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Posts posted by Carb0nBased

  1. There's this podcast called The Past and The Curious, about history. It's intended mainly for kids but many of the things they discuss from history I didn't know about even as an adult. They have a series of episodes called The Underwear Chronicles, about historical incidents involving people and their underwear. 

    One of the episodes is about Marie Antoinette, and it talks about customs involving courtiers, royalty, and intimate moments. You can find it here: https://thepastandthecurious.com/episodes/underwear-chronicles-two-marie-antoinette/. Apparently, the intimate habits of royalty were quite the fascination at the time, and contrary to my expectation that they would have been afforded and held to the highest level of discreetness, it was apparently expected that intimate moments were shared with the royal court--including such things as births. While the podcast never mentions an incident involving peeing, it's not hard to imagine that there would have been fascination and interest around that in royal circles as well--which could inspire some of you to write stories about such a thing.

    As an aside, there's another episode about swimmer Annette Kellerman, the first woman to perform for audiences while swimming in an actual swimsuit (as opposed to a normal women's outfit with a full length dress), and from pictures I have found of her body, she made a good first woman in a swimsuit.

    These episodes are related to a book that either has come out recently or soon will, called I See Lincoln's Underpants, that is all about underwear moments in history.

  2. 10 minutes ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    I think the real issue question to be asked is why the sample bottle is so ridiculously shaped - knowing the history of medicine I'm sure it was developed by a man and nobody's ever changed it.  But why not a wider neck?  Why not an integrated disposable funnel of some kind? 

    Good question. There are portable travel urinals with different attachments for the two sexes, so why not collection bottles? Though in my experience of getting urine tests done at labs, the receptacle has always been a cup that is about as wide across as it is tall--there was never any sort of constriction near the opening. Possibly the ones that are more bottle-shaped are intended to be used while sitting or lying down, rather than in a bathroom, and are meant to be more spill-resistant than a regular cup. In that case, it's hard to imagine a collection device that would work for women in that situation. It's even hard for me, with male equipment, to pee into a bottle while sitting in a chair/car seat without spilling a lot of it.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Bacardi said:

    Happens to me often too. Another reason why I don't like to give pee samples lol. More always ends up on my hand and on the side of the bottle and I usually have to do quite a lot of clean up afterword.

    Can't you get somewhat of a narrow stream by pulling your labia aside? or do you not have enough hands for that, needing one to hold the bottle/cup?

  4. 5 hours ago, Dr.P said:

    @Bob3322, Yes, that is a good description of the style that was apparently popular, in the 1940's and 1950's, with the additional caveat to bend slightly forward, for the sake of neatness. It seemed to me that it was actually considered "proper" by the ladies, particularly the mom's, of that earlier time, too. My mom trained all three of my younger sisters to use that style, I remember her yelling at one or another of them, "Bend over, so you don't get (the seat, your panties, or your legs) wet."

    As you point out, this style was "prim and proper," and also very effective at hiding the action going on, in the toilet, so much so, that some girls and women didn't find it necessary to close the bathroom door, for privacy. My family apparently followed that theory. My aunts and my mom were quite irritated when my grandfather remodeled his house so that he had an unobstructed view of the toilet, from his favorite chair, in the living room, when the bathroom door was open. They buzzed about it for a long time, calling him a dirty old man, etc. Leaving the door open was probably a matter of convenience, so they were not isolated from other activities going on in the house, like kids getting into mischief, while they were taking a brief pee.

    Naughty grandpa lol!

  5. 18 minutes ago, Sophie said:

    At home with my husband and two daughters I will close the bathroom door but I won't lock it. I'm only going for a wee and I'm not too bothered about them accidentally walking in on me but at the same time I still want a little privacy. They usually know if someone has gone upstairs to the loo so it's rare anyone is interrupted. 

    If I have guests over then I always lock the door, even if it is someone I have sat on the toilet in front of many times before. 

    Given that last sentence, I gather that there are quite a few friends you have peed in front of?

