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Everything posted by steve25805

  1. Dear Wet Carpet This is a bit of a weird one really. I share a rented house in London with another two guys and a girl, each with our own bedrooms but shared living room, bathroom and kitchen. We are all in our mid 20s and up and coming in the legal profession. The girl, Samantha, is pretty hot actually as I think you might agree... Anyway, I'd been having a bit of a problem for a while. It only happened occasionally but from time to time I kept noticing damp patches on my bedrrom carpet, usually in a corner, but sometimes in the middle of the room or even beside my bed. And wh
  2. What you say is spot on. In my case - and I know this to be true of myself and assume it to be likely for many others too - a large part of what I actually think about stuff is filtered through the lens of what I believe, a kind of core ideology. And that ideology was formed in my case when a young man in reaction to how the government of the day - in my case and place Margaret Thatcher's - and the economic situation of the day where mass unemployment was the norm fed massively into the views I developed. But I also know that character and outlook formed by personal experiences and feelings du
  3. Whilst I have been unusually active these last few days by recent standards, it has dawned upon me in a sudden realisation, that I have littered some of my posts with flirty comments aimed at you. Mostly it is meant in jest but your lack of reaction to them - comment or icon wise - has made me realise I might have been overdoing it. Apologies if I have been in any way annoying or creepy. I will be a gentleman from now on. Any thoughts involving ladies peeing, which are frequent about lots of ladies when I am here, I will keep to myself insofar as actual members are concerned, unless
  4. I have adopted new religious beliefs. All manufactured objects are a deviation from the true path of nature and once in place require christening. There is nothing more natural than the human body, and for the purposes of keeping ying and yang in perfect harmony, and to harness the spiritual energy deriving from sexual arousal it is necessary for someone sexually attractive to the owner to perform the christening ceremony upon all new manufatured objects. Nudity is necessary to fully activate the sexual spiritual energy and achieve a state of bliss in harmony with the christening act itse
  5. Sounds like an ideal time fior you to have paid me a visit. My carpet still needs a good christening, lol
  6. Well I think a major aspect of the sexual interest in peeing is the naughtiness of it, due to the fact of so much being taboo. For example, if it were perfectly normal for everyone to just pee on the nearest carpet or floor, and everyone did it, I probably would not be anywhere near as interested as I am in ladies pissing on floors and carpets. It is the very wrongness of it, the total abnegation and defiance of taboos about how and where to pee properly which makes it so erotic. I think there is a similar imput into other aspects of our fetish besides naughty peeing as well. We are
  7. Well yes, but the west as you say is itself riven with hypocrisy. US drone strikes have proven criminally indiscriminate, killing many more civilians than genuine enemies. And as for Israel, it's behaviour towards the Palestinians is notorious, yet anyone who criticises it is called an anti-semite by our own political leaders and thrown out of parties. And Saudi Arabia is bombing Yemen with impunity, and we say and do nothing because we want their oil and money. Yes we are right to condemn Russia for what it is doing I believe, yet we in the west are so selective in what we choose to cond
  8. Dear Wet Carpet. I've been seeing this woman in her 40s who is kind of adventurous with an appealing anything goes attitude. Well we were having a few drinks at my place and she needed a pee. Since I enjoy the sight of women peeing and because I'd already had a few drinks, I decided to risk asking if I could watch. She laughed, calling me a perv but in a joky kind of way, and then upped the stakes. She said if I wanted to watch, I'd have to let her pee right there. I was dumbfounded actually but also turned on. I asked her if she was planning to do it in a glass or something but she
  9. My favourite place to live is in my imagination. It is a place where I am rich, drive a fast car and live in a big house, and where Sophie and various other select ladies frequently call round to enjoy christening my carpets.
  10. Yeah, at the very least you would have to help yourself to their cookie jar and let their hamsters and gerbils escape from their cages, Oh what a battering I got the day I stole Sophie's last cookie and released gldenwetgoose's gerbil in his bedroom. I'd rather be peed on by an elephant than go through that again.
