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Posts posted by Carb0nBased

  1. 8 hours ago, Takashi96 said:

    It wasn't a conclusion, it was an observation, and an unscientific one at that. I have witnessed countless situations where a woman went into a bathroom with at least one other female companion, where there is no stall available. Thus, one can logically conclude that they peed casually in one another's company. My most frequent observation of this phenomenon has been at house parties, where two or more women enter the bathroom together. I have never observed this behavior in men. There have also been a handful of times when after enduring a long line and finally entering the bathroom to pee alone, a female friend appeared out of nowhere requesting to join me (upsetting everyone behind me) , accompanied by one other woman whom I'd never met before that moment. In those particular incidents, we all peed in front of one another. 

    In bathrooms with stalls, it seems women accept that they will have little choice but to hear one another peeing. In outdoor situations, female urination, because it leaves more flesh exposed, is more often performed in pairs or groups than in the male version.  

    If it's at a house party then yes, they must be in the same room. I don't know to what extent they actually face each other while peeing--maybe you can answer that since it sounds like you've been in such a situation. I'm surprised that two women wanted to join you to pee rather than just go in by themselves. They must have really trusted you.

  2. 1 hour ago, NortheastPeeFan said:

    I get embarrassed about peeing next to some guy I know, so I tend to avoid going to the bathroom at the same time they do.  I don't get that way about peeing next to a stranger, but for some reason the idea of peeing next to a friend or just somebody I know makes me feel embarrassed.  It's ironic...my fetish revolves around watching other guys pee, yet the thought of some guy I know seeing me pee makes me all nervous.

    I wonder if some of us develop this fetish because we were--or maybe still are--especially private about peeing. I was the kid who always peed in a stall as a kid (before high school), though now as an adult I rarely do. I am kind of like you in that just typical friends it's as awkward of not more so than with strangers. Basically, it's the friends that talking about sex with wouldn't feel awkward that I'd feel ok peeing around, and for many periods in my life I haven't had even one friend like that. 

    Possibly it's in part the other way too--like if we see peeing as "exciting" growing up (not necessarily sexual, as that really doesn't start until later), maybe we're more likely to be shy around it than if we see it as just something boringly normal.

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  3. 3 hours ago, Johnboy777 said:

    I have no problems with  peeing outdoors on a tree or in a bush  with a close male friend, however, I  wouldn't feel right pissing with a female. I respect the facts that females would like privacy while doing their business.  However, if the girl I'm with wants to pee in my company, I'd have no problems with pissing alongside her. That has happened at least 2X in a couple  of years.

    That sounds like a contradiction--I must be misunderstanding. Maybe you meant you wouldn't feel right going up to a female friend who walked off somewhere to pee and joining her, but if she's decides on her own to start peeing without moving away from you, you would not mind joining? or maybe what you'd have a problem with is asking if a woman wants to pee together, whereas you'd ask a guy?

  4. 3 hours ago, Takashi96 said:

    In my totally unscientific observations, women seem to be less pee shy than men. I've never heard a guy say "I have to pee, guys come with me."

    I think there are two things going on here--depending on whether they are in a place with bathrooms or somewhere outdoors--neither of which necessarily say anything about peeing while in view of someone else. 

    In a place with bathrooms, going to the bathroom together is an opportunity to chat without the company of other people in the room (particularly guys). It doesn't necessarily men that they will leave the stall door open or go in the same stall. Yes, some women DO do those things, but even those who don't likely would talk to their friends at the sink or whatever. Men usually go in the bathroom and straight to the urinal, then straight back out (maybe after, hopefully, washing hands), so going with a friend more implies actually peeing together.

    Outdoors, going in groups means they can help cover for each other/look for people coming, and feel less exposed (to random strangers). Plus there's the issue of it being less awkward to do something if others are doing it too, so I imagine there are some women who get the courage to pee in the bushes when their friends do it too. In fact I'd feel the same way myself with male friends, in a place where I wasn't exactly comfortable peeing in the first place--not being the first/only one makes it less awkward. This has nothing inherently to do with wanting to be looked at/look at that person. 