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  6. Definitely jeans and yoga pants (for women). Jeans because they are so normal and everyday, which contrasts with how unexpected a wetting is, and how if they are reasonably tight they show the figure nicely. Yoga pants because they are almost the closest to naked shapewise while still covering everything.

    Color matters less as long as it's light enough to easily show the wetness.

  7. On 9/5/2022 at 2:13 AM, laughingbeast said:

    I think we need to distinguish whether some members are asking questions in general in threads with the corresponding title, or stalking a particular lady in all the threads where she appears, addressing questions directly to her and trying to lecture her on what she should and shouldn't do.


    If that's the issue, then whoever complains should be clear about that, rather than coming across as complaining about men discussing women's anatomy in general.

    I agree with everything else you said.

  8. On 9/6/2022 at 8:38 AM, Vassal said:

    There's actually a pee rag on the market that most of the hikers with pussies use. I think the idea is that it'll dry and sterilize in the sun. While my actual sightings are rare, you do see these on the packs and an occasional lady grabbing it to go off trail. Plus they come with fun colors and patterns.


    That woman in the "Leave No Trace" video is really cute!

  9. On 9/3/2022 at 9:51 PM, Takashi96 said:

    Be mindful of fannies and pants. After studying in England for a year my friend warned me that what we refer to as underwear in the states are known as pants in the UK. She learned this when an English girl in her dorm asked her why American guys were so open about private matters? Apparently a fellow American student had asked her out and recommended she wear pants due to the weather. She was so offended that she cancelled the date. Until my American friend explained the confusion. 

    Though on both sides of the pond you should try to keep your fanny in your pants...

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  10. 5 hours ago, Dr.P said:

    Although the single word "wee" is not widely used in the States, The hyphenated word, "wee-wee" was very popular and widely used, in my mother's generation (roughly 1920-1960). So I often use it in stories of my family and my youth, as appropriate.  Interestingly, a type of public drinking fountain, fabricated of ceramic, like a toilet or urinal, and popular in the US, in the 1940's and 1950's, was commonly called a "wee-wee fountain," since it produced a single stream, angling upward, in a neat arc, very similar to a urine stream from a woman peeing from a supine position, or seated, and leaning far back. My mother used this term all the time, although I rarely heard her use the word "pee," and never heard her say "piss."

    I know "wee-wee" almost entirely as a word that children use, or adults use when talking to children. I wasn't aware that it once was common among adults as well. And I've never heard of a "wee-wee fountain"--that's interesting to hear that female peeing was referenced so openly when describing something that is in itself totally "clean" and everyday. If I had heard the term "wee-wee fountain", I would have assumed it referred to one of the many decorative outdoor fountains (NOT drinking fountains), common particularly in Europe, where an arc emerges from a horizontal tap or nozzle sticking out from a central column and falls into a basin below, sort of like a guy urinating. Well, either that or an actual peeing boy statue like Manneken Pis. Those both seem much more deserving of the term.

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  11. On 9/1/2022 at 1:40 PM, arigalo said:

    We have sightings threads for women so I figured why not start one for men too? I live in a college town so I tend to get plenty of sightings, plus I used to get a lot in my last college town too, so I have a backlog of stories  😅

    I’ll start with a couple quick sightings from last night. It’s our first week back on campus and even though it was only Wednesday night, as I walked back from campus there were plenty of students setting up for parties on our main party street. I teach M/W so it was sort of like my Friday, and I was already planning on going out for a celebratory drink or two, but now I definitely wanted to go out so I could wander around on the way back and maybe get some sightings. 

    My first sighting was on my walk to the bar. I saw a huge crowd huddled around the wall to a more undergrad-centered bar, and noticed there was one guy they all seemed to be huddled around who was actually up against the wall and facing it. It was way too noisy to actually hear anything, but once I walked past them I snuck a look back and noticed the telltale sign of a stream running down the sidewalk. I have to admit, it was a clever cover, especially since I probably wouldn’t have noticed if I wasn’t specifically on the lookout! 

