposed to be Eve, carved into a piece of stone on the face of the Cathedral of St. Mark in Korcula, Croatia:


    I could't help but think that it looks like she's popping a squat! The visitors to that cathedral could imagine that by standing under this, they are being bathed in her holy golden rain lol... I wonder if this is the only squatting Eve sculpture/statue that exists.



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  16. On 7/6/2021 at 10:48 AM, glad1 said:

    But, perhaps the best experience I've had was when I was in my car with a date parked by the ocean while we watched the waves coming ashore from a winter storm. Now totally chilled, we both knew our bladders couldn't hold on much longer, but wanting to stay to watch more crashing waves yet not willing to brave the outside cold. Those large coffee cups that an hour or so earlier had kept the cold away came in very handy.

    Sounds like a good time! How long had you been dating, and was this the first pee-related thing you did together?

  17. Just saw this thread for the first time even though it was posted over a year ago. Great writing! It's nice to see some actual setting of the scene and descriptions of the more delicate/subtle aspects of the mood rather than just paragraphs and paragraphs of raunch.

    It seems Riley doesn't post much anymore but obviously underestimated her writing ability.

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  18. It seems like it would be a quite cultural thing, how easy it is to see women peeing and where is best. I have no idea about French attitudes and customs around peeing and the relation between the sexes so I can't say.

    You're lucky that unisex toilets with multiple stalls seem to be common there. Here in the US, unisex toilets are nearly always rooms with a single toilet behind one locking door, and since there's only one person able to use them at a time, there's no reason to NOT make them unisex (except maybe for differing ideas of cleanliness between men and women). But since they are still bathrooms, I'm sure it's still expected that people give others some privacy. If there were unisex toilets where people didn't bother to close the stall doors, that would give you an idea that they are "looser" there in terms of what they are willing to show.

    Some people here have said that in certain countries (such as India) it's quite common for women to pee openly outside. As some have said, near bars in crowded cities on weekends is often a good place for sightings because of necessity, though I feel awkward in such places myself, tend not to be as attracted to the kind of women you mostly see there, and it just generally isn't my "scene". There's also more remote areas of nature, where people have to pee outdoors, but again depending on the culture and also on the individual person, they will make more or less effort to not be seen. I've heard that in France most beaches have women going topless and some are even clothing optional--maybe that's the kind of place it would be likely? I don't know what the general attitude is at places like that.

  19. 16 hours ago, Big Bear said:

    I looked forward like I hadn’t seen them and then the blonde down the slope giggled. I looked round at the sound and the redhead also looked up and saw me and started laughing saying “sorry hunny....we are just having a wild wee”. Now she had spoken I had my ticket to look at them and turned to the redhead, enjoying the sight and sound of her stream splashing onto the floor beneath her. I laughed and said “yeah...I can see that,”. She giggled again and I pushed it further and said “but no need to be sorry, as long as it's a good one that’s all that matters'. She laughed and said “oh it's definitely a good one, I was bursting!”. As I was talking to her she finished up and sorted her knickers and then pulled her dress down. She stepped over her puddle and stood waiting for her friend. 

    I joked and said “looks like your friend was too”. The redhead laughed and said “I guess that’s what happens when you drink loads of cider before getting the taxi to town”. I smiled and replied “yeah I know the feeling, that’s why I’m here”. She giggled and I walked over to where she had just stood and pulled out my cock. As I started peeing the blonde finished up and pulled up her jeans and as she rejoined her friend the redhead said “enjoy your wee hunny” and they walked off giggling to themselves leaving me to enjoy my pee and the thought of them both needing to pee in the taxi on their way to town.

    Nice conversation! Seems like some lighthearted, fun-loving girls--or at least making the best of a situation that could be awkward. I'm sure the drinks helped...

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