    I'm sure women can shed more light on this--but I just wanted to say that your conclusion doesn't exactly follow from your observation.


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  5. I got thinking about this after my recent sighting at the beach (see here https://peefans.com/topic/6940-ladies-piss-aftermath-puddles/?do=findComment&comment=333866). Namely, particularly for girls and women (but guys can answer too, as I'm sure this varies greatly among our gender as well), how good a friend do you have to be with someone to be comfortable with what level of peeing with/in front of her (or him).

    In the sighting I described, I mentioned that from far away, it looked almost like the two women (presumably friends) not only went to the dunes together, but that they could have been almost touching side by side. When I actually went up there to check, however, the puddles were spaced apart enough that they were almost in separate little clearings in the beach grass, and wouldn't have necessarily seen much of each other. So, I'm wondering, around how many of your friends would you be comfortable peeing within arm's length of? What about actual physical contact while in the act (like supporting someone mid-squat somewhere where the footing is bad)? How far away/hidden from each other is "OK" for what level of friendship? Is the answer different in a bathroom vs. in the woods or somewhere else that isn't specifically made for peeing? Do you sometimes have people YOU would feel comfortable peeing close to, but don't dare because you don't know if it would weird your friend out and don't want to risk that?

    In my case as a guy, I generally wouldn't follow a guy friend somewhere to go pee. If me and a friend both needed to go, and we were outside or whatever, I'd imagine we'd either go to separate trees/holes in the bushes, or take turns in one. There is kind of an exception for bathrooms though--like if there were more than one urinal then each using one rather than taking turns would feel more logical, because it's one of the few places where there's an expectation that you will pee with others nearby. And after peeing next to a friend at urinals for a while, I'd be more likely to also do so out in nature. I'm quite socially awkward though, and generally don't form very close friendships (though I sometimes wish I had one)--plus there are probably cases it would be ok to pee with someone but I worry I'd make a mistake doing it because of missing social cues. Also to be clear, this is about conscious mental/emotional "okayness", not "pee shyness", which is a subconscious thing. I've had difficulty getting started peeing while next to people I totally didn't mind peeing around.


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  6. On 8/16/2022 at 4:49 PM, kitty and mimi said:

    this is not entirely true,some Chinese ladies rooms in Beijing do not have series of wall or partition. It allow five women who don't know to each other squat and pee at the same time.  when a famous Taiwanese actress gynoy first travel to Beijing four years ago in 2018, she feel so scary when she had to squat to pee with other four women. she prefer to squat to pee outside than in lady's room. Now,she have already got used to it. the picture below is the picture that she took in Beijing's lady's room four years ago.


    That's interesting, I didn't think that the separate fixtures were ever in one room together. That seems like it would be as odd as having a row of toilets in the open in the West--as squat toilets are used for both "bathroom functions".   

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  7. 6 hours ago, mickymoist said:

    I'm by no means an expert but it looks all wrong to me, would any of their streams actually go in the trough from that angle? 😄

    They do look like they are using it the wrong way--squat toilets are generally made for you to have the long dimension of the opening going front to back and one foot on each side.

    They're calling it a "urinal", but it really isn't a urinal any more than any other squat toilet. A "squat urinal" would be up off the ground--someone in another thread posted a pic of a series of them.

    From pictures I've seen, squat toilets vary from at one extreme being separate porcelain fixtures, like men's urinals but horizontal rather than vertical, each set in the floor in its own stall, to at the other extreme being a long fully open trough like this. In between you have bathrooms with one trough going under a series of stalls, or one trough with a series of walls so you can't see the person in front of you but can still be seen from the side. 

  8. On 4/21/2022 at 10:27 AM, Bacardi said:

    Like @MasterDarcy said, most American men get cut as babies; which is unfortunate for me because I really love uncut guys. I can feel the difference and I believe it looks, feels, and tastes 😜 a lot better lol. I have not gotten to have a lot of sex with uncut guys tho. It's a pity. Part of the reason why I am planning on running away and starting a new life in Europe somewhere! 

