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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/2019 in Posts

  1. This is a little bit of a shorter story but I thought that I might as well share it xD I was with three friends and we were all walking along the waterfront in my area. There has been a lot of construction on it and its a thriving place now with shops, walking paths, and restaurants. We just wanted to hang out and get a few things and so we did and it was really fun! I ended up getting some smaller things because things were a little more expensive but what can you do. We all decided to stop a little into town and get coffee before we left. I just got a small latte but when I got it it wa
    9 points
  2. No pressures, but I would be happy if people write at least a minimum of infos in their profiles Just that minimal amount to help us understand them I can understand absolutely that not everybody are willing to write an introduction (which I anyway HEAVILY SUGGEST!!!) if they plan to remain lurker for a while more (I have been a lurker for years without signing at all), but please at least allow us to know you guys all!!! - Age (to avoid treating you like a teenager if you are sixty, avoiding silly comment
    6 points
  3. You have to remember that no one here is a troll or jaded professional writing critic looking to pick your work apart, so you're not going to get the harsh reactions you're afraid of. Those people aren't here. I'd recommend staying off of something like Literotica until your more confident because that crowd WILL destroy your work in no uncertain terms if it's not top quality. The worst you'll get here is simply no reactions at all, or very few. If you ever want to post here, I'd also recommend you start small, not something that you put 20 or 30 hours into. Maybe a one page short at firs
    6 points
  4. If anyone would act like that i promisse every member would go crazy on that motherfucker but i know nobody would write anything bad just look at my grammar and spelling etc i can't write perfect english nobody has ever said anything you are a part of our community and we will never allow you to be bullied here but it's your call don't write if you don't want to☺
    6 points
  5. There's no obligation to read stories you should do whatever you feel like remember this site is for YOUR pleassure so nobody should feel forced to do anything and you contribute in many other ways so don't worry
    6 points
  6. @Blackinksoul30, I know what Steve can do if he spots a troll I have a friendship on him based on love and not fear, but I would NEVER want him as a foe If he stated you are protected, you could walk on fire Anyway, as he said Really, we are NOT pressuring you uh, just cuddling and encouraging!!
    5 points
  7. Let me reiterate as a mod, that if anyone here ripped one of your stories to shreds or tried in anyway to be negatively judgemental or to make you feel bad, we would come down on him or her like a ton of bricks. Such behaviour for one thing is actually against forum rules. Anyone doing that would be running the severe risk of some kind of ban. We don't want people on this forum trying to make those who contribute feel bad. This forum is a safe space for you to post your stories. Trust me on that. If you are unsure, might I suggest a very short one first just to dip your toe in? If yo
    5 points
  8. Blackie, Peefreak is SO fucking right
    5 points
  9. I agree with @steve25805 @F.W contributions to the forum, above all with his own character and personality (and indeed Fanny when you log in less your absence IS FELT) is enough not to need excusations for lack of interest over some niches of this forum Indeed the idea summoned by @gldenwetgoose is adorable, and @mickymoist immediately recognized it ihihihihhi I, personally, started reading them out of curiosity and found some great stories (@nopjans PissEmpire is what brought me here on Peefans, from Literotica), but I fully understand the lack of focus abo
    5 points
  10. Chapter 1: Introductions As I have tasked one of my students to record his experiences as a native Lavatria in uni, I shall record my experiences as a British expat. My name is Charlie Stevens and I am a professor at Lavatrian University and I am here at the Lavatrian Embassey in Britain to help administer the Program for International Student Studies and help acclimatize international students to Lavatrian culture. I was born here in the United Kingdom to an English father and a Lavatrian mother. Around the age of 16 my parents divorced and I went with my mother back to her native
    4 points
  11. Yes, positive It would gave @Blackinksoul30 CONTROL Paradoxically, I personally would love to read something which she put MONTHS into, something of the like of her most private novels, even beside erotica or piss, maybe even in the general chat ABSOLUTELY AGREE!!!!!!!
    4 points
  12. Why should it be deleted, boy? There ARE guidelines proposing to check previously existing threads but I talk to the Staff 24/7 and believe me, those guidelines are smart and goodhearted like Admin and Mods are, they are up to avoid a "spamming attitude" if you can see what I mean Nothing similar exists in this forum as everybody self-moderate This one is started by one in a polite way, and it shows the quickness by which you reverted to a higher contextualization it will forever remain as a testament to what forum members should be Plus, it houses a link to a f
    4 points
  13. Sorry I can't help laughing Anybody doing it will have Admin kicking him out of the forum, my hacker friends finding his true identity and sending piss emails to all his working collegue and superiors, and a curse on his head placed by me I had a motherfucker fired last week by cursing him: he said he had awful nightmares that night (quite funny, they had images and happenings he confessed, ahahah which I personally wrote like a psychic email) and was very distracted, and ended up having an anger-crisis telling all his bosses they were scumbags ahahahah and he got politely asked to f
    4 points
  14. As we can see from your avatar!!! Check my personal gallery then… I have many pics of my bare pussy ahahahahah (some are a bit hairy uh, it was a peculiar moment)
    4 points
  15. The appreciation of another writer would be awsome!!! You know I ABSOLUTELY NOT endorse your choice to to keep your stories to yourself, they are SURELY MASTERPIECES and you are damning us all to be deprived of the privilege to read them!!!! Kisses!!!
