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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. Dear Wet Carpet. I am a 41 year old businesswoman and I've been seeing a recently divorced school headmaster. This is me.... I have a thing about being naughty and have always liked to pee in random places, ever since I was a teenager. But I don't like messing up my own place cos cleaning it up is a real drag. Instead I like to go on fetish sites where I find guys into watching me pee at theirs and are happy to clean up after me - or not if they don't want to clean it up at all. The guy I am seeing now is happy to let me pee on the floor in his bedroom, on the carpet, eith
  2. It's a sad and sorry fact that males on sites like this tend to outnumber the ladies by four or five to one, if not more. And some men jumping all over any lady that rocks up will sadly put many off. The mods would encourage such behaviour to be reported. But of course if someone is new to the site they are unlikely to want to rock the boat by reporting people whose standing here they have no awareness of. So sadly many new lady members are potentially put off. So it is down to us guys to behave reasonably.
  3. If you were to write of these experiences and just omit any age references or anything that signposts minors, it will I am sure be ok. It is not an anti-gay thing. The same applies to straights too. Almost all of us had our first pee-related sexual experiences whilst still under 18. Yet we find ways to talk about them mostly by avoiding obvious age references. I am no longer a mod but used to be and know we have no policy against gay material here. As for the poster you responded to, it is unfortunate if she made anti-gay references but it was an old post and she has long since abandoned
  4. This one should be a good read if there's a write up to follow.
  5. I was dating this blonde with a sexy ass, And suggested for fun that she piss in a glass. But she stated that this was a bit of a bore, and preferred to be naughty and piss on the floor. She pulled down her pants and crouched down in a hover, over the carpet without any bother. And then in a moment with an audible hiss, she grinned with delight as she started to piss. The puddle was growing, it's surface a'glisten, as my living room carpet she delighted to christen. The carpet beneath her was flooded with piss, her gleeful e
  6. When it comes to sites like that the best thing to do is to not sign up to pay them any money. But what probably does porn providers more damage is people sharing the content they themselves have bought on free sites. No one pays for anything anymore once it is available for free. I do not make any videos I have paid for available for free on free sites, for this very reason.
  7. Well I have just pissed in the bath. I wasnt in it at the time. There wasn't even any water in it. Just peeing there was more interesting than using the boring old toilet.
  8. Yes I have often peed in the sink. I think it is easier for us guys. I love to hear of the ladies doing it sometimes though.
  9. As is my wont, two questions. One sexual and one more cerebral. When and where was the first carpet you ever peed on? And if you had the choice of a spaceship that could take you anywhere or a time machine that could take you anywhen, which would you choose?
  10. Dear Wet Carpet. We are a young couple in our 20s. My wife is an attractive blonde who is very much an exhibitionist, who loves to be filmed whilst being naughty, and very much has a thing about peeing. She loves to pee anywhere with total abandon whilst I take pics or vids. We are not into doing it at home, except for a rare handful of occasions when we've been drunk and she thought it would be fun to pee all over the kitchen floor. And guess who had to clean that up? Yep, me. Most of the time though we rent cheap hotel rooms or bed and breakfasts, the kind of places that sti
  11. Thanks. I am still posting pics. Just fewer of them.
  12. You are very much in my neck of the woods. I live in Plymouth.
  13. I would just like to let it be known that over the years all my prolific posting of pics was becoming ever more of a chore, with categorizations and all sorts taking me hours. In real life I am struggling financially, and working long hours, so will be posting far fewer pics from now on because that is feeling a bit like too much more work on top. It was getting to be a bit too much like more work when I just need to chill in my free time. I will no doubt still post some pics in the correct categories when I have the time but probably far fewer.
  14. The way things are going re fuel prices I might be in the market for a frigging bicycle before long.
  15. If I were to come to this thread and talk about my Vauxhall Corsa, it would be like going to an art gallery and talking about a turd.