    There are some of us uncut guys in the United States too! 😃

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  9. 8 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

    Spot on @jmatthews1995 - as a photographer I can see there is quite a lot of effort gone in, but at least half have some absolutely glaring errors in there - traces of original clothing still present mostly. Straps around the neckline or hair, a reflection of the red bikini in the water.  Like none of them are quite finished.   But at the same time, the work put into them isn't easy either. Skin tones and shading are horrendously difficult to make look natural.

    Yes, those are some quite amazing edits. There's something going on with some of the edited-in skin where you can almost see a grid of blotches, but it isn't in all the photos. I see the traces of original clothing too. And there's a bit of anatomical oddness going on in some of them, like the breasts of the woman with the drink glass in front of her look a bit too low (especially considering how perfectly round they are--they don't look like they should be sagging at all), and the woman with the yellow two-piece has one female looking boob and one sort of "man-boob". But generally it's excellent photo editing--if someone were to digitally paint that photo-real of a torso even without the added complication of trying to match the exact tone of an existing photo, it would surely be considered a work of artistic skill. 

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  10. 16 hours ago, Tony_puddle said:

    A: How much do you piss, that's a madness.

    So this is actually a common Brit thing to say? I know the phrase "it's a madness" from Ally Law and his urban adventures, but I thought it might have just been something he and "his boys" came up with...

  11. It seems too much on the raunchy side for it to be something I would like, even if it were mixed sex. It sounds like just a giant dirty fuck-fest, which I suppose is great if you're into that, but for those of us who are into gentler play and actually achieving some sort of intimacy, it seems like it would be a bit gross. Even for those who are very intensely into the thrill of naughty peeing, it might lose a lot of its spark in a crowd of people just letting their urine spray everywhere like animals.

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  12. I looked some at female pee streams in photos. It seems that there is a lot more variability in women (like there is in all aspects of peeing!), depending on how the labia direct the stream. When they form a neat "slit", the phenomenon that makes the "chain" shape can be even much more pronounced than for men because the length and width are even more different. There are cases where a "blade" of pee very obviously rotates 90 degrees shortly after exiting, such that it fans out sideways toward the legs rather than back to front. However, in women it's more likely that the stream breaks into a messy stream of drops as it exits, in which case no "chain" shape is visible. And when the stream directly exits from the urethra without hitting anything, it's too round to make much of a chain.

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  13. I like physics too--and of course pee as well. I just looked at mine--when it's going full speed it only has one 90 degree rotation that's "clean and crisp", by the second one it's already starting to break up into droplets. It also does seem to have a bit of an actual helical twist to it. As the flow rate slows down by the end, at least two if not three 90 degree switches become visible for a short while as each segment gets shorter.

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  14. On 6/23/2022 at 2:51 PM, arigalo said:

    I wish I could say it was entirely out of willpower/out of commitment to holding, but it was more so because I noticed he was wearing letters for a fraternity on campus that is known to not exactly have the best track record for issues pertaining to consent. I didn’t feel like taking the gamble, to be honest! 

    That's a shame 😞

  15. On 4/25/2022 at 3:35 AM, MC Cumzy said:

    Has anyone ever heard of that American infomercial product "the uroclub". Basically a golf club where you unscrew a cap at the top and you can pee in it without looking weird at all


    I first heard about this a long time ago, and already thought it seemed like a silly idea. What looks weirder--to walk behind a tree or over to a fence, or to stand there in one place holding a golf club for a 20 or 30 seconds without swinging it and with a piece of cloth draped over it?

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  16. After I posted in this thread, it prompted me to notice more clearly what I do when sitting down (which is usually either when also going #2 or during the night/soon after getting up). I don't always touch/hold my penis at all when doing so, but when I do hold it to help aim it down, I tend to give it the slightest tug which gently holds the foreskin back a tad. It's so much of a habit I don't even know I'm doing it, but I think I picked it up because it feels a bit "neater" and cleaner. The amount of pulling back, though, in that situation is less than when I'm standing, and even that is at the very most close to Greedy's pic. The only time I'd ever pull it back farther (when peeing that is) is when trying to get some last drops out.

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  17. On 4/2/2022 at 6:09 PM, Bacardi said:

    No. It's a forum website sort of like this one where people post experiences. I have seen a lot of cross over of the members here and on there.