    4 points
  16. I adore them too I saw many on YouTube and they can kill people by laughter ahahahah
    4 points
  17. It was a late Friday night. The moon was shining in the sky illuminating the ground with its silvery hue. The air was cold and crisp with a slow but gentle warm breeze. I was with two friends in the parking lot waiting for them to get out of the car before we strolled inside to a very casual show we were going to attend. I felt underdressed but I was wearing black leggings and a green flannel hoping it semi complimented my red hair. I slipped on my slightly oversized sweatshirt to protect myself from the cold and we began to walk inside. When the door opened a rush of warm air rushed out
    3 points
  18. If anyone wants to ask me any questions about my lung disease bronchopulmonary dysplasia, go ahead.
    3 points
  19. O my goodness, that's a terrible mess
    3 points
  20. I either wear my oxygen cannula during love making. Or simply go without orgasm. Then orgasm later when i feel better. Or..if I don't need my oxygen machine and want to orgasm i just rest a lot after. I was born premature with under developed lungs and the condition really happened a few hours after I was born. The long term prognosis is kind of unknown. There are a small majority of surviving adults that are older than me that still have it. Their lung function hasn't changed since they were a baby. Not too much research about this condition. The only cure would be a double lung t
    3 points
  21. If this question is too personal, simply ignore. Many people get shall we say a little breathless during the exertion of having sex. How do you manage with your lung disease? Another question Were you born with this condition? And what is the long term prognosis? Any possibility of a cure of any kind? Is research into the condition being carried out?
    3 points
  22. Keep trying Anyway, I am happy that people appreciated this thread Profile, in my opinion, is the first brick of friendship
    3 points
  23. I fart like hell too...
    3 points
  24. (Oh for fucks sake, I’m about to say something ridiculously highbrow on a porn community) Umberto Eco apparently wrote: Pornographic movies are full of people who climb into cars and drive for miles and miles, couples who waste incredible amounts of time signing in at hotel desks, gentlemen who spend many minutes in elevators before reaching their rooms, girls who sip various drinks and who fiddle interminably with laces and blouses before confessing to each other that they prefer Sappho to Don Juan. To paraphrase: the sexy bit is sexier if it’s surrounded by normal mundane stuf
    3 points
  25. I Always loved it!!! She is that awsome girl from ProjectPee, now her name escapes me holy fuck
    3 points
  26. I want to visit places so hating tourism is not my call, but on EVERYTHING else you wrote I agree 100% You can talk for hour about it if you want ahahahahah
    3 points
  27. Mine is very long, because I tought it was fitting to make people know things in advance!!! Ihihihihi!!!
    3 points
  28. Completely agree, it doesn't have to be much although I am thinking about adding more to my profile if I can think of anything.
    3 points
  29. Oh and I just checked your updated profile It's absolutely fucking PERFECT!!!
    3 points
  30. ABSOLUTELY POSSIBLE AND FINE!!!!! My current list of requests includes now: - Pee from a tree - Pee roadside - Pee from a swing - Pee on cars - Pee on scooters
    3 points
  31. A forum is like a People, or an Army EVERYBODY is useful
    3 points
  32. Hugs and kisses!! I do kinda wish i had the guts, courage, strength to share.. Maybe someday i'd be less scared..... but with the track record i have...of having the writing jokingly be told that it will be 'used against me' or having people rip it to shreds. 'This is horrible. you need to fix this, change this. you need to delete this sentence. this sentence isn't write. this grammar is horrible. you're a horrible writer. this is disgusting dirty smut. you have issues why would you write this!' it wouldn't be anytime soon.
    3 points
  33. It's more a problem than you may think, and it's NOT funny ahahahahahahah I was anyway shocked by this as I read it on newspaper abroad section: Unless people died, it would have been worthy of a comedy movie People tired of waiting, resting by leaning on an ice formation with one's shoulder, and the ice formation (indeed a frozen tourist) exclaims: "Hey, get the fuck off my personal space, we, don't know each other!!!"
    3 points
  34. I would gladly send them all your way ahahahahha
    3 points
  35. I'll have to check it out Spy!!
    3 points
  36. Where I live with Alex, HALF of real-time population ARE TOURISTS, 365 days per year In Summer, it reaches 60% I am NOT xenophobic (quite the opposite) but they are SO many that it sometimes makes me feel overwhelmed because they are EVERYWHERE chatting and taking selfies and walking and twenty per group and chat and walk and selfies and enter pubs and souvenirs and walk ALL AROUND Oh Goddess I am gasping for air...
    3 points
  37. Yes… You're right Sad and embarassing, but correct
    3 points
  38. More flooding pics from our area.
    3 points
  39. Tornado that passed a mile and a half from my house last night. It was calm at my place, but rained hard. Really hard.
    3 points
  40. Yes @will64 that was one cool!!! I really find that role amusing as fuck...
    3 points
  41. @F.W They shut the vaginal conduit preventing infections Their size varies according to hereditary genes or simple chance I, personally, have them almost nonexistent and must admit, I love my pussy's shape!!!
    3 points
  42. I guess if the dam's going to burst, it's going to burst...
    3 points
  43. Very interesting!!! Mine was just a summing up, WW2 was wanted and planned by a lot of people obviously, the Thule Gesellschaft had been a major study for me
    2 points
  44. An ancient Watchtower of the Age of the Crusades!!! You got it? The FUCKING CRUSADES!!!
    2 points
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