    My next sighting was way more blatant. I was standing outside of the bar and using a weed vape pen (recreational weed is legal where I live) when one of the men who was standing outside moved a bit to the side, undid his pants, and started pissing on the wall on the side of the building. He sighed a bit when he started, and went for about 40 seconds (if I had to guess). Those of us who were still out front just sort of chuckled a bit and continued our casual conversation. His friends teased him a lot upon his return for pissing so loudly and openly in front of a woman (little did they know I didn’t care one bit!) and funnily enough, he blushed a bit. 😅


    This makes me--and I bet quite some people on here--wonder what courses you teach! It seems like a college teacher who smokes weed while looking for pee opportunities would be fun to have...

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  12. I can't say about women/girls, but I would caution you not to assume that males standing to pee is "instinctive" in the sense of somehow genetically hardwired. Keep in mind that voluntarily controlling peeing is a learned habit that must be taught (sometimes with quite some trial and error) to children, and also that while walking itself is partly instinctive, an important part of it is also learned after quite some time of living (and regularly peeing). So peeing starts out as something that "just happens", and nobody starts out peeing when he or she is already standing up and walking around! There are also some of us males who spent a great deal of our early lives sitting down to pee, because that's how we were potty trained. 

    In the absence of potty training, I'd imagine that most if not all humans would eventually learn to exert at least some voluntary control over urination in order to postpone it to when it's convenient, and part of that involves also learning what posture makes the least mess, as well as allows relaxing the muscles the most comfortably. However, I suspect this is just a trial and error process that everyone would go through.

    I know we humans are different from other animals, but comparing across species can sometimes be helpful. I read somewhere that the thing of male dogs "lifting a leg" is not instinctive, it's only something dogs do after seeing other dogs doing it. Considering that more of dog behavior is genetically determined than human behavior, it would be rather surprising if humans didn't learn this way too.

  13. 12 hours ago, Kirby23 said:

    Yep. She's comfortable peeing in front of me in a situation like that. It's when I try to watch that she gets skeeved out, like if I ask to watch her pee in the shower, or outside while camping, for example. 

    Does she even have an issue if you ask her to open her legs so you can see her go in the toilet? or only when she's peeing in less conventional places?

    More on the original topic, there have been threads on here before both on this topic, where men and women described women peeing during sex, and also about the other way around, where either men described peeing inside their girlfriends/wives, or else where women described getting peed in. On both sides it can be possible or not, depending on the physiology and anatomy of the pee-er--some women can pee with a penis inside and some guys can pee while inside, and others can't. 

  14. 11 hours ago, Bacardi said:

    I will see what strings I can pull behind the scenes lol.

    Although even if we got every woman here to respond I'd wager that the final answer you're going to get is every person, whether man, woman, or what have you, is different and there's no real reason or factor you're gonna be able to pin point as to why they do or do not pee with their friends. 

    Of course. Just like it is with every guy. There are some guys who will only pee alone in a stall even as adults, and there are those who think nothing of peeing on a wall shoulder to shoulder in a line of guys they just met while chatting. Also, if the women on this forum give merely their own comfort level, I'd expect it to be at least somewhat less shy than for the average woman on the street, as it takes some openness to even admit your fetish to yourself, and even more to chat about it with others. I was just curious roughly what percentage of female friendships have what level of openness about peeing together.

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  15. 23 hours ago, Takashi96 said:

    In that case then yes, women are less pee shy than men. Women will face one another and carry on conversations while one is on the toilet. And there have been many occasions where I've peed outside while conversing with women whom I'd never spoken with before that moment. Once I was sitting in the backyard of a house party talking with a friend when a random girl approached and said "no offense guys, but I'm gonna pee here." Then proceeded to squat a few feet in front of us and release her flood. She faced us and made small talk (we were sitting cross legged on the grass) while peeing. I assume she was drunk but she didn't seem like it. 

