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Posts posted by Carb0nBased

  1. I've never actually noticed drinking beverages making me feel like I need to pee faster than otherwise. I guess it must happen, it's just that the connection is not strong enough for me to notice. Part of it is that I tend to drink either when thirsty or else when eating--if I were to drink a lot when I didn't really need the fluids maybe it would be more obvious. Though that tends to give me a headache.

  2. On 9/15/2024 at 9:43 PM, Carb0nBased said:

    I listen to a podcast called The Puzzler, and each set of 3-4 episodes they have a new guest on. One of the recent guests was Katie Grogg, who is a singer and actor who also takes part in live crossword solving competitions. In the first episode with her on, titled "Katie Grogg Is Groggy", she told the story that once she was solving a puzzle and one of the answers was "S AND P", referring to the Standard and Poor's stock index. However, she just saw the letters after filling in the other answers and asked "What is 'SAND P'?". Apparently, other crossword solvers have teased her about that ever since. I wonder if any of them have started a conversation about "sand pees" on the basis of that, it sounds like something someone could totally do. I think Katie has a rather hot sounding voice so that would be quite interesting to hear.

    As if they were listening to us (of course not really--these episodes were made months ago), the following episode, which also featured Katie Grogg, had another mention of peeing. The episode was titled "Can Can-Can", and was all phrases like this, for example if the clue was "Is able to dance in a cabaret" the answer would be "can can-can". So one of them had a clue something like "the answer to the question 'What do you and your friends do in the bathroom?'", and the answer to this clue, as you might guess, was "we wee-wee".

  3. I listen to a podcast called The Puzzler, and each set of 3-4 episodes they have a new guest on. One of the recent guests was Katie Grogg, who is a singer and actor who also takes part in live crossword solving competitions. In the first episode with her on, titled "Katie Grogg Is Groggy", she told the story that once she was solving a puzzle and one of the answers was "S AND P", referring to the Standard and Poor's stock index. However, she just saw the letters after filling in the other answers and asked "What is 'SAND P'?". Apparently, other crossword solvers have teased her about that ever since. I wonder if any of them have started a conversation about "sand pees" on the basis of that, it sounds like something someone could totally do. I think Katie has a rather hot sounding voice so that would be quite interesting to hear.

    • Haha 1
  4. 9 hours ago, Behindthebush said:

    Unfortunately the pee was fresh and the smell wasn't very strong.


    Really? To me, freshly peed-on ground has the most scent, and it gradually fades as it dries to where you eventually can't tell if it was pee or water anymore. If it's beach sand, concrete, or poorly draining ground it will tend to take on a BAD smell over time, but that's true for all pee (even dog pee) and has none of the scent that is somewhat unique to each person, differs between male and female, etc.

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  5. Not to be preachy but I'd tend to think that when you have a newborn in your family there are so many things to get used to and do that there would barely be time for sex even if the mother was biologically able to have it. The fact that this is high on your priority list to think about seems to suggest you might be focusing on the wrong things.

    Yes, you understandably still need to get off every once in a while just to take care of the physiological needs of your body, but it's possible to either take care of that yourself, or have your wife help you in other ways than by taking you inside her. And you can offer to help make her lady parts and her body in general feel as good as it can--whether by massaging her or otherwise--so that she gets back to her normal self as quickly and smoothly as is possible.

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  6. I was just on Youtube watching some videos about cameras, and there was an ad that popped up, for a site that literally has the URL "spycamerabathroom.com". Now there are quite a few sites that sell small, easily hidden cameras, but they usually promote them as nanny cams, security cameras, etc., leaving naughtier, pervier uses to the imagination. Now this site does also mention those uses, but it's amazing that they come right out and admit that they are "useful" for bathrooms too! 

    Now, I don't condone using cameras like that on nonconsenting people, but it's interesting that a seller would actually try to cater to pee fans (or maybe just changing fans) in this manner, and advertise on Youtube even.

    • Hot 1
  7. 18 hours ago, PuddingPipeTree said:

    Four years later, and I have finally finished reading Ulysses. The second-to-last chapter contains a moment of shared urination between the two main characters:

    As you can read, this chapter is written in an unusual, question-and-answer style, giving it both a clinical and introspective feel. Not exactly an erotic moment (to me at least, but your mileage may vary) but it is quite vivid and perhaps inspiring to aspiring writers.


    (I also thought there was some mention about Bloom's wife using a chamberpot in the final chapter, but that seems to be about menstruation blood rather than pee, so it doesn't seem worth sharing.)

    Wow that writing sounds super pretentious! It's one thing to have a large vocabulary and to use it well, but after a few chapters of this it would get very old...