  11. @Almanaher, you certainly have a different perspective, and I feel a lot of what you are spouting is Putinesque propaganda. For one thing whilst there may well have been an element of Russophobia amongst some Ukrainians, to talk of genocide is utter nonsense. However, this site is not really a forum for political argument, and I don't really wish to engage in that here in any prolonged way. So I am just going to agree to differ and move on. There are many things all forum members here have in common, but politics is never going to be one of them. Better to leave it for poli
  12. Dear Wet Carpet. I'm an attractive woman in my early 40s. I think I still look pretty good for my age.... Yes, that's me.... When very young I used to envy the way males could just pee against walls and suchlike, whilst I had to squat down. Well as I grew up this kind of morphed into sexual fantasies about ladies peeing against walls, and of doing it myself. But I am a respectable woman who was married with kids, though the husband has left recently following an acrimonious divorce. Same old story. Affair with his secretary. Still have the kids but they are teenagers
  13. I have never supported our invasion of Iraq in 2003. But unlike you I was free to speak out against my own goverment at the time. I have a Latvian friend who is half Russian and who had Russian relatives in Ukraine. They felt safe there until the invasion and have now fled the country. The people of Latvia itself are also afraid of you. As for the Donbass, Russian itself armed and encouraged the insurgents in what was then still part of Ukraine. The Ukrainians were angaged in resisting an armed uprising inside it's own borders encouraged by Russia. I know my country is run by a
  14. To be honest that is just Russian state propaganda. Yes there are neo-Nazis in Ukraine and you have shown pictures of them. But there are also neo-nazis in Russia too, as well as in the UK, in France, in Germany, and most other western nations. But they are not the ones running the country anywhere, including in the Ukraine. Ukraine's president is himself Jewish. So the nazi thing is just an excuse for armed invasion, an attemnpt at a military conquest. Putin in any case is more of a Nazi than Zelenski, despot that he is. Zelensky has never sent agents abroad to commit state murder on for
  15. I can understand your concerns. I would feel the same way. Though in fact demand for imagery of a guy in his fifties like me peeing someplace would be minimal, so there would never be any point in me bothering. If you were to do it there would be much more interest. But the golden rule is always never to do anything you are not comfortable with. If ever you overcome your fears at any point and decide at a later date to film something and share it, that would be awesome for the rest of us of course, but it is what's right for you that matters. If you never want to do it, tha
  16. Dear Wet Carpet I work as an escort. I am an attractive blonde in my mid 20s. I am aware that looks tend to fade with age so am making as much as I can whilst I still have them. I hope to be able to set up and run my own agency later in life. Anyway, most clients are reasonably well off men who know how to be gentlemen, usually wanting a bit of company though sex is also a part of the deal most of the time. But that's ok. It kind of goes with the territory in this line of work. For the majority it is all pretty standard stuff sexually, though you do need a degree of intelligence and
  17. I will not engage in a political argument here. It is not what this forum is for. If one should develop the mods will probably close this thread. It is what I would do if I were still a mod and things got heated. So I will limit my comments to asking who invaded who here? And whose nation is run by a despot, the invader's or the invaded?
  18. Yesterday as the mood to be naughty took hold, instead of peeing in the bath or in the sink, I decided to pee all over the kitchen floor. Soaked it up with a couple of towels afterwards anf threw them in the wash.
  19. Is pee shyness a lady thing? I have never heard of a bloke being pee shy, unless it's due to a serious erection. Many males find it hard to pee with a stiffy on. But apart from that I do not recall ever hearing of any bloke being pee shy, though I have known quite a few females to experience it, usually when peeing out in the open even if hidden from view behind walls or bushes or some such. Do men ever get pee shy or is it just the ladies?
  20. That's fair enough. It is a very risky and very brave thing to do to share videos of such things and most people would not be comfortable with it. For every lady that shares pics or vids there are probably 20 doing similar things in hotel rooms in total privacy. Those who share imagery are probably in many cases partly motivated by some form of exhibitionism, in the sense that they enjoy being seen doing it and enjoy sharing. But that's just a guess.
  21. I've seen quite a few, but a lot of the newest stuff is still mostly confined to paysites. I buy videos of girls doing this sort of thing from sites like clips4sale. I will often share screenshots but will not post the vids on free sites, because that removes the income from girls doing this which means they are less likely to carry on. I do however share my videos with Admin who posts them in the gallery, so there is a lot of good stuff in there not widely available on free sites for anyone interested in signing up. Sharing vids to post in the gallery is one of the ways i like to co
  22. That's the kind of attitude that makes being out for a stroll potentially so much fun. Stumbling across a lady brazenly peeing in full view, lol Sadly I have only ever witnessed such things a handful of times, my favourite being some lady squatting and pissing in full public view on the pavement/sidewalk.
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