    The part that you haven't factored in is the base line homophobia that men are indoctrinated into starting around puberty. That's why we look straight ahead at the urinals. In the straight world, no one wants their actions to be interpreted as homosexual advances. Likewise, there is a paranoia that someone will react violently if they interpret your actions as an unwanted advance. That kind of behavior is pretty foreign to the world of women. Straight men don't hold hands, put their heads on one another's shoulders or lay their heads on each other's laps in a way that's unquestioned among straight women. The default setting of intimacy between women is inconceivable to the world of straight men. And explains why it's natural for them to pee around each other without issue. 


    I feel like this has to be VERY social group/"scene" and culturally dependent. My experiences have not shown nearly the effect of gender that you have observed.

    Maybe in some outgoing, extraverted circles what you're describing is true. Especially if you're the kind of nonchalant guy who makes really good casual conversation with party girls. I myself have never spent a lot of time in the party scene, and when I did, I usually was the guy sitting alone watching everyone, which may have made me seem "creepy" to some. I also have been alone so much that when I am talking with a girl, especially an attractive one, it seems like a "big deal" and maybe scares some women away or makes them feel put on the spot. Though at the same time, certain specific women can trust/respect me more than they would if I were a "frat boy" type--except they usually (with one exception, that I will write an observation about one of these days) are also reserved, shy, somewhat introverted women, who may be more pee-shy than the average woman.

    That being said, I've been in a variety of situations, in none of them were women much more open about peeing than the guys. For instance:

    -I knew a guy whose friend managed a network of au pairs, and they often had house parties. There were, for obvious reasons, many young women there, from around the world who were here to have fun and got quite drunk. I never saw many groups of them hanging out in the bathroom together, they in large part went in the bathroom one by one to do their business just like the guys. We also sometimes drove somewhere outside "in the country" to drink--there everyone who peed went down the hill to be a bit out of sight or whatever. A few times after a significant car ride after some drinking, a group of the au pairs would immediately go to a pee spot together. They were somewhat close together but it was too dark to see anything and they didn't talk about their peeing or anything.

    -Once years ago I was at what I guess you could call a "neo-hippie" party that was held at night in a forest grove on private property. There was a residence on the property but the majority of the party was outside and everyone was expected to (and did) pee out there. The garden area was surrounded by bushes and guys mostly walked over to the bushes to pee with their backs facing the garden. Women either squatted along paths between the bushes or in an area with low walls specifically built for this purpose. I was never told by a girl she was going to pee, despite the atmosphere being open enough that we all used the hot tub naked and I had a significant conversation with a complete stranger girl who was also in the tub.

    -I used to go on group hikes 5-10 times a year, many of them run by a guy who brought wine along and had us all drink alcohol when taking breaks. I've told a bunch of stories about that group here before. When sober, guys would usually wait for us to pause somewhere and go off into the bushes, often without saying what they were going to do. Women would go maybe a bit farther into the bushes, and sometimes they would talk about needing to go, but that was mainly because when one of them found a good spot that was well hidden, after coming out she would tell the others so they could take turns using it. Even after drinking there wasn't open peeing going on, and there were a few times when I casually looked in the direction one or more women were peeing and people got mad at me. I met a woman through this and we became friends. On the group hikes, she used to go off into the bushes while we were waiting for other people to arrive because she didn't want to have to do it on the walk itself. She didn't tell me this, I figured it out by observing. But even later after we were friends, when it was just her and I on a walk, she would either go while waiting for me to get to the trailhead or else tell me to wait somewhere while she went off and did her business.

    -I used to be friends with some stoners in college and a few times we walked in the woods. Guys would typically go to a tree. Girls would either sneak away unannounced or would briefly announce that they were going to "pop a squat" before disappearing. The fact that some of the girls said something but the guys didn't seemed to have everything to do with the fact that for them it took longer and they didn't want anyone to wonder where they were. They didn't make peeing a social occasion.