  16. I must admit...and this is some admission for anyone on the political left in the UK today as I am...that I don't fully understand the various gender and sexual orientation-related terms that have sprung up over the last decade or two. I can say that under the cloak of anonymity here but if I were to say this on any of the left wing forums I frequent I'd risk being slaughtered. "What!!! How can you not know what Cis means? Are you some sort of crypto-fascist stuck in the 20th century?" Something like that. Fact is, my philosophy is simple in regards to gender and sexual orientations. It c
  17. Is there any truth to the common assumption that the largeness of a man's car engine is directly related to the smallness of his penis?
  18. I too have been struggling lately with issues I am not going to go into. When I am struggling, underlying issues from my past make my social confidence extremely fragile.The tiniest of knocks and I retreat into my shell. That has been my lifelong coping mechanism. Right across my life of late - both online and offline - I have been over-reacting to every little thing and just find it easier to retreat to avoid silly meltdowns Which is the main reason why of late I have only been posting pics and the occasional story and not interacting at all other than that around here. Tr
  19. Dear Wet Carpet. I am a lucky guy, with a glamour model for a girlfriend. I think she looks absolutely beautiful. Judge for yourselves.... And we have a secret understanding. Her thing, her naughty pleasure, is to have me watch as she pees on our kitchen floor. She does it often. And leaves me to clean it up. That's the deal. She gets to pee on the kitchen floor for fun. I get to watch. And I am the one who mops it up afterwards. To see such a gorgeous beauty squatting and peeing on the floor is such a turn on, and clearly she gets a kick out of it too. Sometimes, she doe
  20. Dear Wet Carpet I have been living in a shared rented house with two other young women, all three of us students. We don't want to reveal our identities, but here is a rear view photo of us taken by one of our guy friends..... We kind of got an exhibitionist thrill out of being naked for his camera, and owed him a favour anyway because he'd loaned us the money for our deposit. Anyway, not using our real names, I am the blonde on the left and I shall call myself Maria. Let's call the one in the middle Emma and the one on the right Janet. Well the house we were renting
  21. There appears to be a work around that works I think....clicking print screen with the windows key seems to work but its a bit of a pain.
  22. Sorry guys. I did not know where else to post this. I have windows 11 but suddenly my screenshot button, print screen has ceased to work. I have tried every fix I can find online but still have this problem. Since most of my pics of late have been screenshots this is going to seriously reduce the number of pics I can provide. I have so much shit on my laptop re the fetish that I dare not take it in for repair, nor am I going to replace it when everything is fine apart from that. Am open to suggestions but chances are I have probably already tried it. I have a ton of screenshots
  23. Dear Wet Carpet. I am a happily married guy, my wife a curvy blonde aged 39. We have a couple of kids but our house rule is that our bedroom is out of bounds without knocking. Not really sure how it started, but for years now my wife has had a particular habit that may interest your readers. She doesn't do it often, just occasionally, though I secretly look forward to such moments. Usually she does it when the kids are asleep and doesnt want to wake them. At such moments, if she needs to pee, instead of making noise by going out to the bathroom, she just nonchalantly squat
  24. Dear Wet Carpet Sue again. Not sure if I have the energy to type a long letter. But I will tell you about the next pissing session indulged in by myself and my two friends Amanda and Anabel and our husbands. We were all still naked after drinking numerous coffees, our clothes in a jumbled heap in the corner of the living room. Well clothes can be washed right? And none of us were planning to put them on for a while. So we had the idea of placing them in the middle of the living room and peeing all over them. First each of us ladies held a penis as the guys stood around the pile of cl
  25. Dear Wet Carpet. I'm Emma, a 22 year old blonde lingerie model. This is me.... I have been seeing this older guy in his early 30s, a highly paid accountant. And I know accountants have a reputation for being boring, but this guy is anything but. The sex is fantastic, and he never ceases to surprise me. Well last night we returned to his place from the wine bar and were frollicking naked in the bedroom when I had to pee. I jokingly complained and apologised about the boring interruption, having to go to the bathroom. That's when he told me not to bother. He said I should ju
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