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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/2019 in Posts

  1. I've been here a while. Mainly lurking, because for the most part I've always been ashamed (not sure if that's the word I'm looking for) about my fetish. I kinda always resented it. I've always had this fascination about women/girls peeing ever since I was little. I mean hell I always tried to hide in the bathroom when one of my bother's female friends was over, note I was about 7-8 and she was at least 19-20. She always managed to find me/look for me beforehand so I was never that lucky. However, I figured I should just accept it as who I am, since it will probably never change.
    5 points
  2. I reach between my legs while still sat, my friend reaches behind.
    4 points
  3. Im so glad that i found somewhere i can admit watching girls have a wee makes my willy feel funny,and no-one calls the police!๐Ÿ˜€
    4 points
  4. Being turned on by something natural is not weirder then getting hungry when you see a pizza. You are with friends here nobody will judge you here. Btw how did those girls react when they found you?
    4 points
  5. Hey! Great you decided to introduce yourself here - I think the site's much more enjoyable when you join in with chatting. If you ever feel weird about it, just remember there's around 24,000 members who are the same as you on this website alone, so it suddenly doesn't seem quite such an unusual thing to like. You are amongst friends here.
    4 points
  6. Hi folks, apologies for the long wait -- I've been on the road for a month or so and haven't really found time to sit down and write. Hope you enjoy part 3! The first part of this series is here in case you want to start with that, and if you want to read the previous series with this set of characters first, it starts here. ************************************************** Maddie knocked at the door to my room, then pushed her way in before I had time to respond. Adam followed behind her, the door swinging into the wall as he barged through. โ€œYou two seem full of energy,โ€
    2 points
  7. Should peefans have it's own song?. Nothing serious just as a funny thing we are growing bigger and bigger and in a few years mabye even ln one year we will be the biggest pee community out there so why not have our own song then?
    2 points
  8. Well,i always think the Madonna song,"Open your heart" can be converted to more naughty lyrics. Instead of "Open your heart to me,ill hold the lock,and you hold the key",can be "open your heart to me,ill hold your cock,while you have a wee"...๐Ÿ˜„ You will never hear that song in the same way again.
    2 points
  9. Tonite we have Thanksgiving supper. Thanks giving is tommorrow Oct 14th. Ham, cabbage rolls, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes and Brussel sprouts are being served. Along with beer and wine lol. We will shut the combines down for supper tonite
    2 points
  10. I just LOVE knowing these things!I cant imagine any other situation in normal life where i could ask a woman how she wipes her pee-pee.
    2 points
  11. I just remember one girl really, but she always laughed about it and thought it was cute, but made me leave. I have no doubt she probably was in to something. To bad I just remember the experience, but not who the person was.
    2 points
  12. On a slight tangent, it would be nice if the points system was tweaked. At the moment it's almost impossible to win the day if you are not a big picture poster so it's a feature that doesn't include most members. Heck Spywareonya is still getting the most reputation of the day and she hasn't logged in for weeks. I'm not sure how, but I'd like it changed. It seems unbalanced.
    2 points
  13. Should be possible - happy to try and implement this if it's something the majority want. ๐Ÿ™‚
    2 points
  14. Should different icons have different popularity points values, eg should a "hot" or a "love" icon be worth more than a "like"?
    1 point
  15. โ€œI need to pee right by your sideโ€ โ€” Eurythmics, โ€œRight by your sideโ€
    1 point
  16. We always have a nice supper with friends and family. O and lots of pumpkin pie for dessert lol
    1 point
  17. I am not going to argue for it. It was just a suggestion. Am not that bothered. Happy enough to let others decide, now the case has been put. Others can make their own arguments for and against if they choose.
    1 point
  18. Then again,it could encourage favouritism.You might "like" a certain member over the others,so that person might get more points,maybe unfairly.Others might not get any at all..Maybe its best left as it is?Just saying. I mean imagine one person may be totally uninhibited,post any amount of intimate photos,which is nice,they would get all the "hots".Another might be more reserved,posting less photos,just generally interesting topics,but only getting "likes"...Thus a degree of unfairness.. Anyone agree?Just a point.
    1 point
  19. I think about the things I would have changed, then I think it that would have changed some of the good I have in my life now. And I have a lot of good in my life. Like my two wonderful children. We all must make mistakes and have some heartache to teach us a lesson. The important thing is did u learn from that lesson and do better or are u repeating the same mistakes. We are all born innocent and obviously. We all have to learn. So the answer to your question is I wouldnโ€™t change anything.