    It's not so much a forum as a site to post polls for people to vote in. There are sections about all kinds of topics , most of them not being sexual in any way (like food, hobbies, music, etc), but I bet the sexual ones get as many views as all the others combined lol. There are quite a few about things like "Where have you peed besides a toilet", "How do you pee", "Has anyone seen you pee", etc. Some of them get rather detailed in the questions they ask. While most of the questions are multiple choice, there are people who then discuss the polls and share experiences beyond what the questions themselves ask.

  18. 18 hours ago, Peewee123 said:

    I think it varies. I use two squares for just a pee and I’m bone dry after that (although I am talking about decent thick toilet paper here!). If I didn’t feel quite dry I would get another 2 squares and wipe again however that’s more likely for vaginal wetness rather than pee wetness. Lining of the knickers with paper is more about either menstruation or discharge, I highly doubt it’d be for pee. 

    I found it interesting to read that your discharge/natural wetness tends to get your vaginal area wetter most of the time than peeing does. From the way you wrote it, it sounds as if this happens not just when you're super turned on or just recently finished with sexual activity, but in general. I wouldn't have thought there were many women who produce enough wetness on a typical day that they need to wipe with extra toilet paper.

  19. 9 hours ago, Havelock said:

    Does anyone else like to pee through fences?

    Or do you find it interesting that people choose to pee to fences through fences even when the are totally totally penetrable (like chain link, wire etc.)?  They don't shield you from view and your pee just goes through and lands on the other side of the fence. You could just stand and pee on the ground without having a fence between you. It's an interesting psychological / cultural phenomenon that people feel more comfortable going up to a fence as if it were a wall or tree to pee on when their pee is going straight through.

    For example, I have numerous times witnessed people at event and festivals go up to a wire fence and pee through it for all to see. I've seen girls also go squat by them as if its any better than squatting in the open. 

    I guess it depends on what is on the other side of the fence. I personally wouldn't pee through a fence unless there were less of a reason for people to be on the other side, or less of a need to protect what is on the other side from getting peed on. Like if it's the fence around a soccer field, and there are just woods on the other side, it's more likely that other people will be playing on the field and find it gross if it smells like pee, or if they know people pee there, than that anyone would care about the woods being peed on. Also, I am more likely to be at a soccer field if I'm there with other people who are also at the field, so then facing the fence means I'm facing away from them. It's similar if the fence surrounds an area that keeps people OUT--like sometimes around here there are fences around water tanks, storage sheds, pump houses, and the like--what's the likelihood that someone will actually go in there shortly after I've peed?

    For me, it doesn't have anything to do with the fence serving to block the pee. In fact, I'd be more likely to pee through a fence with openings than I would be to pee on a solid wall--because with a wall everyone will see that it's peed on, and the pee will sit there and get stale. I *would* find it a weird phenomenon if there's a transparent fence dividing two occupied areas and people walk up to that to pee.

  20. I'd say that "being in the right place at the right time" as you put it is your best bet in a place like that. It's not that there wouldn't be outdoor peeing going on in such a city--I used to go to bars with friends (all guys) in a town with about one-tenth the population of this city and they regularly peed outside, anywhere from parks to store parking lots, though they were also of the type that would also walk around to buy drinks at liquor stores before/after going to the bar. It's just that the "action" is likely to be very spread out.

    Since all the bars are within a small distance of each other, it's not as though there are likely to be a lot of drinkers walking all night around a large downtown area, they are likely to only congregate around that one block and otherwise go their separate ways. Those on bicycles can literally stop anywhere along their route from the bar square to their destinations for a quick pee, and will have many places to do so that are less likely to bother someone than right along the main square. Those who have just a two-minute walk home are unlikely to need to stop along the way for a pee at all. That leaves people waiting for a bus as the only ones with much likelihood of having to go within a small, predictable area.

    Demographics also has something to do with it--if it's a city where mostly families live and/or the people at the bars are largely guys going out with their work buddies at the end of the work day, I suspect there would be significantly less outdoor peeing than in a city with a large "young party crowd" who are just trying to get drunk and don't care so much if they make a fool of themselves.

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