  8. I guess it depends on how big a group and how integral a part of it I am. If it's a large group hike and we're just stopped for a snack or whatever, and I'm not in the middle of a conversation with anyone, then walking off into the bushes wouldn't be that weird. But if I'm interacting with other people in a small group, it would feel slightly rude and quite odd to just walk over away from the others to pee without saying anything.

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  9. On 8/21/2024 at 3:45 PM, greedyneedygirl said:

    Over the last few weeks I have watched a two-part programme broadcast on Channel 4 here in the UK, (see review in the following link). It might well be still available to watch on stream.





    Whilst I welcome any documentary that attempts to deal with the subject of sex and pornography, this programme falls short of what I believe to some of the central issues regarding the Obscenity Laws and what was effectively censored in comparison to Europe. In the second episode, David Sullivan discussed his part in the industry and the role of Mary Millington in his films and publications. Millington was a great campaigner against censorship and managed a chain of shops called ‘Private’ that opened across the country. However they were trading in false promises, using the covers of Color Climax and Private magazines to lure customers into ‘soft-core’ magazines that had to comply with the obscenity laws in England. This was not covered in the programme, although some Director’s of the films discussed did say that they filmed ‘two versions’, one for the UK and a more Hard-Core version for Europe where the laws were much more liberal in relation to pornography. Of course people like Sullivan could get away with selling the ‘bootleg’ magazines, because he knew that no one would dare complain to Trading Standards.


    Having said that, the programmes were entertaining enough and were nostalgic for that kind of ‘Oooh you are awful..” film, somewhat exemplified by the Carry-On and Confessions films, like a smutty seaside postcard. 

    It's a shame what happened to her. Dead at 33 of an overdose, clearly very famous in her short life but still tragic.

    • Agree 1
  10. On 9/1/2024 at 12:50 PM, DoctorDoctor said:

    I am always surprised how decorative they made them, when visitors would always have known what they were for. Doesn't seem like a decorator piece that one would have on display, but rather under a bed. Maybe it showed style and class to have a nice looking one.

    I'd think that they were decorative just to "soften" the very non-pretty, unromantic (to most) truth that they were pee jugs (or occasionally containers for more than that). I also don't know if chamber pots intended for use by ladies were more ornately decorative than ones intended for use by men, but if they were, then this would also be a reflection of Victorian women needing to maintain the image of delicate femininity at all times.

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  11. On 7/14/2024 at 12:02 PM, hold_on said:

    Adding on to this because I recently noticed something interesting - the base of my penis appears to have basically no pleasure receptors up until the cut line where the circumcision was. Then the skin after that towards the tip is suddenly very sensitive. Anyone else have such a sharp difference in sensation there?

    It sounds like you had one of the circumcisions done where the cut is made relatively far up the shaft, as opposed to near the tip--see the "high" style described here: https://www.dr-kuehhas.at/en/the-different-styles-of-circumcision/. In case you don't know since you're cut, the foreskin when intact is less a "flap" of skin and more like a "fold" of skin where the crease is at the tip and there are inner and outer layers that can slide over one another, with the inner layer normally facing the penis itself, but able to be exposed as the foreskin retracts, in other words rolls up away from the tip. The outer layer isn't too different from any other loose skin on the body, but the inner layer is more delicate, supple, and sensitive, a bit like the inside of the lip vs. the outside. In a "high" circumcision, rather than lopping the end of the fold off and creating a new "crease" where the shaft meets the head, the skin is cut on the shaft and the foreskin is effectively retracted to seal the gap, turning much of the inner layer outward. So probably you're feeling the difference between these skin layers.

  12. Warning: While not actually about anything incestuous, I recognize that some may be squicked out by anything remotely related to family, so if this is you then don't continue reading...

    In the course of answering another question on here about when we learned how the opposite sex pees, and thinking about curiosities regarding the opposite sex, made me realize something I've sometimes wondered but never asked.

    Somewhere I was on a forum (it may have actually been this one) and some guy said he wouldn't want his parents to see his dick, and then someone else pointed out that since many men's penis shape is a lot like their father's, their dads would only need to look down and their moms would need only to look at their husband's to have a pretty good idea what their sons' parts look like. It was even mentioned that there was a study where women had to pick out their partner's penis in pictures and tended to choose their sons' if they were among the pictures. It's been a long time since I've seen my dad's (or he saw mine), and at the time I was too little to look much like him, but looking back, although he's circumcised and I'm not (a difference that is obviously not biological in origin), we both share a rather generous girth in relation to length.