    1 point
  20. Had to go, on the way Slight wetting but got there with relief.
    1 point
  21. I don't do don't do this otherwise iam like Mickey, I would wet the bed lol
    1 point
  22. Another one of Lilith in her Death-related form, with the omnipresent Raven. She is the only solace in those moments when you feel abandoned. That is why we Witches (and I more than every one else, having Her as my actual Patroness) have this respect for people scarred by life, because She is the hand that never desert you when traversing the dark valleys of your existence...
    1 point
  23. Pan's wife, mother of Lilith, of Her older sister (my murderous protector), and also of Archange Michael, Lilith's husband. She has no name, I simply call Her "Blue", because She never takes a form, nor human nor inhuman, nor She communicate in a form similar to the one of other Gods. She is more like a "feeling", of deep electrical blue, a halo of light bringing along fantasy, memories of the disembodied soul between two lives, hallucinations, and development of psychic powers. She is the most mysterious and complicated of Them all, usually the last undertaken for Initiations (before the fina
    1 point
  24. Oh, this is really particular. "Archangel Michael", Lilith's husband. I will have difficulties in describing Him when the main thread will come. No words can describe the goodness of His heart, and His ability to purify people's hearts... He is Light embodied
    1 point
  25. Lilith, another one The Raven is Her primary totem. Witchcraft, necromancy, thought reading, healing of both body and soul, and carrying heavy secrets on one's shoulders. Her expression tells all of this at once...
    1 point
  26. This goes for the rubric "If Lilith was a real woman"...
    1 point
  27. Lilith again. This image perfectly describes Her threatening and sensual dak appearance...
    1 point
  28. I love peening on them ,the risk of getting caught (in town fines are life-crushing but by the sea you can along with just a scold, unless catched by undercover police looking for drug dealers, then you're done also by the sea), the waves under your bare ass, the stream hittig the rocks and then dripping down into the water, the breeze on your ass and pussy...
    1 point
  29. my toilet is in the next room of my bedroom when I am in the kitchen, I eaither get out of the back door and piss on my neighbour flowers, or piss in a metal pot for cooking, AND SUBSEQUENTLY pour its content on the abovementioned flowers ahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. there is something strangely erotic in the hissing of a girl pissing though quite noisy myself, it is Always like I feel surprised by another girl's hiss ahahahahaha
    1 point
  32. Sometimes, admitting a fetish can ruin things Alex knows everything about my pee fetish, but though he came to understand I love farts too, I never actually stated it I farted in girl's mouth during threesomes S/M, and sometimes I even farted in his mouth while he was licking my arse, to which he reacted with a violently sexual set of actions, but I never actually said lound and clear. I am not ashamed, is more that I like to keep it natural pretending it happens more as a declaration of Paramount-ness of physicality against morals and fears and limits and embarass, rather than an "o
    1 point
  33. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  34. A fitting (yet a bit too anthropomorphic!!!) rendition of the Absolute and Divine Majesty of Odin/Satan/Marduk, the God of Witches!!!
    1 point
  35. This is interesting It is a good rendition of how the Gods would look if seen from a "scientifical" point of view, I mean not through mental images, but with technology allowing humans to see Them for how They are in reality
    1 point
  36. Pan, striding the darkness to hunt down enemies and dangers, making the Dark a place we can colonize and conquer
    1 point
  37. Lilith My Patroness, and younger sister of the one right above Goddess of Sex, Love, Unpredictability, and Mastering of the unconscious Goddess of all fetishes, more than anything else of piss
    1 point
  38. Pan's firstborn daughter. The most terrible of Them all. Ultimate Darkness, pure ferocity. Mercilessness as a spiritual commitment. Murderer of men, women, and spirits. My protector. And my man's Patroness. She is anyway so purely devoted to Good, that (and this is a TERRIBLE AND MAJESTIC secret) She is the One entrusted with protecting "The Graal". Nobody, not even the other Gods, is SO devoted to Good. She would die for it without a tear. She protects all that is good. And She is terrible in doing so. Her favourite ways of Killing are food poisoning, leaking and daily-life incident
    1 point
  39. Pan, in His LESS human-like appearance He takes this form when fighint evil or stalking neutral Dangerous entities like Incubi and their kind...
    1 point
  40. Pan again, in His more human-like appearance
    1 point
  41. Extraordinary rendition of the God of Spring Rarely seen anything more accurate
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. Usually CRIO doesn't take an anthropomorphic shape, since The Gods are not anthropomorphic at all, He less than all others But this image is quite descriptive of the pure terrifying power He emantes
    1 point
  44. Dressed up girls are somehow also more "realistic", and to me, realism is really important to get aroused
    1 point
  45. I just saw it played. Never tried myself. I prefer different kind of games.
    1 point
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