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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. There is another factor involved in people like us not seeking help even if we feel we have problems. We are all taught from a young age that peeing anywhere but the toilet is wrong and disgusting and that pee itself is dirty. This can induce feelings of shame for our interest in it which we are almost conditioned into feeling. Everyone else who is not one of us grows up with the same indoctrination, which provokes one of two reactions to us. Either disgust or laughter. They are either disgusted by us or want to laugh at us. Knowing this, and having seen such reactions in others often, i
  2. Yes, if and when I return to work. At the moment I am in 12 week isolation as a diabetic.
  3. Here in the UK we are now on total lockdown by law throughout the nation. No one is allowed out except to get food and meds, or for a brief exercise once a day alone. No one is allowed to travel to work except for key workers. All non-essential businesses have been closed down. The rules are going to be enforced by the police issueing fines to those who break them. This is serious shit now and many of us are scared.
  4. You know you're a pee fan when the first thing you do in the morning is go online and immediately check out this site even before checking your emails and FB messages.
  5. Riding the almighty power of the sea....
  6. A spectacular yet also weirdly beautiful tornado....
  7. An awesome volcanic eruption complete with electrical storms....
  8. This is what the early Earth looked like before it cooled sufficiently for the oceans and life to appear. It is during the latter phase of what is known as the Late Heavy Bombardment when meteors large and small were constantly impacting our infant planet. Nature at it's most raw and most destructively creative.....
  9. Fortunately I did not witness this horror myself, but by all accounts in one of the cubicles in the ladies' public toilets in the supermarket I work in, someone managed to get shit all over the walls, door, and floor. The cleaner said it was horrendous. In a previous store that I worked in, a similar horror had occurred in the cubicle in the gents. In this case not only was shit everywhere, but a pair of shitty boxer shorts were stuck to the wall with it.
  10. I would like them not to have the genitalia pixelated.
  11. Well, things are getting really serious now. We are staring into a frightening abyss, both socially and economically. And we have idiots like Trump and Johnson in charge. God help us! I myself as a diabetic am now self-isolating for 12 weeks, but I expect that by the end of that period things will be at their worst - unless warm weather slows it, which would be good news for the northern hemisphere if it happened with summer approaching, but less good for the southern with winter on the way. But warm weather slowing it might well be a vain hope anyway. Things are looking bad her
  12. The size of our sun compared to larger - and the largest - stars...
  13. I find this interesting, because I have heard urophilia described by professionals as an immature fixation upon the urinatory act. Some professionals think of us as not having fully developed a mature sexual orientation but that we have carried forward into adulthood an infantile fixation upon urination which we have also sexualised. I myself first became aware of an interest in peeing - which I later realised was sexual - quite far back into childhood when I was too young to know anything about sex. When I was aged about 6 or 7 in the school playground a girl of similar age peed in a doo
  14. If they are banned from the chatroom they are still able to access other parts of the forum. And since a tiny number have been banned fro the chatroom purely for wanting to talk about pee all the time and ignoring what everyone else is talking about - essentially using people as masturbatory aids and nothing more - they can find plenty elsewhere on the forum to get off on. As for those banned entirely - apart from spammers a vanishingly small number - it is generally for persistent rule breaking or negativity. What happens to them after that has never really been my concern. They probably look
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