    This fact got me thinking though, how much is women's genital shape passed down? Are women who are "innies" likely to have a mom who's an "innie" too, or those whose inner labia hang down likely to have relatives who are the same way? And what about the location of hair around the area (whether only in front of the slit, or also on the inner thighs, or on the outer labia as well), or even something as subtle--but relevant to this forum--as how far forward the urethra/pee stream is? Does anyone know?

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  13. As for knowing that the sexes have different parts, for me it was from those "body books" almost every kid has. Being an only child, having no extended family living nearby, and being a socially awkward and disinterested kid, I never interacted closely with girls my age as a boy, but I loved reading and was always fascinated about nature and biology (hence the joke behind my username here, that I'm merely another carbon-based life form--a username I honestly wouldn't pick today, but I chose it over a decade ago on PeeSearch and was too lazy to change it and have to re-introduce myself from scratch).

    While I had some general curiosity about girls, they always even from a very young age (we're talking kindergarten here) seemed to find the way I approached them "creepy" and so I never had the sort of experiences with neighbor kids or whatever that other people on here talk about having. I did at least once walk in on my mom naked after a shower or whatever but this was after I already knew that the sexes had different parts, and otherwise we were never a family where nudity was practiced openly in any form.

    I didn't think much about peeing posture being different, as a boy who sat down to pee myself. I taught myself to pee standing later in my early teen years, and by then again I was of course well aware that peeing standing up was something males did because they had a penis. I remember vaguely a babysitter peeing with the door open and me walking in because I was curious, and her being rather OK with it, but that was just one instance and I didn't see very much. I didn't really think too hard about how girls/women peed when not sitting on a toilet until I found sites like this one. 

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  14. This is not condoned by the site rules. I also mostly fail to see the point of it.

    If I want to see pictures of naked women, I can see plenty of them, practically more than I can ever look through, on sites devoted to pictures like Bdsmlr (formerly Tumblr, until they got rid of that in an effort to become a "respectable" company), or porn sites if I want something more openly racy. If I want to see "everyday" women, there's Normal Nudes on Reddit. In those places, I have complete freedom to click on just those pictures I'm interested in seeing. Whereas on here, I have no idea whatsoever if any member is my "type", and of the ones who actually have posted pictures of themselves on the open forum, there's just as many I have no interest in as there are ones I can get excited about.

    What I CAN'T satisfy on those sites is actually having a friend who I know well enough to wonder about on a more personal level. Therefore, the only reason I can see for anyone approaching someone here (or on any other online forum) asking for pictures would be if that member FEELS as if he or she has a personal connection to the person he or she is asking. And it seems as if for certain people, they have a tendency to feel this sort of connection when it's only one way. It's sort of along the lines of people who feel they "know" an actor or actress having seen the characters he/she plays in films.

    I occasionally will read some other member here talking about her intimate life and have some sort of curiosity about what she looks like, nude or not. However the type of women I tend to feel this kind of "connection" to are usually quite shy, quiet girls who I assume are least likely to actually show themselves publicly to strangers. As I said above, I'm also not sure if seeing who they actually are could ruin the fantasy, by them being nothing like my imagination, to where I'd wish I'd kept the whole thing in my head. Finally, I am not the exhibitionist type myself. And I wonder if there's a difference between the average man and woman as to how "private" they feel a site like this is. I would never show my genitals to a random person on the street of either sex who asked, yet I would at least consider doing so on a forum like this (even though it still would feel at least somewhat weird) because it feels more anonymous.

    I looked through your posts, and you recently mentioned about listening to other women peeing in the bathroom and sniffing your own panties, and I have to wonder whether the combination of these things were what prompted you receiving so many of these posts lately. Not that it SHOULD prompt such posts, but I could see how it might make some people feel like they have some sort of special connection to you from that. It's a sort of irony of a board like this where we feel OK opening up about taboo things about ourselves, that while it's a great place to let this more hidden side out to play, it also can conjure up a feeling of OVERfamiliarity sometimes. I personally am OK saying "I'm curious what this person looks like when she pees, or how she is in bed or whatever, but I know I don't actually know her, so it would be weird to ask in a way that isn't super polite". And I find that many people here are willing to share quite a bit when asked nicely.

    Yes, much porn is made to create the illusion of intimacy with actual strangers, but if that were the cause of this kind of behavior, the people involved would be asking porn stars for pics, not people here. The fact is that things here ARE "real" in a way that they totally aren't with porn, yet we're still not friends at a sleepover together playing truth or dare or something. Hopefully most of us grasp that, but apparently some don't.

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  15. It's nice that you are comfortable peeing in front of your family members. I have to wonder if your nephew will end up being one of us lol! Obviously it's way too early to think about such things. And thanks a lot for the recording!

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