    So all in all, no big difference favoring women. There are loner guys like me who used the stall sitting down through much of childhood, and become less shy in adulthood (though in front of strangers outside I'm still shy)--and there are girls like Bacardi who are similar. Though if anything, it seems women are likely to stay shyer later into adulthood. Then there are the party girls who will pop a squat almost anywhere, but in those sorts of environments the guys are just as likely to use a tree in front of everyone.

    I also don't get the whole homophobia thing. I think it's partly because I live relatively near San Francisco (though not *IN* SF), and here being gay is seen in many ways as something to celebrate. At certain kinds of parties, people would look at me and be like "you're one of those boring straight dudes, aren't you at least bi or something?". I've never felt a deep unfulfilled desire to lay my head in male strangers' laps or cuddle them that I have to hide in order to prove I'm straight. 

  16. I've done it. If I squeeze it closed hard enough, as some have already said, it swells up like a balloon. It's much weirder feeling, though, to just pinch it enough that it's closed, but loosely enough that the flow can push it open. The feeling of the liquid rushing through the ring of sensitive skin at the tip and making it flap a bit is really unique--to give maybe a slightly gross analogy it's almost like farting out of my dick.

    Using the foreskin to force the flow of pee to go around is also a way to wash some of the residual stickiness off the head after cumming, when I'm not in the mood to feel that in my underwear. Of course then it's covered with pee, but that's very easy to wash/dab off.

  17. 2 hours ago, Johnboy777 said:

    Contradiction? Not intended. Scenario: I am with a female friend (maybe in a park) and she casually remarks "I need to pee" and there are no restrooms in the area, and she decides to go behind some bushes to do her business. I would help her find a place to pee, but stay behind to give her privacy. I would only go to watch her pee if she invited me to. And If I  needed to piss after she was finished I would tell her so, and piss while she was still there.  Does that make it any clearer?

    That IS clearer--so the difference is her giving an invitation to join rather than simply going off to pee. I would be the same way--I would assume a woman wants to go off and pee by herself unless she made no effort to move away and/or hide, or actually invited me to join her.

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  18. 2 hours ago, Takashi96 said:

    I'm not clear on the "facing each other" thing? Is that a requirement to count as peeing together? I mean, unless it's a really small bathroom, it's not likely that you'll be directly in front of the person using the toilet.

    You said that you think women going into a bathroom together to take turns peeing shows that women are generally less pee shy than men. But men regularly pee in urinals next to other men. There is the etiquette, at least among men who don't know each other, to look at the wall rather than at the guy next to you, but you're still definitely peeing in the same room together.

    What I meant is that if two women are in the same bathroom, but the one who isn't on the toilet faces a wall looking away from the toilet, then that could actually be less, or at least no more, of "peeing together" than men at the urinal. It seems some women intend it to be like this when they have a friend (of either sex) "guard" them when they are peeing to make sure nobody walks by and sees. If the two keep up a face-to-face conversation, or possibly one hands the other a tissue to wipe with, then that's indeed more intimate than anything most guys would do except maybe with good buddies.

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  19. 8 hours ago, Takashi96 said:

    It wasn't a conclusion, it was an observation, and an unscientific one at that. I have witnessed countless situations where a woman went into a bathroom with at least one other female companion, where there is no stall available. Thus, one can logically conclude that they peed casually in one another's company. My most frequent observation of this phenomenon has been at house parties, where two or more women enter the bathroom together. I have never observed this behavior in men. There have also been a handful of times when after enduring a long line and finally entering the bathroom to pee alone, a female friend appeared out of nowhere requesting to join me (upsetting everyone behind me) , accompanied by one other woman whom I'd never met before that moment. In those particular incidents, we all peed in front of one another. 

    In bathrooms with stalls, it seems women accept that they will have little choice but to hear one another peeing. In outdoor situations, female urination, because it leaves more flesh exposed, is more often performed in pairs or groups than in the male version.  

    If it's at a house party then yes, they must be in the same room. I don't know to what extent they actually face each other while peeing--maybe you can answer that since it sounds like you've been in such a situation. I'm surprised that two women wanted to join you to pee rather than just go in by themselves. They must have really trusted you.

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