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Everything posted by naughty_rosie

  1. Same for me lol Actually I don't care whether the park has a proper bathroom or the flowerbed is abandoned. Now I feel like I have a personal toilet in public place haha But when I have to pee, I usually say "I have to water the plants." and pee in the flowerbed so it could be called "Rosie's garden" too lol
  2. I love how you pee in the park naturally, well done! I also think "parks are mean for peeing" especially when I'm in the park without proper bathroom. When we have to pee in such a park, we can use the park it self as our toilet ! Now my friends call the abandoned flowerbed in the park "Rosie's toilet" cuz I've peed there so many times lol
  3. I've peed in the cat's litter box and the potted plants in the friends room several times. I prefer pee in their garden though haha
  4. Thanks for your reply😄 But I'm afraid that I wouldn't pee on the plants or flowers if I know my pee is harmful for them. If I take a revenge on someone, I might pee on them haha Conversely if I know my pee is great fertilizer, I would pee on literary every plants I see. I would pee in the flowerbeds more openly and even the farmers would be willing to make me pee in their farm lol I prefer the latter fantasy than the former. That would be great if everyone admire my pee 😂
  5. When I see the lines for bathroom, I usually go somewhere else. I don't say "the other bathroom" though...lol
  6. The reasons why I pee on the plants are 1, 2 and 4. And why I believe peeing on them is a good thing is I never kill them with my pee. I've never seen the plants withered even though I've peed on the plants outdoor and indoor many times . I'm not sure my pee is good for the plants but at least I can say my pee is harmless to them.
  7. That happens to me many times when I go party. One or two toilet is not enough for drunk girls anyway. Under such circumstances I have to pee somewhere else like sink, cats litter box, potted plants, garden and so on. Sometimes I even say like "Is there a potted plant or something?" when I have to pee lol Now I'm notorious for giving someone's plants extra watering haha
  8. I love to pee on sand or soil because I can dig a hole with my stream 😁
  9. I would rather pee in pubic because it's much more fun for me. If no bathroom is available something must be surved as my toilet anyway.
  10. Fortunately my plants are alright. They never mind a bit of extra watering lol
  11. Sitting is the most comfortable for me. Standing is more fun to try though haha.
  12. Sometimes I pee in the sink especially the toilet is occupied. I just sit on the sink and let it go...not a big deal for me.
  13. And now I wonder if all women can pee standing up they can pee anywhere like men...
  14. I tend to pee in the bushes or planted area. Recycling beer and watering the plants at the same time😂
  15. I pee in my backyard all the time and sometimes I pee in my friends backyard too lol
  16. If you have a potted plant, you can water it with your own pee...
  17. I would love to have the privilege of peeing anywhere I like...
  18. Maybe you should have a potted plant or cats litter box in your room haha
  19. I peed in the flowerbed right next to our classroom with my friends in high school days.
  20. I often go the park near my house but there is no proper toilet. So when I have to pee I just go into the bushes or water the plants in flowerbed. If the park has no bathroom, I can use the park itself as my secret toilet lol Where would you pee if you're in the park like that?
  21. My mother would make me pee in the bushes or planted areas when I was little.
  22. It's not a big deal for me at all. My friends know I often fart when I pee and they think it's funny.
  23. If there is a line for the toilet, I don't to go to the toilet and pee somewhere else. Luckily I have a lot of personal toilets on the way home lol
  24. Yeah they seem to love my pee lol If I'd ever killed my plants with my pee, I wouldn't pee on the plants and flowers outdoor haha
  25. I have many potted plants and planters in my house and actually I use all of them as my secret toilet...lol
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